Reference Manual

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>If this qualifier is specified, the modules referenced by the Esession-name session are the target; do not specify 5the mod-name module name parameters.

HSessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE, MODIFY ?SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL SESSION Hcommands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on a queued-replacement Gstream) and reserved via RESERVE can be combined into the same session.


DSpecifies that reservations for the development stream given by the Fstream-name parameter be modified. If this qualifier @is omitted, reservations for the default development stream are modified.


ESpecifies that reservations made by another user are to be modified. @The username parameter is the OpenVMS username Dof the other user. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 



8VDEä MODIFY RESERVATION FOO /REMARK="Fix QARS 32 and 33"M%VDE-I-RESMOD, reservation for module [FACIL]FOO.MAR modified in the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä SHOW RESERVATION FOO/FULLReservation 1 of [FACIL]FOO.MAR1   Reservation created on 29-DEC-1989 13:09:47.271   Reservation created by user SMITH (Jane Smith)1   Generation 29 (27B2) reserved from stream V5.48   Expected generation expression at replacement is 27B3&   Concurrent reservations are allowed   Remark: Fix QARS 32 and 33 VDEä      

GThis example modifies the reservation remarks of all source modules in Bthe default facility with the name FOO. In this case, only module F[FACIL]FOO.MAR matches the module name, and its reservation remark is Hchanged. The SHOW RESERVATION command confirms that the reservation now has the new remark.


4VDEä MODIFY RESERVATION/NOCONCURRENT [FACIL]MOD1.FORN%VDE-I-RESMOD, reservation for module [FACIL]MOD1.FOR modified in the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed#VDEä SHOW RESERVATION/FULL MOD1.FOR Reservation 1 of [FACIL]MOD1.FOR1   Reservation created on 29-DEC-1989 13:18:34.751   Reservation created by user SMITH (Jane Smith)-   Generation 3 (3) reserved from stream MAIN5   Expected generation expression at replacement is 4)   No concurrent reservations are allowed$   Remark: Add new look-up algorithm VDEä      

FThe MODIFY RESERVATION command specifies that concurrent reservations Gare not allowed for module MOD1.FOR in facility FACIL. The output from Athe subsequent SHOW RESERVATION command shows that no concurrent reservations are allowed.


KVDEä MODIFY RESERVATION MOD1.FOR/IDENT=2/REMARK="Fix uninitialized pointer"N%VDE-I-RESMOD, reservation for module [FACIL]MOD1.FOR modified in the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed$VDEä SHOW RESERVATION MOD1.FOR /FULL Reservation 1 of [FACIL]MOD1.FOR1   Reservation created on 24-MAR-1989 11:24:48.771   Reservation created by user SMITH (Jane Smith)-   Generation 1 (1) reserved from stream MAIN5   Expected generation expression at replacement is 2&   Concurrent reservations are allowed   Remark: Fix access violation  Reservation 2 of [FACIL]MOD1.FOR1   Reservation created on 24-MAR-1989 11:25:36.851   Reservation created by user SMITH (Jane Smith)-   Generation 1 (1) reserved from stream MAIN5   Expected generation expression at replacement is 2&   Concurrent reservations are allowed$   Remark: Fix uninitialized pointer VDEä      

EThis example modifies one of two concurrent reservations of the same >module. Because there are concurrent reservations, the MODIFY GRESERVATION command must have the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier to specify Dwhich reservation to modify. In this case, the command modifies the Bremark for reservation 2 of [FACIL]MOD1.FOR. The SHOW RESERVATION ;command confirms that reservation 2 now has the new remark.



;Modifies the remark string associated with a VDE script in the VDE database.

,Requires CRESCRP privilege.




EThe MODIFY SCRIPT command modifies the remark string for a specified $VDE script in the VDE database. VDE Conly modifies the script of the specified type that belongs to the default development stream.

