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Also see /OTHER and /SCT."


ESpecifies the reservation to be replaced. This qualifier is required Fwhen you have multiple reservations of the same module in the default Dstream. The res-ident parameter is the reservation >identifier of the reservation to be replaced. The reservation ;identifier is the identifier you specified or VDE assigned Ewhen you reserved the module, usually a small integer value. Use the DSHOW RESERVATION command to determine the reservation identifier of each reservation.!



AThe /INFORMATION qualifier specifies that an information file be Fattached to the current replacement if it is a queued replacement. The<file-spec parameter gives the OpenVMS file Especification of the information file. If this parameter is omitted, ;VDE asks you whether you want to edit an information file. =If you answer YES, VDE invokes your preferred editor to edit ?the information file. You may use the information file to pass ?information about the replacement to reviewers and others. The F/NOINFORMATION qualifier specifies that you do not want to provide an information file.

;If you omit both qualifiers, VDE's behavior depends on the Flibrary attribute that is set with the /ASK_INFO_FILE or cleared with Hthe /NOASK_INFO_FILE qualifier to the CREATE or MODIFY LIBRARY command. ;If this attribute is set, VDE asks you whether you want to <edit an information file. If this attribute is not set, VDE 3queues the replacement without an information file.

<For immediate replacements, VDE ignores both qualifiers and $does not create an information file.

:To edit an information file through VDE, you should first Edeclare your preferred editor with the SET EDITOR command. If you do ;not declare an editor, VDE invokes the system default text editor.


GSpecifies a file to be used as input for the replacement operation. If Fyou omit the directory specification from this qualifier, the file is Etaken from your default directory. If you omit the file name or file Dextension, the module name and module type specified in the command parameter are used by default.


/NOKEEP (default)

<If the administrator for your VDE library has established a ENOKEEP script that deletes files from your directory, this qualifier Fcontrols whether the file used to create the new module generation is Hdeleted from your directory. The /KEEP qualifier keeps the file in your Edirectory without deleting it. The /NOKEEP qualifier runs the NOKEEP @script to delete the file provided you did not also specify the 8/RESERVE qualifier. If your VDE library does not have a 'NOKEEP script, the file is not deleted.

/LOG (default)


?Controls whether log messages are printed after each module is Greplaced. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to be printed and the B/NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicate that each ?module has been replaced and that the database transaction has successfully committed.


EThe note-number parameter specifies the note number Gfor the (previously-entered) SCT note associated with this replacement.

:VDE can also enter the note into the conference directly, 'see the /SCT qualifier for information.


DSpecifies the type of check-in. The other-reason parameter Especifies the reason for this check-in, and should indicate why this Hparticular check-in was not classified as a fold check-in nor as an SCT check-in.

Also see /FOLD and /SCT.



HThis qualifier controls the default module propogation behaviour of the Hreplacement operation. The default for this qualifier can be altered by 1the propogation qualifier on the RESERVE command.

7When specified, the /PROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to Gpropagate the changed module(s) only as far as the stream specified by Dthe stream-name parameter, but not to any Asuccessors of that stream---change propagation thus stops at the specified stream.

5The /NOPROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to disable all Fpropagate of the change beyond the current stream (the default stream 4or the stream specified with the /STREAM qualifier).

DIf you omit both qualifiers, the REPLACE command will propagate the 8changed modules to all successors of the current stream.

FBy default, neither /NOPROPOGATE nor /PROPOGATE is specified, and the Gmodule changes will propogate to all subsequent streams. The behaviour Eis affected by the specification of the propogation qualifier on the RESERVE command.



BIf you have enabled the library attribute that causes the REPLACE Dcommand to ask for the reason for the replacement, these qualifiers =control whether VDE also asks for problem reports related to =the replacement. The /QAR qualifier causes VDE to prompt for &related QARs and CLDs (Digital problemBreports) even if you give the reason as FOLD or OTHER. The /NOQAR 3qualifier causes VDE to not prompt for QAR and CLD Hinformation even if you give an SCT entry as the reason. If you specify Gneither /QAR nor /NOQAR, the REPLACE command prompts for QARs and CLDs Donly if you specify an SCT entry as the reason for the replacement. BNeither qualifier has any effect if you have disabled the library Hattribute that causes the REPLACE command to ask for the reason for the replacement.


