Mp3tag Help - Customize columns

Customize columns

Menu View > Columns

With this dialog you can add, remove and rearrange the columns of the file view.


This field is required and is used for displaying content in the file view. You can use any placeholder from the list below.


This field is optional. The placeholder of this field is used for editing the content of the field through the file view - if this field is empty, the column is write protected.
You can only use placeholders for tag fields (e.g. %artist%), %_filename_ext%, or %_filename% here.

Sort by

This field is optional. If this field is empty, Mp3tag uses the contents of Value for sorting. Otherwise the evaluated content of this field is used.


This checkbox affects the sorting of the column and determines if the column contents are aligned left or right.

The following placeholders are available:

%artist% Artist
%album% Album
%comment% Comment
%genre% Genre
%title% Title
%track% Track-Number
%_total% Total number of tracks from xx/XX track-number field
%year% Year
%field name% The content of any field name
Technical info  
%_bitrate% Bitrate in kBit/s
%_codec% Codec
%_length% Length (formatted)
%_length_seconds% Length (in seconds)
%_mode% Mode
%_samplerate% Sample rate
%_tag% Available tag types in file
%_tag_read% Displayed tag type
%_tag_size% Size of all tags in bytes
%_tag_size_appended% Size of all appended tags in bytes
%_tag_size_prepended% Size of all prepended tags in bytes
%_vbr% Bitrate type or compression profile
%_covers% Count of cover art in the tag of the file
%_cover_mimetype% Mimetype of first cover art in the tag of the file
%_cover_size% Size of first cover art in the tag of the file in bytes
%_cover_type% Cover type of first cover art in the tag of the file
%_id3v2_character_encoding% Encoding of the ID3v2 text frames of the file.
%_tool% Additional codec information (not available for all supported audio formats).
File name / path info  
%_extension% File extension
%_filename% File name without extension
%_filename_ext% File name with extension
%_file_create_date% Short creation date
%_file_create_datetime% Long creation date
%_file_create_datetime_raw% Long creation date (unformatted)
%_file_mod_date% Short modification date
%_file_mod_datetime% Long modification date
%_file_mod_datetime_raw% Long modification date (unformatted)
%_file_size% File size in human readable format
%_file_size_bytes% File size in bytes
%_file_size_kb% File size in kilobytes
%_file_size_mb% File size in megabytes
%_path% File name with path
%_folderpath% Path without file name
%_directory% Name of the parent directory
%_parent_directory% Name of the grandparent folder

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