Reference Manual

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FRetrieves a generation of one or more source modules from the current VDE library.



FETCH gen-spec [, gen-spec...] ["remark"]



FSpecifies a generation of a source module in the default stream to be Gretrieved from the library. A generation specification consists of the following in order:<An example of a generation specification is [RMS]MOD1.MAR;5.

EIf you omit the facility name, modules from the default facility are @fetched. If you omit the type name, all source modules with the Dspecified module name in the specified facility are fetched. If you Homit the generation number, the most recent generation of the module in Gthe requested development stream is fetched. This is either the stream Gspecified with the /STREAM qualifier or the default development stream.

DIf you specify a zero or negative generation number, that number is Frelative to the most recent generation of the module in the requested Bdevelopment stream. For example, if the most recent generation is @generation 5, then generation 0 is the same as generation 5 and +generation --1 is the same as generation 4.

:If you specify the /GENERATION qualifier, VDE fetches the Dgeneration with the given CMS generation expression and ignores the =generation number on the gen-spec parameter.

GYou can fetch more than one module by using wildcard characters in the Gfacility name, module name, or type name. (Wildcard characters are not Ballowed in the generation number.) The percent sign (%) in a name Amatches any single character in the position it occupies and the @asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it Foccupies. Those source modules whose names match the wildcard pattern are fetched.

GYou can also fetch multiple modules by specifying the name of a source Dgroup instead of a generation expression. Source groups are created Gwith the CREATE GROUP command. If you specify a group name, the latest Egeneration of each module that is a member of the group is copied to your directory.


ESpecifies a remark string to be logged in the history file with this Hcommand, usually to explain why the command was entered. Specifying the Bremark parameter is equivalent to specifying the */REMARK qualifier after the FETCH keyword.


GThe FETCH command copies the specified generation of a module from the 7VDE library to a file in your default directory or the Bdirectory specified with the /OUTPUT qualifier. The module is not :reserved from the library nor can it be replaced into the 9VDE library. You can fetch a module whether or not it is reserved.

AThe presence or absence of a remark determines whether the FETCH Atransaction is recorded in the CMS history file for the facility.:If you enter a remark, VDE records the transaction in the 7history file. If you enter a null remark, VDE does not +record the transaction in the history file.

<When you fetch a generation of a module from a VDE library, =VDE restores the file's creation time, revision time, record ?format, and record attributes. The file that is placed in your Ddirectory has the same creation and revision times as the file that -created the generation that you are fetching.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each =module fetched. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a Bmessage for each module generation that you have specified asking Ewhether you want to fetch that generation. If you answer YES (or Y), Bthe module is fetched. If you answer NO (or N), the module is not ;fetched. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to fetch each <specified module generation without asking for confirmation.


HSpecifies that the module generation with the CMS generation expression Egiven by the gen-expr parameter be fetched from the 3VDE library. When this qualifier is specified, the Ggeneration number specified on the gen-spec parameter is ignored.


HSpecifies that history information is to be included in the file placed Hin your directory. The history of the module lists the generations that Hpreceded the current generation of the module. Each generation produces Hone line of history information in the output file. This line gives the DCMS generation number, user name, date, time, and remark associated with the generation.

GThe quoted string specifies the format of the history line. The quoted Hstring must contain the characters #H or #B (lower case is allowed) and Dcan contain other printing characters (such as comment delimiters). GEach history line is formed by inserting the history information where Cyou specify #H or #B in the history string. If you specify #H, the Bhistory information is inserted at the end of the file and if you Especify #B it is inserted at the beginning of the file. To include a ;quotation mark in the output history string, type it twice C(""). To include a number sign (#) in the output history Hstring, type it twice (##). If the string parameter is 6omitted, VDE uses the module's default history string.

FIf the /HISTORY and /NOHISTORY qualifiers are both omitted, the FETCH Gcommand generates history information only if the history attribute is Henabled for the module. This attribute is set with the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.


