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ADisplays the type, attributes, and text of one or more specified "VDE scripts from the VDE database.




:Scripts are used to tailor the processing of VDE to local :requirements. The description of the Script Commands (see xScript Keywords, and the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command Dprovide more complete explanations of the uses and types of scripts =available, and how particular scripts are selected using the script-type qualifiers.

DThe SHOW SCRIPT command can be used to display the type, the script 8text, and various other attributes of the specified VDE Gscript, or to display a list of of all scripts that match a particular module specification.

GThe /BRIEF, /FULL, and /TEXT qualifiers determine how much information Dis displayed by the command. The command only displays scripts that @belongs to the default development stream. The /BRIEF and /FULL Cqaulifiers display information about the specified script, and the H/TEXT qualifier is used to display the contents of the specified script.

CScripts are specified by their types and, for most types, by their Bmodule-name or facility-name templates. A compile script with the Dselection template [CODE]*.FOR, for example, is used to compile all Bmodules of type FOR in facility CODE. However, if there is also a Fcompile script with the template [CODE]X.FOR, then that more specific Gscript is used to compile module X.FOR in facility CODE while the more Fgenerically specified script is used for all other Fortran modules in the facility.

?When you specify a module-name or facility-name parameter on a Hscript-selection qualifier, the SHOW SCRIPT command interprets wildcard Fcharacters in that parameter in one of two ways to select scripts for Gdisplay. If the command uses exact matching to select scripts Afrom the database, each wildcard character in the parameter must Bexactly match a wildcard character in a script's template for the Hscript to be displayed. If the command uses wildcard matching, Eeach wildcard character in the parameter matches any characters in a script's template.

BWith exact matching, the qualifier /COMPILE=[CODE]*.FOR thus only >displays the one compile script with the module-name template A[CODE]*.FOR. However, with wildcard matching, the same qualifier @displays the two compile scripts with templates [CODE]*.FOR and H[CODE]X.FOR because the wildcard character (*) in the qualifier matches Aboth the asterisk (*) and the X in the script templates. As this Cexample shows, exact matching can at most display one script while Awildcard matching can display many scripts. Use the /EXACT_MATCH Hqualifier to request exact matching or the /WILDCARD_MATCH qualifier to <request wildcard matching; wildcard matching is the default.

FWhen you use exact matching, you must specify a script-type qualifier Cto select the script you want displayed. You must also specify the 7script segment number unless the default value applies.

|Commands used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords, while yscript functions are in Script Functions, and script types are in mScript Types. For other script-related commands, also see CREATE SCRIPT, DELETE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, and AMODIFY SCRIPT.



BSpecifies that all scripts of all types for the default stream be Cdisplayed. This qualifier may only be used if wildcard matching is Gspecified (that is, if you do not specify the /EXACT_MATCH qualifier). GIf no other script selection qualifier is specified, this qualifier is used by default.

/BRIEF (default)


BDetermines the information that is displayed for each script. The F/BRIEF qualifier displays the type of each script and the module-name For facility-name specification that the script is associated with. In Haddition to the information provided by the /BRIEF qualifier, the /FULL Fqualifier also lists the creation date of the script, the name of the <user who created the script, and the script's remark string.

EThe /TEXT qualifier is used to display the contents of the specified script.

+Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default.


>Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be displayed.


ASpecifies that the default stream's COMPILE scripts matching the ?specified mod-name specification be displayed.


HSpecifies that the default stream's COPY scripts matching the specified 5mod-name specification be displayed.


?Specifies that the default stream's CREATE_FACILITY scripts be displayed.$


GSpecifies that the default stream's DELETE_GENERATION scripts matching Cthe specified mod-name specification be displayed.


ESpecifies that the default stream's DIFFERENCES scripts matching the ?specified mod-name specification be displayed.




