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GThe /NONOTES qualifier specifies that CMS notes are not to be appended 2to the lines of the file placed in your directory.
DIf the /NOTES and /NONOTES qualifiers are both omitted, the RESERVE Gcommand generates CMS notes only if the notes attribute is enabled for Cthe module. This attribute is set with the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.
6If the history-notes attribute for the VDE library is Fdisabled, the RESERVE command will not generate CMS notes information Ginto the output file and will not accept the /NOTES qualifier. See the Gdescription of the /HISTORY_NOTES qualifier to CREATE LIBRARY for more information.
HIf you reserve more than one module with the same /OUTPUT qualifier and :you specify the file name and type on that qualifier, VDE Acreates successive versions of the file indicated by the /OUTPUT qualifier.
FIf the /POSITION qualifier is omitted, the default notes position for Fthe module is used. The default notes position is set with the CREATE GMODULE or MODIFY MODULE command. The /POSITION qualifier has no effect Gunless the /NOTES qualifier is specified or the notes attribute is set for the module.
6If the history-notes attribute for the VDE library is Fdisabled, the RESERVE command will not generate CMS notes information Finto the output file and will not accept the /POSITION qualifier. See Fthe description of the /HISTORY_NOTES qualifier to CREATE LIBRARY for more information.
7When specified, the /PROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to Gpropagate the changed module(s) only as far as the stream specified by Dthe stream-name parameter, but not to any Asuccessors of that stream---change propagation thus stops at the specified stream.
5The /NOPROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to disable all Fpropagate of the change beyond the current stream (the default stream 4or the stream specified with the /STREAM qualifier).
DIf you omit both qualifiers, the REPLACE command will propagate the 8changed modules to all successors of the current stream.
EBecause these qualifiers determine what streams a subsequent REPLACE <command will affect, they also determine what streams---the F"shadow"---the new module reservations cover. A reservation Hthat covers fewer streams allows other users to reserve the same module 2in other streams with less likelihood of conflict.
^For information on propogation, see REPLACE.
ATo display queued reservation requests, use the SHOW RESERVATION command.
GIf no session with the specified session-name session 9name currently exists, VDE will create a new reservation Bsession under the specified session name and will incorporate the module reservation(s) into it.
;If the session-name parameter is omitted, ;VDE generates a unique session name, creates a new session 4by that name, and adds the module reservation to it.
=If the /SESSION qualifier is omitted on the RESERVE command, <VDE will reserve the module (as expected), and will not add *the new module reservation to any session.
HSessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE, MODIFY ?SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL SESSION Hcommands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on a queued-replacement Gstream) and reserved via RESERVE can be combined into the same session.
#1 |
8VDEä RESERVE FOO/REMARK="Fix problem reported in QAR 23"E%VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]FOO.MAR;7(5A2) fetched from library3%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]FOO.MAR;R%VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [FACIL]FOO.MAR;7(5A2) reserved from stream MAIN>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä |
6BThis command reserves all source modules named FOO in the default Gfacility, FACIL. In this case, there is only one such module, FOO.MAR. GThis module is copied to the user's default directory and is marked as reserved in the VDE database.
#2 |
(VDEä RESERVE MOD1 /IDENTIFICATION=BUGFIX>Please supply required information for module [FACIL]MOD1.*;0:2Enter the reservation remark: FIX ACCESS VIOLATIOND%VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]MOD1.PAS;9(9) fetched from library4%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD1.PAS;Q%VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [FACIL]MOD1.PAS;9(9) reserved from stream V6.0>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä SHOW RESERVATIONIReservation BUGFIX of [FACIL]MOD1.PAS SMITH 29-DEC-1989 V6.0VDEä |
6CThe RESERVE command reserves module MOD1.PAS in facility FACIL and Fassigns the reservation identifier BUGFIX to the reservation. (If you Hdo not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, the RESERVE command assigns a =numeric reservation identifier to the reservation.) The SHOW CRESERVATION command indicates that the module is reserved with the EBUGFIX identifier. This identifier can later be used on a REPLACE or :UNRESERVE command to identify this particular reservation.
