Mp3tag Help - First Steps

First Steps

Saving Tags to files

Step 1

First change to a directory containing supported audio-files by using the command File > Change directory...
The file view now contains all the files of this directory. If you also want to display the files of the subdirectories, please enable the option Subfolders in the change directory dialog

Step 2

Now select the file to edit by using the mouse or the keyboard. The tag of the selected file will be displayed in the entry fields on the left of the main window.
If there are more file selected, the entry fields will show the default values for multiple selections. You can customize these default values at Options > Default values

Step 3

Please enter the tag-information of the current file to the entry fields.
If one field contains the text < keep >, Mp3tag will keep the current content of this tag-field when saving the new tag.
If one field contains the text < remove >, Mp3tag will remove the current content of this tag-field when saving the new tag.

Step 4

Save the new tag by using the command File > Save tag or use the disc button at Mp3tag's toolbar.

Mp3tag always stores ID3v1- and ID3v2-Tags to MP3 files. You can change these settings via
Options > Tags > Mpeg.

Removing Tags from files

Step 1

First change to a directory containing supported audio-files by using the command File > Change directory...
The file view now contains all the files of this directory. If you also want to display the files of the subdirectories, please enable the option Subfolders in the change directory dialog

Step 2

Now select the file(s) by using the mouse or the keyboard.

Step 3

Remove the Tags of the selected files by using the command File > Remove tag or use the delete button at Mp3tag's toolbar.

Mp3tag always removes ID3v1- and ID3v2-tags from files. You can change these settings via
Options > Tags > Mpeg.

Case conversion on filenames and tags

Step 1

First change to a directory containing supported audio-files by using the command File > Change directory...
The file view now contains all the files of this directory. If you also want to display the files of the subdirectories, please enable the option Subfolders in the change directory dialog.

Step 2

Now select the file(s) you want to edit by using the mouse or the keyboard.

Step 3

Run the command Convert > Actions or just use the icon from the toolbar.

Step 4

Create a new action group by choosing the New button and give this action group a meaningful name, e.g. "All uppercase".

Step 5

Create a new action by choosing the New button and choose Case conversion as action type.

Step 6

Activate the check mark of the action group and run the action group via the OK button.

Customizing the file view

You can add and remove user-defined columns in the file view of Mp3tag.
Just display the column dialog via the command View > Columns... and follow the instructions on this page.