FSpecifies the matching mode to use to select scripts for display. The E/EXACT_MATCH qualifier specifies that exact matching be used between Hthe mod-name or fac-name parameter to Fyour script-type qualifier and the selection template associated with Ceach script. The /WILDCARD_MATCH qualifier specifies that wildcard Bmatching be used to select scripts. With exact matching, the SHOW HSCRIPT command will display at most one script. With wildcard matching, it may display many scripts.

?Of /EXACT_MATCH and /WILDCARD_MATCH, the latter is the default.


?Specifies that the default stream's FETCH scripts matching the ?specified mod-name specification be displayed.$


GSpecifies that the default stream's INSERT_GENERATION scripts matching Cthe specified mod-name specification be displayed.


HSpecifies that the default stream's LINK scripts matching the specified 5mod-name specification be displayed.


DSpecifies that the default stream's NEW_STREAM scripts matching the ?specified fac-name specification be displayed.


@Specifies that the default stream's NOKEEP scripts matching the ?specified mod-name specification be displayed.


ASpecifies that the default stream's REPLACE scripts matching the ?specified mod-name specification be displayed.


ASpecifies that the default stream's RESERVE scripts matching the ?specified mod-name specification be displayed.


;Specifies the segment number of the script to display. The Aseg-num parameter specifies the integer segment ?number. If you omit this qualifier and request exact matching, <VDE displays the script with segment number 10. If you omit ;this qualifier and request wildcard matching, VDE displays !scripts with all segment numbers.


FSpecifies that the default stream's SET_FACILITY scripts matching the ?specified fac-name specification be displayed.


CSpecifies that the default stream's SET_STREAM script be displayed.


ASpecifies that the default stream's STAGING scripts matching the ?specified mod-name specification be displayed.


=Specifies that the text of the specified script be displayed.


GShows the total number of scripts that match the specified script type Band module-name or facility-name templates. This is the number of Escripts that would be displayed if you omit the /TOTAL qualifier but Fleave all other qualifiers the same on the command. Other information *about the individual scripts is not shown.


CSpecifies that the default stream's UNRESERVE scripts matching the ?specified mod-name specification be displayed.



!VDEä SHOW SCRIPT/COMPILE=[*]*.FOR.Script to compile module [*]*.FOR (segment 10)1Script to compile module [CODE]*.FOR (segment 10)1Script to compile module [CODE]X.FOR (segment 10)2Script to compile module [ACCTNG]*.FOR (segment 9)3Script to compile module [ACCTNG]*.FOR (segment 10)3Script to compile module [ACCTNG]*.FOR (segment 20)VDEä      

HThis example shows the brief output of the SHOW SCRIPT command. Because Hthis command uses wildcard matching by default, it displays all compile @scripts whose module-name templates match the wildcarded string G[*]*.FOR, including scripts with all segment numbers. In this example, 0there are six scripts that match these criteria.


5VDEä SHOW SCRIPT/EXACT_MATCH/FULL/COMPILE=[CODE]*.FOR1Script to compile module [CODE]*.FOR (segment 10)6   Script added to database on  9-DEC-1989 20:34:25.446   Script added to database by user JONES (John Jones)   Remark: SCRIPT REMARK STRING VDEä      

CThis example shows the full output of the SHOW SCRIPT command. The Gscript to compile Fortran modules in facility CODE was created by user CJones on the shown date and time. The output includes the script's Eremark string. Because the /EXACT_MATCH qualifier is specified, only Fthe compile script with the exact module-name template [CODE]*.FOR is displayed.


.VDEä SHOW SCRIPT/EXACT_MATCH/TEXT/NEW_STREAM=*6Script to create new stream for facility * (segment 5)   Text of script:?     1: ! VDE script to populate the directories for a facility'     2: ! when a new stream is created.	     3: !A     4: EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG OLDOBJ ", $DIR(OBJ,%CURRENT,%PARENT)B     5: EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG NEWOBJ ", $DIR(OBJ,%CURRENT,%CURRENT)*     6: EMIT "$ COPY OLDOBJ:*.OLB NEWOBJ:"9     7: EMIT "$ COPY ",$DIR(SRC,%CURRENT,%PARENT),"*.H -"2     8: EMIT "       ",$DIR(SRC,%CURRENT,%CURRENT)     9: EXIT VDEä      

FThis example displays a NEW_STREAM script for the default development Bstream. The script applies to all facilities (facility *) and its Esegment number is 5. The /TEXT qualifier displays the actual text of the script on the terminal.