#3 |
8VDEä RESERVE/SESSION=SPEEDUP A.REQ,B.REQ "Remark string"C%VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]A.REQ;11(11) fetched from library1%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]A.REQ;A%VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]B.REQ;7(7) fetched from library1%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]B.REQ;P%VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [FACIL]A.REQ;11(11) reserved from stream MAINN%VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [FACIL]B.REQ;7(7) reserved from stream MAIN>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä |
AThis example shows how module reservations are made members of a Freservation session. This command reserves modules A.REQ and B.REQ in Afacility FACIL and makes the resulting reservations members of a Hreservation session called SPEEDUP. These modules can later be replaced H(or unreserved) as a unit by specifying the session name instead of the names of the individual modules.
;Reviews the build-step log files for a specified build job.
(REVIEW BUILD_JOB [stream-name]
=The name of a development stream. VDE reviews the results of Dthe most recent build job for the specified stream. If you omit the 8stream-name parameter, VDE reviews the <results of the most recent build job for the default stream.
GThe REVIEW BUILD_JOB command allows you to review the log files of the Hindividual build steps of a specified build job. The command enters you 8into a subsystem of VDE. Once in the subsystem, you are =prompted with the string VDEREVBLD> and you can then use a5restricted set of commands, different from usual VDE Hcommands, to display selected log files. After reviewing build results, >use the EXIT command to exit from the subsystem and return to VDE.AThe REVIEW BUILD_JOB command creates a build-step review @list which is a list of build steps to be reviewed. By Hdefault, the list includes only those steps that completed with errors. HCommands in the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem list the steps in the review Clist and display the log files for those steps. The subsystem thus Egives you a convenient way to determine which build steps failed and @why they failed. The subsystem can also review build steps that Fcompleted successfully. Use the /STEP qualifier to include successful $steps in the build-step review list.
FWhen you are in the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem, you enter commands at =the VDEREVBLD> prompt. The commands can display either theFbuild-step review list or the log files for individual build steps on that list.
BThe REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem accepts the commands documented in PReview Build Job Commands.
(/STEP [=(status [, status...])]
6Reviews either all build steps or, if you specify the ?status parameter, those steps whose status is Especified. Each status parameter must be one of the <following keywords: NOTSTARTED, RUNNING, SUCCESS, or ERRORS.?If you specify only one status parameter, the Cparentheses may be omitted. If you do not specify a parameter, all 0build steps of specified build job are reviewed.
GIf you omit the /STEP qualifier, only those build steps that completed with errors are reviewed.
#1 |
VDEä REVIEW BUILD_JOB/Reviewing steps of build job 38 for stream MAIN!Number of build steps selected: 1 VDEREVBLD> DIRECTORY5Steps being reviewed in build job 38 for stream MAIN:, Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]E.B32 VDEREVBLD> NEXTBuild job 38 for stream MAIN6Log file of compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]E.B32: E 1: --->> ERROR: MISSING SCRIPT IN VDE DATABASE <<---9 2: No script found in database to perform build step [End of file] VDEREVBLD> NEXT5%VDE-E-NOMORESTEP, no more build steps in review listVDEREVBLD> EXITVDEä |
6DIn this example, one step completed with errors in build job 38 for Astream MAIN. The REVIEW BUILD_JOB command displays messages that Bidentify the build job and gives the number of steps selected for Creview. By default, the command includes only those steps from the Gbuild-step review list that completed with errors; in this case, there >is one such step. At the VDEREVBLD> prompt, the user entersGthe DIRECTORY command to display the build steps on the current review Hlist. Then the user enters the NEXT command to see the log file for the Hnext build step. (Pressing the RETURN key has the same effect.) The log Efile shows that the compile step failed because no script for it was <found in the VDE database. A second NEXT command shows that Hthere are no more build steps on the review list. The EXIT command then Fexits from the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem and returns the user to the VDEä prompt.