/IMMEDIATE (default)

CControls whether each module is replaced into the specified stream ?immediately or is queued for later replacement. The /IMMEDIATE Equalifier causes the REPLACE command to replace each module into the Dspecified stream immediately so that the replacement is complete as Fsoon as the command finishes. The /QUEUE qualifier causes the REPLACE ;command to queue the replacement in the VDE database---and Dcauses a copy of the module to be placed into the staging area---so Cthat the module remains reserved until an authorized user enters a >PERFORM REPLACEMENT command to cause the actual replacement toEoccur. If any stream into which you are replacing the module has the =queued-replacement attribute, the module is Cautomatically queued for replacement and the /IMMEDIATE is ignored.

4Of /QUEUE and /IMMEDIATE, /IMMEDIATE is the default.


@This qualifier allows the user to specify the project name this Freplacement is associated with. The project name can be used to track 5the work and changes related to a particular project.

AThis qualifier is part of the statistics collection component of 7VDE. Statistics collection is enabled or disabled on a ?library basis, using the MODIFY LIBRARY/STATISTICS command. If Astatistics collection is disabled, the statistics qualifiers are Fignored and have no adverse effects. Certain keywords on this command @require the specification of the /DEFECTS_CORRECTED or /NODEFECTS_CORRECTED qualifier.


>This qualifier allows the user a way to secify the reason the Freplacement is being made: reason-code specifies the Bparticular reason code for this replacement, based on the list of Mreasons contained in Table 3-2.

Q  & 2 1                                          
Table 3-2 Reasons
Change Code Defect Count Collection Reason For Replacement
 BF Yes " The replacement is a Bug Fix
 NF  No New Feature or Enhancement
 PI  No  Performance Improvement
 CS  No  Common Sources
 CU Yes 7 Code Cleanup, Retrofit, or a fix for a Regression
 NH  No  New Hardware Support
 FE  No  Functional Equivalence
 OT  No Other

oThe reason-code is listed in Table 3-2, as is a Gbrief explaination of the code, and an indication as to whether or not Dthe number of defects is collected (see /DEFECTS_CORRECTED) for the particular reason code.

AThis qualifier is part of the statistics collection component of 7VDE. Statistics collection is enabled or disabled on a ?library basis, using the MODIFY LIBRARY/STATISTICS command. If Astatistics collection is disabled, the statistics qualifiers are Fignored and have no adverse effects. Certain keywords on this command @require the specification of the /DEFECTS_CORRECTED or /NODEFECTS_CORRECTED qualifier.

FIf statistics collection is enabled on the current library and you do Enot specify this qualifier, you will be prompted for the information.


ESpecifies a character string to be associated with the newly created :generation in the VDE database. The remark is enclosed in Cquotation marks. If no remark is entered, then the remark from the "corresponding reservation is used.

;The remark string is used as the title of the SCT note, if <VDE was asked to enter the SCT note by the specification of the /SCT qualifier.


HSpecifies that the reservations for the specified modules be added to a Gqueued replacement with the name given by the rep-nameDparameter. If a queued replacement by that name already exists, the Creservations are added to that replacement. If no such replacement Hexists, a new queued replacement by that name is created and the module Freservations are added to it. This qualifier is ignored for immediate Creplacements; it is only meaningful if you also specify the /QUEUE Aqualifier or one of the streams into which you are replacing the ?modules have the queued-replacement attribute.

HQueued replacements are implicitly and automatically created whenever a EREPLACE is performed on a stream marked for queued replacements. For Efurther information on explicitly creating a queued replacement, see the CREATE REPLACEMENT command.


/NORESERVE (default)

FControls whether the replaced module is kept reserved. If you specify Gthe /RESERVE qualifier, the module remains reserved and the input file Gis not deleted from your default directory. If you specify /NORESERVE, 6the module is no longer reserved after being replaced.,

/REVIEWER=(username [,username...])