GSpecifies that history information is not to be appended to the output file placed in your directory.

/LOG (default)


GControls whether log messages are printed after each module generation Fis fetched. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and D/NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate that the modules have @been fetched and that the database transaction has successfully committed.



DControls whether another generation of the module (called the merge Fgeneration) is to be merged with the generation that is being fetched G(called the retrieved generation). If you specify the /MERGE qualifier Fwith the stream-name parameter, the merge generation Gis the latest generation of the module in the specified stream. If you @specify the /MERGE qualifier with the gen-expr ?parameter enclosed in parentheses, the merge generation is the Bgeneration with the specified generation expression (for example, "2A3").

<When you specify the /MERGE qualifier, VDE merges the lines Gof the retrieved generation with the lines of the merge generation and Hdelivers the merged text as a single file to your output directory. The Cfile that is placed in your directory has the current creation and Crevision times. The merge generation cannot be on the same line of Fdescent as the retrieved generation. When there is a conflict between :blocks of one or more lines, VDE includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict.

<VDE uses the callable interface to CMS to provide the merge capability.EFor a detailed explanation of how two generations are merged and how 5CMS (and therefore VDE) treats conflicts between the 'generations, see the CMS documentation.


GSpecifies that CMS notes are to be appended to the lines of the output Hfile. CMS notes indicate in what module generation each source line was created.

FThe quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted string Gcan contain text (including the appropriate comment delimiter) and the Hcharacters #G or #g. The CMS generation expression of the generation in Fwhich the line first appeared in inserted where you specify #G or #g. CThe resulting string is appended to the end of the output line. To Cinclude a quotation mark in the output notes string, type it twice A(""). To include a number sign (#) in the output notes Hstring, type it twice (##). If the string parameter is :omitted, VDE uses the module's default notes string. (You Eset the default notes string with the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.)

BIf the /NOTES and /NONOTES qualifiers are both omitted, the FETCH Gcommand generates CMS notes only if the notes attribute is enabled for Cthe module. This attribute is set with the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.


DSpecifies that CMS notes are not to be appended to the lines of the file placed in your directory.


ESpecifies that the fetch operation is to be performed along with any Ghistory processing and error checking but that no output file is to be created.#


9Directs VDE to write the fetched module to the specified =file. If you omit the directory from the file specification, ;VDE writes the file to your default directory. If you omit 9the file name or file type, VDE uses the module name and Btype by default. If you omit the /OUTPUT and /NOOUTPUT qualifiers 5entirely, VDE creates a file in your current default +directory with the same name as the module.

FIf you fetch more than one module with the same /OUTPUT qualifier (by Eusing either wildcards or a group name in the module-name parameter) Cand you do not specify wildcards in the output file specification, =VDE creates successive versions of the file indicated by the /OUTPUT qualifier.


ESpecifies the column in which CMS notes are to be placed. The column Enumber must be an integer in the range 1 to 511. If the length of an Goutput line is less than the specified column number, the note appears Eat the specified column number. If the length of the line is greater Gthan or equal to the column number, the note is placed at the next tab Gstop after the end of the line. (Tab stops are at position 9 and every 8 characters thereafter.)

FIf the /POSITION qualifier is omitted, the default notes position for Fthe module is used. The default notes position is set with the CREATE GMODULE or MODIFY MODULE command. The /POSITION qualifier has no effect Gunless the /NOTES qualifier is specified or the notes attribute is set for the module.


ASpecifies a remark string to be logged in the CMS history file byBthis command, usually to explain why the command was entered. The Dremark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark is entered, the fetch operation is not logged.


HSpecifies that the modules be fetched from the development stream given Dby the stream-name parameter. If this qualifier is Fomitted, the modules are fetched from the default development stream. ?If this qualifier is omitted and no default stream is defined, $VDE prompts you for the stream name.