GYou must specify a script-type qualifier to select the script you want Bmodified. See the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command for an Bexplanation of the different types of scripts and how scripts are Hselected using script-type qualifiers. You must also specify the script 0segment number unless the default value applies.

|Keywords used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords, while yscript functions are in Script Functions, and script types are in mScript Types. For other script-related commands, also see CREATE SCRIPT, DELETE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, and @SHOW SCRIPT.



=Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be modified.


FSpecifies that the default stream's COMPILE script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.


/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each <script modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print Ha message for each script asking whether you want that script modified. FIf you answer YES (or Y), the script's attributes are modified in the Cdatabase. If you answer NO (or N), the script is not modified. The 8/NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to modify the specified (scripts without asking for confirmation.


CSpecifies that the default stream's COPY script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.


6Specifies that the script that VDE invokes when a new 'facility is created should be modified.$


FSpecifies that the default stream's DELETE_GENERATION script with the >specified mod-name specification be modified.


@Specifies that the default stream's DIFFERENCES script with the >specified mod-name specification be modified.


DSpecifies that the default stream's FETCH script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.$


FSpecifies that the default stream's INSERT_GENERATION script with the >specified mod-name specification be modified.


CSpecifies that the default stream's LINK script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.

/LOG (default)


HControls whether log messages are printed after the script is modified. EThe /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG Gqualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the script has >been modified and that the database transaction has committed successfully.


?Specifies that the default stream's NEW_STREAM script with the >specified fac-name specification be modified.


ESpecifies that the default stream's NOKEEP script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.


GSpecifies a new remark string for the script. This string replaces the @remark string from the original CREATE SCRIPT command or from a Gprevious MODIFY SCRIPT command. The quoted remark string, which can be Hup to 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about the 0script that you want stored in the VDE database.


FSpecifies that the default stream's REPLACE script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.


FSpecifies that the default stream's RESERVE script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.


:Specifies the segment number of the script to modify. The Aseg-num parameter specifies the integer segment <number. If you omit this qualifier, VDE modifies the script with segment number 10.


ASpecifies that the default stream's SET_FACILITY script with the >specified fac-name specification be modified.


BSpecifies that the default stream's SET_STREAM script be modified.


FSpecifies that the default stream's STAGING script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.


HSpecifies that the default stream's UNRESERVE script with the specified 4mod-name specification be modified.



9VDEä MODIFY SCRIPT/COMPILE=*.C/REMARK="New remark string";%VDE-I-SCRPMOD, script information modified in the database0 script to compile module [CODE]*.C (segment 10)>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed'VDEä SHOW SCRIPT/FULL/COMPILE=[CODE]*.C/Script to compile module [CODE]*.C (segment 10)6   Script added to database on  9-DEC-1989 20:34:25.446   Script added to database by user JONES (John Jones)   Remark: New remark string VDEä      

FThis example modifies the script to compile all C modules in facility HCODE to have a new remark string. The log messages show that the script Gwas successfully modified. The SHOW SCRIPT/FULL command shows that the (database contains the new remark string.



CModifies the attributes of one or more reservation sessions in the =VDE database. The attributes of a session you can modify are its name and remark string.

GRequires RESREP privilege to modify your own session. Requires <PERFREP privilege to modify another user's session.



MODIFY SESSION session-name [, session-name...]



GThe name of a reservation session whose attributes are to be modified. AYou can modify more than one session at a time by using wildcard Gcharacters in the session name. The percent sign (%) in a session name Amatches any single character in the position it occupies and the @asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it 8occupies. VDE modifies the attributes of those sessions 'whose names match the wildcard pattern.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each <reservation session modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes ;VDE to print a message for each session asking whether you Ewant that session modified. If you answer YES (or Y), the session is Gmodified. If you answer NO (or N), the session is not modified. If you =enter a session name with a wildcard specification, VDE asks Gyou to confirm the modification of each session whose name matches the <wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE Ato modify the specified sessions without asking for confirmation.