VDEä SHOW SCRIPT/TOTAL-Number of scripts matching specifications: 17VDEä      

CIn this example, the /TOTAL qualifier displays the total number of Escripts for the default stream. Because no script type is specified, -this count includes all scripts of all types.



GDisplays the names and attributes of one or more specified reservation sessions.



SHOW SESSION [session-name [, session-name...]]



HThe name of a reservation session whose attributes are to be displayed. GYou can display more than one session using wildcard characters in the Hsession name. The percent sign (%) in a session name matches any single Hcharacter in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero Eor more characters in the position it occupies. Those sessions whose /names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.

FDo not specify the session-name parameter if you use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier.

>If you specify neither a session name nor the /IDENTIFICATION 0qualifier, VDE displays all sessions in the VDE database.

7If you do not specify a session name, VDE displays all sessions in the VDE database.


ADepending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW SESSION command Bdisplays either a one-line summary for each specified reservation Fsession or all database information for each session. The command can Falso show the total number of sessions that match a specified session name.

BSessions are used to group a set of module reservations together, Ctypically to group all modules related to a particular source code #alteration or enhancement together.



CDisplays only those sessions created before the specified date and >time. The date and time can be stated in the standard OpenVMS Edate-time format or can be one of the following keywords: YESTERDAY, ETODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separate the date from the Htime, remember to enclose the entire date-time string in double quotes. ;For further information about specifying OpenVMS date-time %format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts.

/BRIEF (default)


EDetermines the information that is displayed about each session. The C/BRIEF qualifier displays a one-line summary for each session. The E/FULL qualifier displays all available database information for each session.

/Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default.!


ESpecifies that the sessions with the unique Session Ids given by the Eid-range parameter be displayed. Do not specify the Dsession-name parameter when you use this qualifier.

<VDE assigns a unique Session Id to each reservation session 0for the VDE library. VDE assigns Session Ids in Echronological order so that the first session for the library has Id Hvalue 1, the next has Id value 2, and so on. Session Ids share the same Bnumber space as Replacement Ids, so you should expect gaps in the ESession Ids. When you use this qualifier, all sessions that fit your Gother selection criteria and that have Id values in the range given by Cthe id-range parameter are displayed in ascending =order by Session Id. This is the same as chronological order.

GThe id-range parameter can be a single integer value, Da range of integers, or a wildcard character. If the parameter is a 9single integer (for example, /IDENT=5), VDE displays the Fsession with that Session Id. If the parameter is a range of integers C(specified as two integers separated by a colon as in /IDENT=3:5), ;VDE displays the sessions with Ids in that range. Finally, Dif the id-range parameter is the asterisk wildcard =character (as in /IDENT=*), VDE displays all sessions. To be Fdisplayed, each session must also fit all selection criteria that you specify with other qualifiers.

0If you specify a zero or negative number in the Did-range parameter, that number is relative to the 7largest Session Id or Replacement Id value for the VDE Hlibrary (the latest session or replacement). For example, if the latest Bsession or replacement has Id 250, then /IDENT=0 is equivalent to 6/IDENT=250 and /IDENT=--1 is equivalent to /IDENT=249.


DDirects the printed output of this command to a specified file. The Efile-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. =VDE creates a new file with that name, directs the command's Hprint output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this 9qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal.


HDisplays only those sessions created at or after the specified date and >time. The date and time can be stated in the standard OpenVMS Edate-time format or can be one of the following keywords: YESTERDAY, ETODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separate the date from the Htime, remember to enclose the entire date-time string in double quotes. ;For further information about specifying OpenVMS date-time %format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts.


