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The Adaptive Effects of Virtual Interfaces: Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex and Simulator Sickness
by Mark Draper

[Table of Contents]

Appendix C: Subject Consent Form

Human Interface Technology Laboratory

University of Washington


"Optokinetic/Vestibular Research"


Purpose and Benefits

You are being asked to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to investigate how head-coupled visual images affect the way in which the eye moves. This research will be useful both for basic science and for the design of virtual interfaces.


First we will measure how stable your balance is. You will stand heel-to-toe with your arms crossed for 10-30 seconds. We may repeat this test several times until you get used to it. We will have people guarding you so that you do not fall.

Next, we will measure your eye movements in the dark, using a rotating chair that operates at low speeds and a video camera to record the position of one of your eyes. Then you will view visual scenes by wearing a helmet mounted display. We will ask you to search for items that appear in these visual scenes. You will view these scenes for 30 minutes.

After the experiment, we will again measure your eye movements in the dark, once right after exposure, another time 10 minutes after exposure. Lastly, we will again measure your balance.

You will be asked to answer written questions about your experiences after the experiment. For some experiments, data collection may involve recording (e.g., videotaping, voice, photos) the experience and/or interviews with the participants. For these experiments, subjects will have a chance to review and delete any (or all) portions of the recordings. Sessions may take 1-2 hours. You may be asked to take part in more than one session.

Risks of Negative Effects

It is possible that you may suffer discomfort or mild nausea as you view the visual images. If you experience these or any other negative effects, please let us know, and we will try to correct the situation. If this is not possible, we will end the session early. For safety reasons, persons who are pregnant or who have back problems should not participate in this study.

Other Information

Your participation in this experiment is entirely voluntary. If at any time you decide to withdraw from the study, simply inform the experimenter and you will be excused without penalty. Your responses will be confidential. Your data will remain anonymous and will be kept for a period of 5 years by the co-investigators under conditions of restricted access. If you have any questions about this study or about your rights as a subject, please feel free to ask.



_______________________________________ Signature of Investigator Date


Participant's Statement:

The study described above has been explained to me. I voluntarily consent to participate in this activity. I have had the opportunity to ask questions, and I understand that future questions I may have about this research, or about my rights as a subject will be answered by one of the investigators listed above.


copies to: subject _______________________________________

experimenter's files Signature of Subject Date

Human Interface Technology Laboratory