Reference Manual

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/Invokes a VDE script from the VDE database and Dwrites the resulting DCL command file to a directory in the current *VDE library or to a VDE scratch directory.




<The INVOKE SCRIPT command reads a specified VDE script from =the VDE database, executes the script language in the script Gto produce a DCL command file, and writes that DCL command file to the Fappropriate directory. The INVOKE SCRIPT command does not execute the resulting DCL command file.

GThe directory that receives the DCL command file is the directory that Cwould receive it if the script were executed normally as part of a <VDE command. This directory depends on the script type, and His displayed in a log message. You can use the INVOKE SCRIPT command to :examine the DCL code generated by VDE in response to your scripts.

GYou must specify a script-type qualifier to select the script you want Ainvoked. See the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command for an @explanation of the format of scripts and the different types of Fscripts. Also see the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command for an <explanation of how VDE selects scripts for specific modules Hor facilities. If the scripts you select have multiple segment numbers, =VDE selects one script for each segment number and generates Bthe DCL command file from those scripts in order by their segment numbers.

HThe INVOKE SCRIPT command always selects and invokes the desired script 1in the context of the default development stream.

|Keywords used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords, while yscript functions are in Script Functions, and script types are in mScript Types. For other script-related commands, also see CREATE SCRIPT, DELETE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, MODIFY SCRIPT, and @SHOW SCRIPT.



<Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be invoked.


HSpecifies that a COMPILE script for the default stream be invoked for a =specified module, using VDE's normal script selection rules. BThe mod-name parameter specifies the name of the Emodule. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specified @module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script 4functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


ESpecifies that a COPY script for the default stream be invoked for a =specified module, using VDE's normal script selection rules. BThe mod-name parameter specifies the name of the Emodule. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specified @module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script 4functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


GSpecifies that the facility creation script be invoked. The the values @of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script functions (among others) are &determined when the script is invoked.$


DSpecifies that a DELETE_GENERATION script for the default stream be :invoked for a specified module, using VDE's normal script Gselection rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the Gname of the module. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The Cspecified module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP ;script functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


FSpecifies that a DIFFERENCES script for the default stream be invoked <for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selection Erules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of ?the module. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The Cspecified module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP ;script functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


FSpecifies that a FETCH script for the default stream be invoked for a =specified module, using VDE's normal script selection rules. BThe mod-name parameter specifies the name of the Emodule. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specified @module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script 4functions (among others) when the script is invoked.$


ESpecifies that an INSERT_GENERATION script for the default stream be :invoked for a specified module, using VDE's normal script Gselection rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the Gname of the module. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The Cspecified module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP ;script functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


ESpecifies that a LINK script for the default stream be invoked for a =specified module, using VDE's normal script selection rules. BThe mod-name parameter specifies the name of the Emodule. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specified @module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script 4functions (among others) when the script is invoked.

/LOG (default)


GControls whether log messages are printed after the script is invoked. EThe /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG Gqualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the script has Abeen invoked and give the name of the resulting DCL command file.


ESpecifies that a NEW_STREAM script for the default stream be invoked 4for a specified facility, using VDE's normal script Gselection rules. The fac-name parameter specifies the Ename of the facility. This name may not contain wildcard characters. HThe specified facility determines the value of the $FAC script function when the script is invoked.


GSpecifies that a NOKEEP script for the default stream be invoked for a =specified module, using VDE's normal script selection rules. BThe mod-name parameter specifies the name of the Emodule. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specified @module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script 4functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


HSpecifies that a REPLACE script for the default stream be invoked for a =specified module, using VDE's normal script selection rules. BThe mod-name parameter specifies the name of the Emodule. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specified @module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script 4functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


HSpecifies that a RESERVE script for the default stream be invoked for a =specified module, using VDE's normal script selection rules. BThe mod-name parameter specifies the name of the Emodule. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specified @module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script 4functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


GSpecifies that a SET_FACILITY script for the default stream be invoked 4for a specified facility, using VDE's normal script Gselection rules. The fac-name parameter specifies the Ename of the facility. This name may not contain wildcard characters. HThe specified facility determines the value of the $FAC script function when the script is invoked.


GSpecifies that the SET_STREAM script for the default stream be invoked.


HSpecifies that a STAGING script for the default stream be invoked for a =specified module, using VDE's normal script selection rules. BThe mod-name parameter specifies the name of the Emodule. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specified @module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script 4functions (among others) when the script is invoked.


ESpecifies that an UNRESERVE script for the default stream be invoked <for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selection Erules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of ?the module. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The Cspecified module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP ;script functions (among others) when the script is invoked.