#2 |
"VDEä REVIEW BUILD_JOB/STEP=SUCCESS/Reviewing steps of build job 39 for stream MAIN!Number of build steps selected: 5 VDEREVBLD> DIRECTORY5Steps being reviewed in build job 39 for stream MAIN:, Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]B.REQ, Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]C.B32, Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]D.B32, Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]E.B32) Link step for module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE VDEREVBLD> SELECT XBuild job 39 for stream MAIN3Log file of link step for module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE: ; 1: $ DEFINE OBJLIB DISK$:[LIBROOT.MAIN.BUILD_TEST.OBJ]3 2: $ LINK/EXE=OBJLIB:X.EXE/MAP=OBJLIB:X.MAP -E 3: OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/INCLUDE=C,OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/LIBRARY 4: $ DEASSIGN OBJLIB 5: $ !7 6: $ SET NOVERIFY ! Successful script completion [End of file] VDEREVBLD> EXITVDEä |
?In this example, the /STEP=SUCCESS qualifier causes the REVIEW BBUILD_JOB command to include only those steps from the build-step Areview list that completed successfully. The subsystem DIRECTORY Gcommand then lists all such steps. The SELECT command displays the log Hfile of the link step for module X.EXE. Finally, the EXIT command exits @from the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem and returns the user to the VDEä prompt.
HThe Review Build Job commands are used to review the results of a build Cjob. The commands are valid at the VDEREVBLD> prompt during the REVIEW BUILD_JOB command.
.DIRECTORY [mod-name [, mod-name...]]
SELECT [mod-name]
HThe review commands allow you to review the log files of the individual Dbuild steps of a specified build job. The command enters you into a :subsystem of VDE. Once in the subsystem, you are prompted 4with the string VDEREVBLD> and you can then use a5restricted set of commands, different from usual VDE Hcommands, to display selected log files. After reviewing build results, >use the EXIT command to exit from the subsystem and return to VDE.AThe REVIEW BUILD_JOB command creates a build-step review @list which is a list of build steps to be reviewed. By Hdefault, the list includes only those steps that completed with errors. HCommands in the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem list the steps in the review Clist and display the log files for those steps. The subsystem thus Egives you a convenient way to determine which build steps failed and @why they failed. The subsystem can also review build steps that Fcompleted successfully. Use the /STEP qualifier to include successful $steps in the build-step review list.
FWhen you are in the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem, you enter commands at =the VDEREVBLD> prompt. The commands can display either theFbuild-step review list or the log files for individual build steps on 8that list. The subsystem accepts the following commands:
- DIRECTORY [mod-name [, mod-name...]]J
Displays a list of all build steps on the build-step review list, J giving the type of each step (compile, link, or copy) and the name of J the module that is compiled, linked, or copied. If you specify one or I more mod-name parameters, the command displays only K those build steps whose module names match the parameters. You can use 9 wildcards in the mod-name parameter.- SELECT [mod-name]C
Selects the first build step whose module name matches the K mod-name parameter and displays the log file for that G build step. You can use wildcards in the mod-name L parameter.
If you omit the mod-name parameter, the L command displays the log file of the next build step on the review list I that matches the most recently specified module name from a previous L SELECT command. Using this feature, you can enter a SELECT command with J a mod-name parameter containing wildcards to display I the log file of the first build step that matches the parameter. You I can then enter SELECT commands without parameters to display the log J files of all other build steps that match the original parameter, one log file per SELECT command.- NEXT [STEP]J
Displays the next page of the log file of the current build step. H If you specify the optional STEP keyword, the first page of the log L file of the next build-step is displayed.
Pressing the KP0 key (the K 0 key on the numeric keypad) is the same as entering the NEXT command. H As a result, you can review the log files of all build steps on the 3 review list by repeatedly pressing the KP0 key.- BACKK
Displays the log file of the previous build step on the build-step review list.- CURRENTJ
Displays the first page of the log file of the current build step.- FIRSTH
Displays the log file of the first build step on the build-step review list.- LASTG
Displays the log file of the last build step in the build-step review list.- SPAWNJ
Spawns a subprocess and attaches the terminal to that subprocess. = See the description of the VDE SPAWN command for details.- ATTACHJ
Attaches the terminal to a specified process. See the description * of the VDE ATTACH command for details.- EXITI
Exits from the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem and returns you to the VDEä prompt.
