Worldwide Telephone Support

For assistance with your developer support inquiries, please contact us in the country closest to you.


Country Phone
United States (English) (408) 974 4897
(800) 633 2152

Asia Pacific / Japan

Country Phone
Australia (English) +61 (2) 9274 0741
China (English and Mandarin) +852 3002 1310
Japan (English and Japanese) +81 (3) 3570 8126
Singapore (English and Mandarin) +65 6873 2563


Country Phone
Austria & Germany (German) +49 (0) 89 9964 0534
France* (French) +33 (0) 800 90 7226
Italy* (Italian) +39 800 87 2968
The Netherlands (Dutch) +31 20 535 2890
Norway, Sweden & Denmark (English) +46 (0)8 703 30 99
Spain* (Spanish) +34 (0) 900 98 4422
Switzerland (German) +41 (44) 877 9119
Switzerland (French) +41 (44) 877 9120
Switzerland (Italian) +41 (44) 877 9121
United Kingdom* (English) +44 (0) 800 50 5094

* Phone numbers in these countries are free phone numbers that can usually be dialed only from within the country in which they are set up.