BIn this example, the user invokes the script that compiles module 7MODNAM.C in facility CODE. VDE selects the appropriate Fscript using its normal script selection rules and applies the script =to that module. VDE writes the resulting DCL command file to Ha file called MODNAM.C in the VDE$COM subdirectory for the given stream Fand facility. (The COMPILE and BUILD commands use this directory when Hthey generate and execute build-step command files.) The subsequent DCL HTYPE command shows the text of the DCL command file. This text includes Gsome standard "boiler-plate" at the beginning and end of the Hfile. In the middle of the file are the DCL commands that come from the Gscript itself. These commands enable command-line verification, define Gtwo logical names, compile the module MODNAM.C, and use the VDE/DEPEND =command to record the compile step's build dependencies. The Csurrounding boiler-plate traps errors and records the build step's status (success or failure).



CLinks the specified modules using the appropriate scripts from the database.

*Requires BUILD privilege.



LINK mod-name [, mod-name...]



@Specifies a module to be linked. The module name consists of an Goptional facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module name, and Han optional type name preceded by a period, such as [FACIL]MOD1.EXE. If Fno facility name is specified, the default facility is assumed. If no 3type name is specified, module type EXE is assumed.

FYou can link more than one module by using wildcard characters in any Fof the three components of the module name. The percent sign (%) in a Fname matches any single character in the position it occupies and the @asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it ;occupies. VDE links modules whose names match the wildcard pattern.


EThe LINK command links a module the same way it is linked in a build Cjob. The LINK command retrieves the link script for each specified Emodule and generates a DCL command file from the script. The command Dthen executes the command file in a subprocess. If the module links ;successfully, VDE updates the build dependency information "for the link step in the database.

GThe LINK command can be used to link a module without starting a build Cjob. It is often used to test link scripts. It can also be used to Ecollect the initial dependency information for a link step that does 4not yet have dependency information in the database.


/LOG (default)


HControls whether log messages are printed after the link step executes. EThe /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG Fqualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the link step @has completed, either successfully or with errors, and that the <dependency information for the step has been updated in the VDE database.


ASpecifies that the modules be linked for the stream given by the Fstream-name parameter. If this qualifier is omitted, .the modules are linked for the default stream.



VDEä LINK [CODE]X.EXE0$ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.OBJ]($ LINK /EXE=OBJ$:X.EXE /MAP=OBJ$:X.MAP -9        OBJ$:OBJLIB.OLB/INCLUDE=C,OBJ$:OBJLIB.OLB/LIBRARY$ !/$ SET NOVERIFY   ! Successful script completion;%VDE-I-LINKSUCC, link of [CODE]X.EXE completed successfully?%VDE-I-DEPUPDATE, dependency information updated for build stepVDEä      

FThis example links module X.EXE in facility CODE. The output from the Eexecution of the link script is displayed on the terminal. The final Elog messages show that the link step completed successfully and that 7its dependency information was updated in the database.



;Modifies one or more architecture table entries in the VDE *database. Each architecture table entry...

0Requires the CREARCH privilege.

?ARCHITECTURE support is not fully implemented.

HAn architecture is a construct that encompasses one or more facilities, 7and allows modules to exist in a "common" or E"default" facility, and zero or more architecture specific Ffacilities. In must the same fashion as the SYS$SYSROOT: logical name Hallows one to support both system-specific and cluster-common files, an =architecture allows one to support architecture-specific and architecture-common modules.



MODIFY ARCHITECTURE arch-name [, arch-name...]



GThe name of the architecture to be modified. This name may be up to 39 0characters long and must follow VDE name syntax.


&Under Construction...


/CONFIRM (default)


&Under Construction...

/DELETE (default)


&Under Construction...

/LOG (default)


&Under Construction...


&Under Construction...


FSpecifies a remark string to be stored for the modified architecture. FThe quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may Econtain any explanatory remark about the architecture. that you want ;stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describes ,the function or purpose of the architecture.




&Under Construction...



CModifies the batch queues, process count, remark string, and other 6attributes of existing build jobs in the VDE database.

*Requires BUILD privilege.



MODIFY BUILD_JOB [stream-name [, stream-name...]]



AThe name of a development stream containing the build jobs to be Hmodified. To specify the build jobs, use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. GIf you do not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, the most recent build job for the stream is modified.

DYou can modify build jobs in more than one stream by using wildcard Fcharacters in the stream name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches Fany single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) Hmatches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. Build jobs Ein those streams whose names match the wildcard pattern are modified.

<If you omit the stream-name parameter, VDE Bmodifies the attributes of one or more build jobs for the default development stream.