2VDEä FETCH [FACIL]MODNAM.MAR/REMARK="Just curious"Q%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [FACIL]MODNAM.MAR;17(15A2) fetched from library6%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MODNAM.MAR;VDEä      

BThis FETCH command retrieves the most recent generation of module E[FACIL]MODNAM.MAR in the default development stream. The log message @shows that the most recent generation is generation 17. Its CMS Egeneration expression is 15A2. The file MODNAM.MAR is created in the user's default directory.


VDEä FETCH FOO.BAR;5I%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]FOO.BAR;5(5) fetched from library3%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]FOO.BAR;VDEä      

CThis example fetches generation 5 of module FOO.BAR in the default Fstream. Generation 5 is not necessarily the most recent generation of Gthe module in the default stream. Since no facility name is specified, Cthe module is assumed to be in the default facility, facility CODE.


VDEä FETCH FOO.BAR;-1I%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]FOO.BAR;5(5) fetched from library3%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]FOO.BAR;VDEä      

FThis example is the same as the previous example except that the user Dspecifies a relative generation number, --1. This generation number :causes VDE to fetch the generation before the most recent Fgeneration. In this case, generation 6 is the most recent generation. BAs a result, the FETCH command retrieves generation 5, as the log message shows.


VDEä FETCH MOD1, MOD2, MOD3, X*H%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]MOD1.C;4(4) fetched from library2%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD1.C;J%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]MOD2.C;8(7C1) fetched from library2%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD2.C;H%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]MOD3.C;1(1) fetched from library2%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD3.C;J%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]MOD3.PLI;1(1) fetched from library4%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD3.PLI;Q%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]XAVIER.PAS;25(5A2B8) fetched from library6%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]XAVIER.PAS;L%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]XERXES.FOR;5(5) fetched from library6%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]XERXES.FOR;VDEä      

GIn this example, the FETCH command retrieves the latest generations of Dmodules MOD1.C, MOD2.C, MOD3.C, and MOD3.PLI, along with all source Fmodules whose names begin with the letter X. The module type defaults Dto the wildcard string that matches all module types (*). Hence the )command fetches both MOD3.C and MOD3.PLI.



FThe HELP command allows users to obtain command syntax and functional 0information about the VDE and the VSC utilities.


HELP [topic]



ESpecifies the topic or command name about which you want information.


6To display the list of all available VDE commands and >topics, enter the HELP command without a parameter. To obtain Hinformation about individual commands or topics, enter HELP followed by the command or topic name.





	VDEä HELP      

<This command causes VDE to list all commands and topics for which you can request help text.



<This command causes VDE to display help text explaining the BUILD command.



<This command causes VDE to display help text explaining the //REMARK qualifier to the CREATE MODULE command.



8This command causes VDE to display help text explaining +logical names and how they are used by VDE.



HInserts a module generation into a specified development stream, making 6it the latest generation of the module in that stream.

-Requires PERFREP privilege. 



INSERT GENERATION gen-spec [, gen-spec...] targ-stream-name ["remark"]



ESpecifies a module generation in a specified development stream that 0should be inserted into the stream given by the Cstream-name parameter. A generation specification #consists of the following in order:= An example of a generation specification is [RMS]MOD1.MAR;5.

GIf you omit the facility name, the default facility is assumed. If you @omit the type name, generations for all source modules with the Fspecified module name in the specified facility are inserted into the Agiven stream. If you omit the generation number, the most recent Bgeneration of the module in the stream specified with the /STREAM ,qualifier is inserted into the given stream.

DIf you specify a zero or negative generation number, that number is Crelative to the most recent generation of the module in the stream @given by the /STREAM qualifier. For example, if the most recent Hgeneration is generation 5, then generation 0 is the same as generation 15 and generation --1 is the same as generation 4.

:If you specify the /GENERATION qualifier, VDE inserts the Dgeneration with the given CMS generation expression and ignores the =generation number on the gen-spec parameter.

