Mp3tag Help - Overview of commands

Overview of commands

Menu File

Save tag

This function saves the tag entered in the tag panel to the selected files. If you have selected < keep > at one of the fields on the tag panel, the value in the tag will not be changed.

You can enable/disable writing of specific tag versions at Options > Tags

Hotkey: Ctrl + S

Remove tag

This function removes the tags specified at Options > Tags from the selected files.

Hotkey: Ctrl + R

Read tag

This function reads the tag from the selected files.

Hotkey: Ctrl + T

Playlist (all files)

This function creates a playlist of all files listed in the file view. The filename of the playlist can be a format string and is defined at Options > Playlist

If you press the Shift-key when running this command, Mp3tag creates a playlist for every different directory.

Hotkey: Ctrl + P

Playlist (selected files)

This function creates a playlist of all selected files. The filename of the playlist can be a format string and is defined at Options > Playlist

If you press the Shift-key when running this command, Mp3tag creates a playlist for every different directory.


This function exports file and tag information of the selected files to an export file based on the settings at Options > Export.

If you press the Shift-key when running this command, Mp3tag creates an export file for each different directory.

Hotkey: Ctrl + E

Change directory...

This function shows a folder tree to change the current working directory of Mp3tag. If you select the Subfolders option in this dialog, Mp3tag will also load all supported files from the subfolders of the selected folder.

Hotkey: Ctrl + D

Add directory...

This function shows a folder tree to add a directory to the file view of Mp3tag. If you select the Subfolders option in this dialog, Mp3tag will also load all supported files from the subfolders of the selected folder.

Hotkey: Ctrl + H

Load Playlist/Cuesheet...

This function loads the files referenced in the selected playlist or cuesheet to the file view.

Favorite directory

This function changes to current working directory to the specified favorite directory.

Hotkey: Ctrl + F

Save configuration...

This function saves all settings and configuration files to a single zip file for backup purposes.


Exit from Mp3tag.

Hotkey: Alt + F4

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Menu Edit


Undo the last operation.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Z


Copies text from an edit field to the clipboard. If one or more audio files are selected, Mp3tag copies its tags to the clipboard. Please note that embedded cover art is not copied.

Hotkey: Ctrl + C


Cuts text from an edit field to the clipboard. If one or more audio files are selected, Mp3tag cuts its tags to the clipboard. Please note that embedded cover art is not copied.

Hotkey: Ctrl + X


Paste text from the clipboard to the current cursor position.
If one or more audio files are selected, and the clipboard contains some tag information, Mp3tag will paste the tags to the selected files.

Hotkey: Ctrl + V

Select all files

Select all files in the file view.

Hotkey: Ctrl + A

Invert selection

Inverts the current selection in the file view.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + A

Unselect all

Unselects all files in the file view.

Hotkey: Ctrl + U

Select next file

This function selects the next file in the file view. Very helpful to walk through all files without leaving the keyboard.

Hotkey: Ctrl + N

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Menu View


Rereads the current working directory and reloads the tag information from all files

Hotkey: F5

Sort by

Defines the sort criteria of the file view.

Tag Panel

Shows/hides the tag panel.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Q

Extended Tags...

This menu item displays the extended tag dialog where you can edit extended and user-defined tag fields as well as editing embedded cover art.

Hotkey: Alt + T


Shows/hides the filter where you can filter the list of files using a search string or filter expressions.

Hotkey: F3

Customize columns

This function opens the customize columns dialog, which allows to enable and disable columns in the file view and change their arrangement.

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Menu Convert

Tag - Filename

This converter renames the selected files based on the tag and file information. It thereby uses a format string, which consists of predefined placeholders.

To show a preview of the conversion only, press the Shift key when running the converter.

Hotkey: Alt + 1

Filename - Tag

This function extracts tag information from the filename based on a format string.

To show a preview of the conversion only, press the Shift key when running the converter.

Hotkey: Alt + 2

Filename - Filename

This function renames the selected files based on the filenames of the files. You can define parts of the filenames and Mp3tag will rearrange them according to the format string.

To show a preview of the conversion only, press the Shift key when running the converter.

Hotkey: Alt + 3

Text file - Tag (Import)

This converter reads tag information from the text file and saves it to the selected files. The format of one line in the text file is defined by a format string.

Hotkey: Alt + 4


This function runs user-defined action groups, which consists of one or more action types (like replace characters, case conversion, ...).

Hotkey: Alt + 5

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Menu Tag Sources

freedb ...

This function queries album information from the internet based on the Audio-CD in the first CD-ROM drive, based on the selected files, by specifying the freedb-ID or by a free text search and saves the information to the selected files.

Hotkey: Ctrl + I

freedb (local) ...

This function queries album from a local freedb database based on the Audio-CD in the first CD-ROM drive, or by specifying the freedb-ID and stores the information in the selected files.

Hotkey: Ctrl + L,, ...

Mp3tag has a very powerful Web sources framework which allows you to get album information from various websites. You can get the latest web sources from the Web Sources Archive. To install a web source, just copy the file to your Mp3tag data folder (usually %appdata%\mp3tag\data\sources).


You can find a description of the various settings at Options > Tag Sources.

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Menu Tools

Restore all input fields

Clears all input fields.

Hotkey: Ctrl + B

Auto-numbering wizard

The Auto-numbering wizard adds track numbers to your files.

Hotkey: Ctrl + K

Options ...

Displays the option dialog.

Hotkey: Ctrl + O

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