HSpecifies reviewers for the replacement. Each username >parameter specifies the OpenVMS username of a user who should Greview all code replaced by the current command. The user must already 2be recorded in the VDE database. VDE notifies the ?user by mail message that the replacement has occurred. If the Greplacement is queued, the user should then review the changes in that Ereplacement before it is performed. If the replacement is immediate, 9VDE notifies the user of the new module generations that >were created, and the user may then inspect those generations.

EIf you specify only one username parameter, you may !omit the surrounding parentheses.


HThe filename parameter specifies the name of a file to @be loaded into the SCT notes conference. This file contains the Hpreviously-edited text of an SCT entry for the SCT note associated with this replacement.

@If this qualifier is used, the default notes conference for the /stream---SCT-stream-name---is assumed.

HIf this qualifier is specified, the /REMARK string is used as the title of the SCT note.

FFor information on the proper creation and protection of an SCT notes 0conference, see the Guide to Using VDE.

Also see /FOLD and /OTHER.


BSessions are used to logically group a set of module reservations Htogether, typically to group all modules related to a particular source Acode alteration or enhancement together. It allows all component Amodules reserved to be treated as a single entity for subsequent Greplacement operations. A session also allows additional modules to be Creserved and incorporated into an existing session at a later time.

GIf you use the /SESSION qualifier, those reservations that are members Eof the specified reservation session are replaced. In this case, you Dmust omit the mod-name parameters from the command.

HSessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE, MODIFY ?SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL SESSION Hcommands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on a queued-replacement Gstream) and reserved via RESERVE can be combined into the same session.


CSpecifies that the modules be replaced into the development stream Agiven by the stream-name parameter. The changed Amodules are also propagated to any successors of that stream, if Dappropriate. If this qualifier is omitted, the modules are replaced Finto the default development stream. If this qualifier is omitted and =no default stream is defined, VDE prompts you for the stream name.


BSpecifies that modules be replaced on behalf of another user. The :username parameter specifies the OpenVMS Husername of the other user. That user must have the module reservations @that the replace operation will end. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 



1VDEä REPLACE MOD1 /REMARK="Fixed list-update bug"?%VDE-I-FILCOPLIB, file DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD1.PAS;2 copied to libraryL%VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [FACIL]MOD1.PAS;8(7A1) replaced into stream V2.0>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

;This example replaces the module MOD1.PAS into the current 7VDE library. Because no facility is specified with the Hcommand, the module is assumed to exist in the default facility, FACIL. EBecause no type name is specified, all source modules with name MOD1 Hare replaced; in this case there is only one such module, MOD1.PAS. The Hlog messages show that the module was successfully replaced into stream V2.0.


VDEä REPLACE [COPY]COPYMAIN.B32APlease supply required information for module [COPY]COPYMAIN.B32:7Enter the replacement remark: ADD THE /FUMBLE QUALIFIERC%VDE-I-FILCOPLIB, file DEV$:[MYDIR]COPYMAIN.B32;3 copied to libraryO%VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [COPY]COPYMAIN.B32;23(23) replaced into stream V3.0O%VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [COPY]COPYMAIN.B32;23(23) replaced into stream V3.1>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

DThis command replaces module COPYMAIN.B32 in facility COPY into the Ecurrent library. Because the /REMARK qualifier is not specified with =the command, VDE prompts for the remark before replacing the Emodule. The log messages shows that the REPLACE command replaced the Dmodule into stream V3.0 and then propagated the new generation into stream V3.1.


3VDEä REPLACE/QUEUE FEE.MAR, FOO.MAR "Remark string"D%VDE-I-FILCOPSTAG, file DEV$:[MYDIR]FEE.MAR;3 copied to staging areaD%VDE-I-FILCOPSTAG, file DEV$:[MYDIR]FOO.MAR;3 copied to staging areaD%VDE-I-REPLQUE, module [FACIL]FEE.MAR queued for replacement SMITH-1D%VDE-I-REPLQUE, module [FACIL]FOO.MAR queued for replacement SMITH-1>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

GIn this example, the REPLACE command queues the replacement of modules CFEE.MAR and FOO.MAR in facility FACIL. The modules are copied to a 9staging area that VDE manages, but they are not replaced into the VDEGlibrary and they remain reserved. The REPLACE command gives the queued Freplacement the generated name SMITH--1. To actually replaces the two Emodules, an authorized user must enter a PERFORM REPLACEMENT command for replacement SMITH--1.