HYou can insert more than one generation by using wildcard characters in Hthe facility name, module name, or type name. The percent sign (%) in a Fname matches any single character in the position it occupies and the @asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it Hoccupies. Wildcard characters are not allowed in the generation number. DThose module generations whose names match the wildcard pattern are 6inserted into the stream-name stream.

:Unless the WILD_INS_GEN library attribute is enabled, VDE Hdoes not allow wildcard characters in the generation specification when Cyou use the /GENERATION qualifier. It seldom makes sense to select Cgenerations with the same CMS generation expression from different <modules. For the same reason, VDE does not allow you to use Awildcard characters and a non-zero generation number in the same Hgeneration specification (as in *.*;--2), again unless the WILD_INS_GEN library attribute is set.


ESpecifies the development stream into which the generations given by <the gen-spec parameters should be inserted.

COne can specify the source generation for the operation in several Dways, one of which is based on the generation in a specified source #stream---see the /STREAM qualifier.


HSpecifies a remark string that explains why you inserted the generation Einto the specified stream. The quoted remark string can be up to 132 Echaracters long. Specifying the remark parameter is @equivalent to specifying the /REMARK qualifier after the INSERT GENERATION keywords.


AThe INSERT GENERATION command inserts the module generations you ?specify with the gen-spec parameters into the Edevelopment stream you specify with the stream-name Eparameter. Each such generation becomes the latest generation of the Ecorresponding module in the stream-name stream. The Acommand thus lets you move module generations from one stream to another stream.

GIf the specified module is currently reserved in the specified stream, 7VDE terminates that reservation since it is based on a Bmodule generation that no longer is the latest generation for the <stream. VDE sends a mail message to notify the owner of the )reservation that the reservation is lost.

HNote that there are two stream specifications possible on this command. =The destination stream---specified by the target stream name 5parameter---and the optional source stream qualifier.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each Fgeneration inserted into the specified stream. The /CONFIRM qualifier =causes VDE to print a message for each generation giving the Aname of the generation and asking whether you want to insert the Hgeneration into the stream. If you answer YES (or Y), the generation is Einserted into the stream. If you answer NO (or N), the generation is >not inserted into the stream. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes 8VDE to insert each generation into the specified stream without asking for confirmation.


CPrevents the inserted generations from being inserted into the CMS @class for the specified stream, even if a CMS class is normally Bmaintained for the stream. The INSERT GENERATION command executes ?faster than otherwise if CMS class memberships are not updated.


GSpecifies that the generation with the CMS generation expression given @by the gen-expr parameter be inserted into the Cspecified stream. When this qualifier is specified, the generation Gnumber specified on the gen-spec parameter is ignored.

/LOG (default)


DControls whether log messages are printed after the generations are Hinserted into the stream. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be Cprinted and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate that the Fgenerations have been inserted into the specified stream and that the 0database transaction has successfully committed.


HSpecifies a remark string that explains why you inserted the generation Einto the specified stream. The quoted remark string can be up to 132 characters long.


HSpecifies the stream in which the generation should be looked up if you @omit the /GENERATION qualifier. This qualifier thus affects the =interpretation of the generation number in the command-level Fgen-spec parameter when the /GENERATION qualifier is Domitted. If you omit both the /STREAM qualifier and the /GENERATION 9qualifier, VDE prompts you for the name of the stream in 'which to look up the generation number.



:VDEä INSERT GENERATION [FACIL]MODNAM.C;4/STREAM=V2.0 BL-22L%VDE-I-GENINSERT, generation [FACIL]MODNAM.C;4(4) inserted into stream BL-22>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEäVDEä SET STREAM BL-22$VDEä SHOW GENERATION [FACIL]MODNAM.COGeneration [FACIL]MODNAM.C;4(4)       by user JONES        on  9-MAY-1990 19:43VDEä      

HThis example inserts generation 4 of module [FACIL]MODNAM.C from stream HV2.0 into stream BL-22, making that generation the latest generation in stream BL-22.

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