/LOG (default)


AControls whether log messages are printed after the sessions are Dmodified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and E/NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate that the sessions have Abeen modified and that the database transaction has successfully committed.


GSpecifies a new name for the reservation session. The new session name ;can be up to 39 characters long and must follow normal VDE Hname syntax. After the session name has been changed, you must refer to <the session by its new name in all subsequent VDE commands. 'The old name is lost from the database.


HSpecifies a new remark string for the session. This string replaces the Eremark string from the original RESERVE or CREATE SESSION command or Dfrom any previous MODIFY SESSION command. The quoted remark string, Dwhich can be up to 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory 9remark about the session that you want stored in the VDE database.



6VDEä MODIFY SESSION SMITH-2/REMARK="New remark string"G%VDE-I-SESMOD, information for session SMITH-2 modified in the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

GThis example modifies session SMITH--2 to give it a new remark string. FThe log messages show that the session has successfully been modified.



;Modifies a build-step definition in the VDE database. This Fcommand lets you add or remove individual input and output modules to ;the build-dependency information of a compile or link step.

,Requires CRESTEP privilege.



MODIFY STEP step-mod-name = mod-name [, mod-name...]



EThe name of the module that is compiled or linked by the build step. CThis name consists of a module name and a type name separated by a Eperiod (such as MOD1.PAS) and optionally may include a facility name Henclosed in square brackets (such as [FACNAM]MOD1.PAS). The module name Gmay not contain wildcard characters. If no facility name is specified, Gthe default facility is assumed. This module must already exist in the ?database and it must already have build-dependency information.


CThe name of a module that you want to add or remove as an input or Eoutput for the build step. This name consists of a module name and a Btype name (for example, MOD1.OBJ) and may include a facility name Cenclosed in square brackets (for example, [FACNAM]MOD1.OBJ). If no <facility name is specified, the default facility is assumed.

AYou can add or remove many input or output modules by specifying Ewildcard characters in any component of the module name. The percent Csign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position it Eoccupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the Cposition it occupies. Those modules whose names match the wildcard 4pattern are added to or removed from the build step.

?If the output module you specify does not already exist in the Adatabase, the MODIFY STEP command adds it to the database. Input Emodules, however, must already be defined in the database. Also, you >cannot specify a source module as an output from a build step.


=To be able to perform minimal system builds, VDE records all Einputs and outputs for each build step. This information is known as 8"build dependency information." Normally, VDE Ecollects build dependency information automatically when you perform Gsystem builds. For some build steps, however, this is not possible and Cyou must use the CREATE STEP command to enter the build dependency "information into the VDE database.

HThe MODIFY STEP command is normally used to edit build step definitions Ecreated with the CREATE STEP command. The MODIFY STEP command allows 6you to change build dependency information in the VDE Cdatabase by adding or removing individual input and output modules.

>Build dependency information is always created in the default Fdevelopment stream. To modify a build step definition for use in more Fthan one development stream, you must use the MODIFY STEP command for Heach stream. For each stream, first enter the SET STREAM command to set Ethe development stream, then enter the MODIFY STEP command to modify 5the build dependency information in the VDE database.


/ADD (default)


GControls whether the modules specified in the parameter list are added Fto or removed from the build-step definition. The /ADD qualifier adds Gthe specified modules to the build step. The /REMOVE qualifier removes Fthe specified modules from the build step. To set the default for the @command as a whole, specify the qualifier after the MODIFY STEP Dkeywords. To override that default for a single module, specify the Fqualifier after the mod-name parameter you choose to Cadd to or remove from the build step. If you do not specify one of 6these qualifiers, modules are added to the build step.

)Of /ADD and /REMOVE, /ADD is the default.

/COMPILE (default)



HSpecifies whether the build step to be modified is a compile step, copy Gstep, or link step. /COMPILE modifies a compile step, /COPY modifies a Ccopy step, and /LINK modifies a link step for the specified module.

6Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default.