CThe MODIFY BUILD_JOB command modifies the attributes of build jobs Hhaving the specified stream names and build job identification numbers. GYou can modify the following attributes: the batch queues to which the Djob is submitted for execution, the total number of batch processes Gsubmitted, the remark string, the step-delay interval, and the timeout 8interval. VDE modifies these attributes by updating the Hdatabase with the information you specify. You cannot modify the queues Eor process count of a build job that has started running or that has Dcompleted execution. You can, however, suspend a running build job, -modify those attributes, and restart the job.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each 9build job modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to Fprint a message for each build job asking whether you want that build Hjob modified. If you answer YES (or Y), the attributes of the build job Fare modified in the database. If you answer NO (or N), the attributes 9are not modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to Emodify the attributes of the specified build jobs without asking for confirmation.!


GSpecifies the build job identification numbers of the build jobs to be 3modified for the specified development stream. The Eid-range parameter can be a single integer value, a Brange of integers, or a wildcard character. If the parameter is a ;single integer value (for example, /IDENT=5), VDE modifies Ethe build job with that identification number. If the parameter is a Erange of integers (specified as two build job identification numbers 9separated by a colon as in /IDENT=3:5), VDE modifies all Fbuild jobs with identification numbers in that range. Finally, if the Did-range parameter is the asterisk wildcard (as in 9/IDENT=*), VDE modifies all build jobs for the specified stream.

EIf you specify a zero or negative build job identification number in Hthe id-range parameter, that number is relative to the Gidentification number of the most recent build job for the stream. For Aexample, if the most recent build job is job 5, then /IDENT=0 is @equivalent to /IDENT=5 and /IDENT=--1 is equivalent to /IDENT=4.

5If you do not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, VDE Gmodifies the attributes of the most recent build job for the specified stream.

/LOG (default)


BControls whether log messages are printed after each build job is Hmodified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the C/NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the Bbuild job has been modified in the database and that the database 'transaction has successfully committed."


ESpecifies the number of processes to execute the build job. When the 9build job is started with a START BUILD_JOB command, VDE Gcreates the processes by submitting batch jobs to the queues specified Aby the /QUEUE qualifier or to the default queues for the default ;stream. The number of processes that VDE creates (that is, Athe number of OpenVMS batch jobs it submits) is specified by the Cproc-count parameter. As a result, this parameter 7determines the degree of parallelism for the build job.-

/QUEUE=(queue-name [,queue-name...])

=Specifies the OpenVMS batch queues to which the build job is 7submitted by a subsequent START BUILD_JOB command. EachFqueue-name parameter specifies the name of one batch Cqueue. The queue-name parameter may optionally be Efollowed by a process count in parentheses. This count specifies the Hnumber of processes that are started on the queue to run the build job. AFor example, SYS$BATCH(3) causes three build-job processes to be Csubmitted to queue SYS$BATCH. If the process count is omitted, one "process is submitted to the queue.

CIf you only specify one queue-name parameter, the parentheses may be omitted.

HIf you also use the /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier, that qualifier states the Btotal number of build-job processes to create. The process counts Eattached to the queue-name parameters on the /QUEUE Cqualifier are then used as scaling factors to distribute build-job Gprocesses among the queues proportionally. For example, if you specify Gqueues HI_BATCH, HO_BATCH(3), and a total process count of eight, then Ctwo processes are submitted to queue HI_BATCH and six processes to Gqueue HO_BATCH. If the total process count does not divide evenly into Fthe sum of the scaling factors, the remaining processes are allocated Gto the queues in the order the queues are listed. If the total process Hcount is nine, for example, the one extra process is allocated to queue *HI_BATCH because HI_BATCH is listed first.


@Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for each Fspecified build job. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 Echaracters long, may contain any explanatory remark that you want to Gstore in the database. This string replaces the remark string from the Eoriginal BUILD command or from any previous MODIFY BUILD_JOB command."


GSpecifies the step-delay time interval used by VDE$BUILD. VDE$BUILD is Fthe program that executes the build steps belonging to the build job. +If VDE$BUILD cannot find an available buildHstep in the database, the program waits the amount of time specified by Ethe /STEP_DELAY qualifier before it looks in the database again. See Hthe description of the BUILD command for a more detailed description of this qualifier.


DSpecifies the timeout interval for the build job. If no build steps 4complete during this interval, the VDE$BUILD utilityBstops the build job and assigns it TIMEOUT status. Therefore, the Gtimeout interval must be longer than the time required to complete the Hlongest build step. See the description of the BUILD command for a more 'detailed description of this qualifier.



@VDEä MODIFY BUILD_JOB V2.0-3/IDENT=15/REMARK="New remark string"E%VDE-I-BLDJOBMOD, build job 15 for stream V2.0-3 modified in database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

CThis example modifies the remark string of build job 15 for stream V2.0-3.


FVDEä MODIFY BUILD_JOB/QUEUE=(PHI_BATCH, FOO_BATCH(3))/PROCESS_COUNT=10C%VDE-I-BLDJOBMOD, build job 12 for stream V5.2 modified in database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

DThis command modifies the batch queues and process count associated Gwith the most recent build job for the default stream, build job 12 of stream V5.2.

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