CReviews the modules, comment files, information file, and log file /associated with a specified queued replacement.
@The name of the queued replacement to review. This parameter is 1required; if you omit it, VDE prompts you for it.
>The REVIEW REPLACEMENT command allows you to review all files Dassociated with a given queued replacement. These files include the modules being@replaced, the information file that the replacing user may have Gprovided, the comment files that other reviewers may have written, and Gpossibly a log file for an attempt to perform the replacement. The log Ffile is only present if an earlier attempt to perform the replacement Efailed; the log file then tells you wnat went wrong. For each module Hbeing replaced, you may examine the new version queued for replacement, 8the old version in the VDE library, and the differences between the two.>The REVIEW REPLACEMENT command enters you into a subsystem of =VDE. Once in the subsystem, you are prompted with the string VDEREVREP> and you can@then use a restricted set of commands, different from the usual 7VDE commands, to display the files associated with the Hreplacement. After reviewing these files, you must use the EXIT command -to exit from the subsystem and return to VDE.
FThe REVIEW REPLACEMENT command creates a list of files to be reviewed Hcalled the replacement review list. This list includes Gthe replacement's information file (if any), the comment file for each Ereviewer that has provided one, the log file for the last attempt to Bperform replacement (if any), and the modules that are queued for Freplacement. Subsystem commands list, display, and navigate among the Eelements in the review list. One element is always designated as the Fcurrent element. Initially, the first element on the Alist is the current element, but various command can change that Cdesignation. The SHOW and EDIT subcommands display the text of the current element.
ESpecifies that reviewer comment files be included in the replacement Breview list. If this qualifier is omitted, comment files are only 5included if all other qualifiers are omitted as well./INFORMATION
FSpecifies that the queuing user's information file be included in the Greplacement review list. If this qualifier is omitted, the information Bfile is only included if all other qualifiers are omitted as well./MODULE
ESpecifies that all modules that are members of the queued replacementAbe included in the replacement review list. If this qualifier is Gomitted, modules are only included if all other qualifiers are omitted as well./STREAM=stream-name
DThis qualifier specifies the name of the stream associated with the %replacement. It is currently ignored.
#1 |
VDEä REVIEW REPLACEMENT SMITH-1?Reviewing replacement SMITH-1 queued by user SMITH (Jane Smith)'Number of modules and files selected: 4 VDEREVREP> DIRECTORY9Modules and files being reviewed for replacement SMITH-1:. Information file by user SMITH (Jane Smith)D Comment file by reviewer BROWN (Bill Brown) rejecting replacement Module [FACIL]A.REQ Module [FACIL]C.B32 VDEREVREP> CURRENT +Information file by user SMITH (Jane Smith) VDEREVREP> |
6>In this example, the REVIEW REPLACEMENT command displays some Hinformation identifying the requested queued replacement and enters the DREVIEW REPLACEMENT subsystem. The DIRECTORY subcommand displays the Eelements on the review list and the CURRENT subcommand prints a line Eidentifying the current element of the review list (namely the first element).
#2 |
VDEREVREP> SHOW ;Text of the queuing user's information file displayed here.$This file may consist of many lines. VDEREVREP> NEXT AComment file by reviewer BROWN (Bill Brown) rejecting replacement VDEREVREP> SHOW >Text of comment file written by reviewer BROWN displayed here.$This file may consist of many lines. VDEREVREP> |
6GThis example continues the previous example. The SHOW command displays Fthe text of the current review-list element, user SMITH's information Ffile. The NEXT command makes the next element the current element and Gprints its name. The subsequent SHOW command then displays the text of .that file, the comment file by reviewer BROWN.
#3 |
GYet another NEXT command makes module [FACIL]A.REQ the current element Gof the review list. The SHOW command displays the differences file for Fthat module. To do so, it first fetches out the old generation of the Gmodule, differences it with the new generation queued for replacement, Dand displays the differences file. The EDIT command could have been Dused just as well, and is more suitable for long differences files. FAnother NEXT command make module [FACIL]C.B32 the current element and Edisplays its name. A final NEXT command shows that there are no more Felements in the review list. The user then enters the EXIT command to return to the VDEä prompt.
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