/CONFIRM (default)


;Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want the >build-step definition modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes 9VDE to print a message asking whether you want the build Fstep modified. If you answer YES (or Y), the build-step definition is Dmodified. If you answer NO (or N), the build-step definition is not <modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier also causes VDE to ask you Fto confirm the addition or removal of each individual input or output ;module for the build step. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes ;VDE to modify the build-step definition without asking for confirmation.

/INPUT (default)


FSpecifies whether the mod-name parameters are inputs Gto or outputs from the build step. The /INPUT qualifier designates the Fspecified modules as inputs in the build-step definition. The /OUTPUT Hqualifier designates the specified modules as outputs in the build-step Gdefinition. To set the default for the command as a whole, specify the Gqualifier after the MODIFY STEP keywords. To override that default for 1a single module, specify the qualifier after the Fmod-name parameter you choose to mark as an input or output.

-Of /INPUT and /OUTPUT, /INPUT is the default.

/LOG (default)


?Controls whether log messages are printed after the build step Fdefinition is modified in the database. The /LOG qualifier causes the Emessages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The Bmessages indicate that the build step has been modified, that the Hspecified modules have been added to or removed from the step, and that 4the database transaction has committed successfully.



:VDEä MODIFY STEP MOD4.FOR = FOO.FOR/INPUT, MOD4.ANA/OUTPUTN%VDE-I-COMSTEPMOD, compile step for module [CODE]MOD4.FOR modified in databaseD%VDE-I-MODINSTEP, module [CODE]FOO.FOR is an input to the build stepI%VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]MOD4.ANA is an output from the build step>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä SHOW STEP/FULL MOD4.FOR&Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD4.FOR*   Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow   Inputs to the build step:      Module [CODE]MOD4.FOR      Module [CODE]FOO.FOR   Outputs from the build step:      Module [CODE]MOD4.$OBJ      Module [CODE]MOD4.LIS      Module [CODE]MOD4.ANA(   Build step has 2 inputs and 3 outputs VDEä      

EThis example modifies the build dependency information for the build Gstep that compiles module MOD4.FOR. The command adds module FOO.FOR as Dan input to the step and adds module MOD4.ANA as an output from the Hstep. The SHOW STEP command shows that the new input and output modules Ahave been added to the build dependency information for the step.


KVDEä MODIFY STEP/LINK MOD1.EXE = FOO.$OBJ/REMOVE/INPUT, MOD1.MAP/ADD/OUTPUTK%VDE-I-LNKSTEPMOD, link step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE modified in databaseL%VDE-I-MODREMINSTEP, module [CODE]FOO.$OBJ removed as an input to build stepI%VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]MOD1.MAP is an output from the build step>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed!VDEä SHOW STEP/LINK/FULL MOD1.EXE#Link Step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE*   Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow   Inputs to the build step:      Module [CODE]MOD1.$OBJ      Module [CODE]MOD2.$OBJ   Outputs from the build step:      Module [CODE]MOD1.EXE      Module [CODE]MOD1.MAP(   Build step has 2 inputs and 2 outputs VDEä      

GThis MODIFY STEP command modifies the build dependency information for Hthe build step that links module MOD1.EXE. The command removes FOO.$OBJ Fas an input to the build step and adds MOD1.MAP as an output from the Hstep. The SHOW STEP command confirms that the changes have been made to (the step's build dependency information.



BModifies the attributes of one or more development streams in the VDE database.

7Requires CRESTRM or MODSTRM privilege.



MODIFY STREAM stream-name [, stream-name...]



6The name of a stream in the current VDE library whose Hattributes are to be modified. You can modify more than one stream at a Gtime by using wildcard characters in the stream name. The percent sign E(%) in a stream name matches any single character in the position it Eoccupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the ;position it occupies. VDE modifies the attributes of those /streams whose names match the wildcard pattern.

@The stream name can be up to 39 characters long. It must follow -VDE name syntax. Unlike other VDE names, the Dstream name can contain periods (.). The use of the facility prefix &VDE$ is expressly prohibited.