?Specifies that only those reservation sessions created for the Gdevelopment stream given by the stream-name parameter Hbe displayed. If the stream-name parameter is omitted, Hsessions for the default development stream are displayed. If the whole =qualifier is omitted, sessions for all streams are displayed.


DShows the total number of sessions that match each parameter. Other Cinformation about the individual sessions is not shown. A separate Dcount is provided for each session-name parameter. FWildcard characters are usually used in the parameter when using this qualifier.


GSpecifies that only those reservation sessions created by a given user @be displayed. The username parameter gives the /OpenVMS username of that user. If you omit the @username parameter, only your own sessions are Gdisplayed. If you omit the whole qualifier, sessions for all users are displayed.



VDEä SHOW SESSION9Reservation session FIX-SORT-BUG     28-JUN-1990 ANDERSON6Reservation session SMITH-1          25-JUN-1990 SMITH6Reservation session SMITH-2          27-JUN-1990 SMITHVDEä      

FThis example shows the brief output of the SHOW SESSION command. This Eoutput shows the session name, the date the session was created, and ,the username of the user to whom it belongs.


#VDEä SHOW SESSION/FULL FIX-SORT-BUG Reservation session FIX-SORT-BUG3   Session created by user ANDERSON (Andy Anderson)-   Session created on 28-JUN-1990 17:49:40.71   Session is for stream V2.0   Unique session number is 26   Reservations in session:$      Reservation 1 of [SYS]SORT.PAS"   Session contains 1 reservations"   Remark: Fix bug in sort routine VDEä      

FThis example shows the full output of the SHOW SESSION command, which 5includes all available information about the session.


VDEä SHOW SESSION/TOTAL%Number of sessions matching name *: 4VDEä      

CThis example shows that the /TOTAL qualifier can display the total /number of reservation sessions in the database.



CDisplays build-step dependency information for the specified build Fsteps. Build-step dependency information consists of the kind of each Dbuild step (compile, copy, or link), the name of the module that is Fcompiled, copied, or linked by the step, and the names of the modules 3that are inputs to and outputs from the build step.



SHOW STEP mod-name [, mod-name...]



HThe name of the module that is compiled, copied, or linked by the build Fstep to be displayed. This name consists of an optional facility name Fenclosed in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type name Epreceded by a period (for example, [FACNAM]MOD1.PAS). If no facility Gname is specified, the default facility is assumed. If no type name is Hspecified, all build steps with the specified module name in the stated facility are displayed.

EYou can display more than one build step at a time by using wildcard Bcharacters in any of the three components of the module name. The Hpercent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position Hit occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the Dposition it occupies. Those build steps that compile, copy, or link =modules whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.

;If no module-name parameter is specified, VDE displays all Hbuild steps that compile, copy, or link modules in the default facility.


DThe SHOW STEP command displays build dependency information for the Especified build steps. The command shows the kind (compile, copy, or Hlink) of each step, the name of the module that is compiled, copied, or Clinked, and optionally the names of all modules that are inputs or Goutputs of the step. This is the build dependency information that the EBUILD command uses to perform minimal system builds and to determine Bsequencing constraints between build steps. The SHOW STEP command Calways displays build-step information for the default development stream.


/ALL (default)




EDisplays compile steps, copy steps, link steps, or all steps for the Gspecified modules. The /COMPILE qualifier displays only compile steps; Bthe /COPY qualifier displays only copy steps; the /LINK qualifier Ddisplays only link steps; and the /ALL qualifier displays all three kinds of steps.

>Of /ALL, /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, the former is the default.

/BRIEF (default)


@Determines the type of information that is displayed about each Especified build step. The /BRIEF qualifier displays only the type of Hthe build step (compile, copy, or link step) and the name of the module Ethat is compiled, copied, or linked by the step. The /FULL qualifier Edisplays the same information as the /BRIEF qualifier and also lists Fthe names of all input and output modules for the build step. It also @shows the total number of input and output modules for the step.

/Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default.