ERetrieves the latest generation of one or more source modules from a Dgiven development stream and marks those modules as reserved by the Bcurrent user. Related reservations can be grouped and manipulated together using sessions.

+Requires RESREP privilege.



RESERVE mod-name [, mod-name...] ["remark"]



HSpecifies a source module in the default stream or the stream specified Gwith the /STREAM qualifier to be reserved from the library. The module Hname consists of an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, Ga module name, and an optional type name preceded by a period (such as E[FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If you omit the facility name, source modules from Bthe default facility are reserved. If you omit the type name, all Dsource modules with the given module name in the given facility are reserved.

EYou can reserve more than one module by using wildcard characters in Hany of the three components of the module name. The percent sign (%) in Ha name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the @asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it <occupies. VDE reserves the source modules whose names match the wildcard pattern.

BYou can also reserve multiple modules by specifying the name of a Fsource group instead of a module name. Source groups are created with Hthe CREATE GROUP command. If you specify a group name, each module that 6is a member of the group is reserved from the library.


>Specifies a remark string for the reservation. Specifying the Bremark parameter is equivalent to specifying the ,/REMARK qualifier after the RESERVE keyword.


BThe RESERVE command copies the latest generation of a module in a Fspecified stream to your default directory (or to another location if =you specified the /OUTPUT qualifier) and marks the module as $"reserved" in that stream.

GAfter you have modified the module, you can return your changes to the Dlibrary with the REPLACE command. Alternatively, you can cancel the Hreservation with the UNRESERVE command; no module modifications will be entered into the library.


GThe module reservation will be released with the UNRESERVE command, by Dthe REPLACE command (when queued-replacement are not enabled on the Gstream), or by the PERFORM REPLACE command (when queued-replacement is Üenabled on the stream). See the REPLACE, UNRESERVE, ƒSHOW REPLACEMENT, and SHOW RESERVATION commands.

<By default, VDE does not allow you to reserve a module that ?is already reserved by another user (or yourself) for the same Hdevelopment stream. However, you can reserve an already reserved module Bif you specify the /OVERRIDE=CONCURRENT qualifier and the already Gexisting reservations all allow concurrent reservations. If you do not Dwish to override a reservation, you can use the /QUEUE qualifier to Grequest notification when the module becomes available for reservation.

5When you reserve a generation of a module from a VDE @library, the file that is placed in your directory has the same Ecreation and revision times, record format, and record attributes as Gthe file that was used to create the generation that you are reserving.

@To reserve modules on behalf of another user, use the /USERNAME >qualifier to specify the OpenVMS username of that other user. EThe modules are then reserved in the specified user's name. You must ;have the USERNAME privilege to use the /USERNAME qualifier.

yFor information on creating a new module, see CREATE MODULE. Depending Hon the queued-replacement setting of the target stream, you may need to pissue a REPLACE command after CREATE MODULE; see REPLACE. The Gbehaviour of the CREATE MODULE and the RESERVE commands are identical, Bsave for the initial absence of the module in the library for the ECREATE MODULE, and the initial presence of the module in the library for the RESERVE.

GOn queued-replacement streams, modules created via a CREATE MODULE and =modules reserved via a RESERVE can be combined into a single Dreplacement, and can be combined into a single reservation /SESSION.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each <module reserved. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print Ea message for each module that you have specified asking whether you Gwant to reserve the corresponding module generation. If you answer YES E(or Y), it is reserved. If you answer NO (or N), it is not reserved. 4The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to reserve each 1specified module without asking for confirmation.


HSpecifies a fold record to be cancelled when this module reservation is Feventually replaced into the library. The fold-ident Dparameter gives the fold identifier of a fold record for the module Dbeing reserved and for the stream in which the reservation is done. 7When you later replace the module and VDE performs the 7replacement, VDE will cancel this fold record from the ;VDE database. You can omit the fold-ident Hparameter if there is only one fold record for the specified module and Hstream. You can use the /FOLD qualifier if you are modifying the module Cto satisfy an existing fold record. You can also specify the /FOLD >qualifier with the REPLACE command to achieve the same effect.