ESets or clears the CMS-class attribute of the stream. The /CMS_CLASS 9qualifier causes VDE to create a CMS class with the same Gname as the stream in each facility's CMS library and to then maintain that classGwhen the REPLACE command and certain other commands change what module Dgenerations belong to the stream. The /NOCMS_CLASS qualifier causes /VDE to not maintain a CMS class for the stream.

@The /CMS_CLASS qualifier interacts with the /INIT_CMS_CLASS and G/NOINIT_CMS_CLASS qualifiers; see the descriptions of these qualifiers for details.

<You must have the CRESTRM privilege to use these qualifiers.



@Specifies whether a Notes conference for replacement informationDshould be associated with the new stream. The /CONFERENCE qualifier 1specifies that the notes conference given by the Bfile-spec parameter should be used to record all 9replacements into the stream. VDE then enters a new note Cinto the conference for each queued or immediate replacement and a reply to?that note when a queued replacement is actually performed. The G/NOCONFERENCE qualifier specifies that no such notes conference should be used.

FUnder normal circumstances, just the file name should be specified in 6the file-spec parameter. VDE applies Adefaults to the notes conference file specification based on the 2translation of the logical name VDE$NOTES_LIBRARY.DIf this logical name is not defined, the default file specification 2"NOTES$LIBRARY:.NOTE" is applied to the %file-spec parameter.


/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each :stream definition modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes ;VDE to print a message for the specified stream giving the Fname of the stream and asking whether you want to modify that stream. HIf you answer YES (or Y), its attributes are modified. If you answer NO B(or N), its attributes are not modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier :causes VDE to modify the attributes of the stream without asking for confirmation.


/NODELETE (default)

ESets or clears the delete attribute for the stream. FThis attribute allows the stream to be deleted with the DELETE STREAM Ecommand. The /DELETE qualifier sets the delete attribute so that the Astream can be deleted. The /NODELETE qualifier clears the delete Gattribute so that the stream cannot be deleted without first resetting @the attribute. You must have the CRESTRM privilege to use these qualifiers.

/LOG (default)


GControls whether log messages are printed after the stream definitions Hare modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and >/NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate that the stream Edefinitions have been modified and that the database transaction has successfully committed.



8Specifies whether VDE initializes the CMS class for the Dstream in each facility's CMS library when the /CMS_CLASS qualifier specifies that suchEa class should be maintained. /INIT_CMS_CLASS sets an attribute that Bcauses the MODIFY STREAM command with the /CMS_CLASS qualifier to Dcreate and populate a CMS class with the same name as the stream in Feach facility. /NOINIT_CMS_CLASS clears this attribute so that MODIFY GSTREAM does not create or populate such CMS classes. /NOINIT_CMS_CLASS 1is useful for very large VDE libraries where the Finitialization of CMS classes take an excessively long time. For such ?libraries, it is better to use a separate command procedure to Einitialize the desired CMS classes; such a procedure can process the =facilities of your library in parallel for faster completion.

<You must have the CRESTRM privilege to use these qualifiers.


ESpecifies a new name for the stream. The stream name can be up to 39 8characters long and must follow normal VDE name syntax, Eexcept that a stream name can contain periods (.) . After the stream Gname has been changed, you must refer to the stream by its new name in ;all subsequent VDE commands. The old name is lost from the database.4

/NOSUCCESSOR[=(succ-name [, succ-name...])]

DSpecifies streams that should no longer be successors to the stream Cbeing modified. A successor to a stream is another stream to which ;source changes are propagated by the REPLACE command. Each Dsucc-name parameter specifies the name of a stream 9that is currently a successor to the stream given by the Gstream-name parameter, but that no longer should be a Csuccessor. The specified streams are thus removed from the list of "successors stored in the database.

EIf the list of succ-name parameters is omitted, all Fcurrent successors of the stream being modified are removed from that stream's successor list.

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