GDisplays "change level" values for the inputs and outputs of Heach build step if used with the /FULL qualifier. The change level of a Fmodule is an integer value that indicates how recently the module has Gbeen updated for the default stream. Source modules are updated by the BREPLACE command and certain other commands that affect the latest Bgeneration of the module for the stream. (INSERT GENERATION is an example of such a command.)EDerived modules are updated when rebuilt with the BUILD, COMPILE, or GLINK command. Modules that have been updated more recently have higher Fchange level values than modules that have been updated less recently.

DYou can use the change level values to determine whether the output Amodules of a build step are up-to-date with respect to the input Bmodules. If the output modules are up-to-date, they have the same Echange level value as the largest change level value among the input Gmodules. If some input module has a higher change level value than the Houtput modules, those output modules are not up-to-date with respect to Hthat input module. As a result, the build step needs to be performed to Apropagate the changes to the input module to the output modules. ;VDE uses this information to determine what build steps to "perform for minimal system builds.


@Shows the total number of build steps that match each specified Gmod-name parameter. Other information about the steps :is not shown. Wildcard characters are usually used in the ?mod-name parameters when using this qualifier.



VDEä SHOW STEP%Compile Step for module [CODE]FOO.MAR"Link Step for module [CODE]FOO.EXE#Link Step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE&Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD1.FOR&Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD2.FOR#Link Step for module [CODE]MOD4.EXE&Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD4.FOR#Link Step for module [CODE]MOD6.EXEVDEä      

EThis example illustrates the SHOW STEP command without parameters or Hqualifiers. Because no parameter is specified, the command displays the Gdefault form of its output: all build steps for modules in the default 'facility (facility CODE) are displayed.


*VDEä SHOW STEP/FULL FOO/COMPILE, MOD1/LINK%Compile Step for module [CODE]FOO.MAR*   Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow   Inputs to the build step:      Module [CODE]FOO.MAR   Outputs from the build step:      Module [CODE]FOO.OBJ(   Build step has 1 inputs and 1 outputs #Link Step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE*   Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow   Inputs to the build step:      Module [CODE]MOD1.OBJ      Module [CODE]MOD2.OBJ   Outputs from the build step:      Module [CODE]MOD1.EXE      Module [CODE]MOD1.MAP(   Build step has 2 inputs and 2 outputs VDEä      

GThis command displays the compile step for module FOO.MAR and the link ?step for module MOD1.EXE, both in the current default facility G(facility CODE). Because the /FULL qualifier is specified, the command Cdisplays all dependency links for these build steps in the default Hstream, showing which modules are inputs to and outputs from each build step.


-VDEä SHOW STEP/FULL/CHANGE_LEVEL A.REQ, D.B32!Copy Step for module [FACIL]A.REQ*   Dependency links for stream MAIN follow   Inputs to the build step:.      Module [FACIL]A.REQ with change level 30   Outputs from the build step:;      Module [FACIL]A.REQ with change level 30 (up-to-date)(   Build step has 1 inputs and 1 outputs $Compile Step for module [FACIL]D.B32*   Dependency links for stream MAIN follow   Inputs to the build step:.      Module [FACIL]A.REQ with change level 30.      Module [FACIL]D.B32 with change level 20.      Module [FACIL]B.L32 with change level 39   Outputs from the build step:/      Module [FACIL]D.$OBJ with change level 39.      Module [FACIL]D.ANA with change level 39(   Build step has 3 inputs and 2 outputs VDEä      

BThis example shows the output of the /CHANGE_LEVEL qualifier. The 3change level value for module A.REQ is 30, and the G"up-to-date" tag shows that the copy step has been performed Hsince the last time module A.REQ was modified for stream MAIN. From the =perspective of the VDE builder, A.REQ is thus up-to-date for Gthe stream and the copy step is not needed for a minimal system build. GThe change level values for module D.B32 shows that the outputs of the Fcompile step (with change level value 39) are up-to-date with respect Cto all the inputs to the step because the inputs have change level Evalues that are less or equal to 39. In other words, no input module Ghas changed since the last time the step was performed for stream MAIN.

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