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There were 20 adult volunteers (16 male, 4 female) all but 1 naive to the experimental hypothesis. Fifteen reported more than 10 minutes prior experience with virtual environments. General data about participants are given in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2: Participant Overview for Experiments AIE1
Id Gn Age Prev
1 M 41 1
2 M 29 0
3 M 43 1
4 M 42 1
5 M 26 1
6 M 36 1
7 M 29 1
8 F 40 1
9 M 27 1
10 M 34 1
11 F 43 0
12 M 25 1
13 M 36 0
14 M 21 0
15 F 27 1
16 M 27 0
17 M 27 1
18 F 38 1
19 M 53 1
20 M 48 1

Id is the participant number. Gn gives the gender, Age the age in years, and Prev is ``1'' if the participant had more than 10 minutes of prior experience in virtual environments, ``0'' otherwise.

For general methods, including the image used and how the per-exposure presence ratings were taken, see Section 4.2. Participants were given a one-minute pre-exposure to each condition, in random order, during which they were asked to examine the scene and gather their impressions. Subsequently, per-exposure presence ratings were taken for each condition in an independent random order.

Three FOV conditions were compared: 16$^{\circ}$, 32$^{\circ}$, and 48$^{\circ}$ (the widest available on the HMD used). FOV was restricted by blacking pixels around the boundary of the display (by the same proportion vertically as horizontally).

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Jerrold Prothero

Human Interface Technology Lab