CThe /HISTORY qualifier specifies that CMS history information is toEbe included in the file placed in your directory. The history of the Emodule lists the generations that preceded the current generation of Hthe module. Each generation produces one line of history information in Gthe output file. This line gives the CMS generation number, user name, 6date, time, and remark associated with the generation.

H The quoted string specifies the format of the history line. The quoted I string must contain the characters #H or #B (lower case is allowed) and E can contain other printing characters (such as comment delimiters). H Each history line is formed by inserting the history information where D you specify #H or #B in the history string. If you specify #H, the C history information is inserted at the end of the file and if you F specify #B it is inserted at the beginning of the file. To include a < quotation mark in the output history string, type it twice D (""). To include a number sign (#) in the output history I string, type it twice (##). If the string parameter is 7 omitted, VDE uses the module's default history string.

FThe /NOHISTORY qualifier specifies that history information is not to 8be appended to the output file placed in your directory.

HIf the /HISTORY and /NOHISTORY qualifiers are both omitted, the RESERVE Gcommand generates history information only if the history attribute is Henabled for the module. This attribute is set with the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.

6If the history-notes attribute for the VDE library is Hdisabled, the RESERVE command will not generate CMS history information into the@output file and will not accept the /HISTORY qualifier. See the Gdescription of the /HISTORY_NOTES qualifier to CREATE LIBRARY for more information."


ASpecifies a reservation identifier for the new reservation. Each @reservation has a unique reservation identifier so that you can Hdistinguish between multiple concurrent reservations of the same module Cby the same user. By default, the RESERVE command assigns a unique ?numeric identifier to each reservation, such as "1", G"2", and so on. The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier overrides this Bdefault and allows you to select a reservation identifier of your @choice, such as a mnemonic name. The res-ident Cparameter specifies the reservation identifier. It can be up to 39 0characters long and must follow VDE name syntax.

/LOG (default)


GControls whether log messages are printed after each module generation Gis reserved. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and D/NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate that the modules have Abeen reserved and that the database transaction has successfully committed.



DControls whether another generation of the module (called the merge Ggeneration) is to be merged with the generation that is being reserved G(called the retrieved generation). If you specify the /MERGE qualifier Fwith the stream-name parameter, the merge generation Gis the latest generation of the module in the specified stream. If you @specify the /MERGE qualifier with the gen-expr ?parameter enclosed in parentheses, the merge generation is the Bgeneration with the specified generation expression (for example, "2A3").

<When you specify the /MERGE qualifier, VDE merges the lines Gof the retrieved generation with the lines of the merge generation and Hdelivers the merged text as a single file to your output directory. The Cfile that is placed in your directory has the current creation and Crevision times. The merge generation cannot be on the same line of Fdescent as the retrieved generation. When there is a conflict between :blocks of one or more lines, VDE includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict.

<VDE uses the callable interface to CMS to provide the merge capability.EFor a detailed explanation of how two generations are merged and how 5CMS (and therefore VDE) treats conflicts between the 'generations, see the CMS documentation.


GSpecifies that the module cannot be reserved by another user while you Bhave it reserved. You must replace or unreserve the module before 9others can reserve it. By default, VDE allows concurrent ?reservations if the module has the concurrent attribute set.



HThe /NOTES qualifier specifies that CMS notes are to be appended to the Glines of the output file. CMS notes indicate in what module generation each source line was created.

FThe quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted string Gcan contain text (including the appropriate comment delimiter) and the Hcharacters #G or #g. The CMS generation expression of the generation in Fwhich the line first appeared in inserted where you specify #G or #g. CThe resulting string is appended to the end of the output line. To Cinclude a quotation mark in the output notes string, type it twice A(""). To include a number sign (#) in the output notes Hstring, type it twice (##). If the string parameter is :omitted, VDE uses the module's default notes string. (You Eset the default notes string with the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.)

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