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What's News?
by Michael Eilers, Tuncer Deniz, David Simon, Dan Daranciang, Jason Bailey, Terry Green, Alex Lawrence-Richards

Have some news? Send it along to us at

Monday, May 10, 1999

Quake 3 1.05 Released
This just in. id Software has released Quake 3: Arena 1.05, which is now in Phase III of testing. Here are a few links for your downloading pleasure:

Mac OS 8.6 and Gaming
Well, Mac OS 8.6 doesn't have much in the way of new features for Mac gamers; what it does seem to offer is stability and a hint more speed. ATI graphics extensions as well as the Sound manager are updated by this release; OpenGL final version has been released; and of course Input Sprockets 1.4.1 are installed by default. Note that this is not the latest version of the Sprockets; developers already have 1.4.2a and greater, so that is a good sign that Sprockets continue to be developed at a rapid pace and are here to stay. Now if only they were cross-platform...

Overall 8.6 isn't very different. For all they hype it received it seems a bit disappointing, but that is just because the changes are subtle, and not as showy as the 8.1 to 8.5 transition. Finder performance (opening windows, listing folder contents) seems a bit quicker, and my system heap didn't grow (didn't shrink either - grrr!). Benchmarks of Unreal and Quake III determined pretty much what I expected: no real difference in speed. I'll update the site with new OpenGL benchmarks later today.

Compatibility was 100% with all the games I tried, including some older titles such as Heroes of Might and Magic and Pro Pinball: The Web. The new Sound Manager seems to have given the original Quake a little boost on my slower (200 Mhz 604e) system, but can't improve on the blazing performance on my 400 MHz G3.

What 8.6 does seem to offer is rock-solid computing. My Macs don't crash very often, if at all; I can usually pinpoint the lousy piece of beta software that brings them down quite easily. After four hours with 8.6, I can say that I had no crashes whatsoever, and some touchy beta programs I am testing seemed quite happy with the new OS version.

So 8.6 isn't a must-have for Mac OS 8.5-using gamers, but it is definitely a must-have for anyone still running 8.1 or lower; that's inexcusable. Pony up the cash and upgrade, cheapskates! The enhanced stability alone is worth every penny. [

Notes from the WWDC Keynote Speech
Steve Job's Keynote at today's WWDC didn't have many surprises for mac gamers, but a lot of reasons to take hear that out gaming platform is healthy and thriving. Another quarter of profitability under Apple's belt, WWDC attendance up 41% from last year - not all of those new attendees are game developers, but we can hope! - and continued push of the iMac into first-time-user and ex-Windows user markets gives developers even more reasons to bring games to the Macintosh.

Perhaps most significant for gamers was the release of the final version of OpenGL for Mac OS. Jobs demoed the civilian flight sim X-Plane running OpenGL (no demo of Quake III, Steve? Where's Carmack when you need him...) which looked great and of course got lots of applause, though the demo pilot crashed the plane. While I would have liked to see a demo of Unreal Tournament instead, we'll see that at the upcoming E3 on Thursday. OpenGL should be available from Apple's web page later today; no word as of yet on whether this fixes the conflict with the Apple DVD Player, though it is safe to assume it will.

The other big news is the release of 8.6. This is both a minor and major update to the Mac OS; minor in terms of new features (a few tweaks to Sherlock, some networking improvements) and major in the "guts" of the system (a microkernel implementation, improved stability, better memory management.) 8.6 also integrates Input Sprockets (a fancy way of saying that they are now installed by default); this isn't a big issue, as most games that need Input Sprockets already include them on installation. It does however confirm that Sprockets are here to stay and considered an Apple core technology.

The sneak peek of Sonata (9.0) was interesting; it promised Sherlock 2.0 (which looks pretty damn cool, with integrated access to auction sites, online maps and such), multi-user support, and a release date of early Fall. OS-level encryption technology was also announced, not a big issue for gamers, but great news for those parents who want to "lock" games such as Carmageddon away from their children - now you can just password-protect the folder and forget it. The encryption will even include James Bond-style voice recognition! Now I know why I got that translucent microphone with my G3 Pro even though Speech Recognition is not supported on this model...

On the hardware side, there was a conspicuous absence of news. Although the new PowerBook models were announced (and they are hot machines! DVD, USB, 5 hour battery life), no iMac revisions were announced, and no speed bumps for the G3 Pro models were announced (confirming rumors that Motorola and IBM are having trouble meeting demand for high-speed G3 processors). No word of the Sawtooth machines (G4 series), AGP support or TNT2 support was mentioned, but such "major" announcements are probably being saved for this Summer's Macworld Expo.

Apple's FTP servers are of course totally slammed right now, so you'll probably have to wait until later tonight or tomorrow to try the new software. [
Eilers] Preps Combat Mission
The folks at, the new online company formed by Steve Grammont and Charles Moylan, recently sent us two new exclusive screenshots of Combat Mission. During its early days this game was called Advanced Squad Leader and was to be published by Avalon Hill. But the two parted ways early on during development, and Moylan and company were forced to start from scratch on a new game. The result is Combat Mission, a World War II tactical warfare game.

Combat Mission is a 1-2 player, turn based 3D simulation of WWII tactical warfare. It combines unparalleled game depth and ease of use with a true 3D environment.

Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord takes you from Normandy 1944 to Germany 1945 on World War Two's Western Front. Play as Allied or Axis, ranging from US Airborne to German Volkssturm. Battle across the bocage, tackle a village or two, drive through the plains, push into the woods, and slog it out in cities. CM provides all this and more with its historical scenarios and campaigns. And if there is a battle that isn't covered, make it up yourself with the easy to use editor.

Combat Mission is nearing completion and should be done within the next few months. As always, we'll keep you posted on future developments. In the meantime, check out the screenshots below (click on them to enlarge them).

New Quake 3 Test Tonight (Maybe)
A new Quake 3 Test could be released tonight, as id Software prepares to release the Windows version of Quake 3 Test. In his recent .plan update John Carmack had this to say:

A good day of work. I just finished a long test game with all three architectures, and everything looks solid.

As far as I can tell, these are ready to go after making installers and such, but everyone else has an oportunity to find bugs while I sleep...

We won't hold up for minor gameplay issues, but if anyone turns up a repeatable crasher I will rebuild everything.

Barring problems, we should start rolling the releases out tonight.

Expect a Mac and Linux version to be released shortly before the Windows version, since all past versions will be incompatible with the one released tonight. IMG will be on the lookout tonight and as soon as the new Quake 3 test is released, we'll post the links and mirrors on our news page.

America's Greatest Arcade Hits Ships
MacSoft today shipped America's Greatest Arcade Hits 3D for Mac. Arcade Hits is jam-packed with four exciting games, including:

• Munch Man: Munch Man is on a mission to rid the universe of evil ghosts! Over the course of his journey, our hero will face a wide variety of enemies, obstacles and unforseen challenges. Only you can help him stay alive and munching!

• Qube Jumper: Join Jumpy in his amazing adventures through a series of wonderfully wild and weird 3D worlds. Complete each level by jumping on blicks and changing their color.

• Tetrimadness: Prepare to enjoy hours of hair-raising action with this updated 3D version of the arcade classic. Line the geometric shapes into rows and clear them before the pieces pile up and end your fun.

• Alien Invaders: Nasty aliens have launched a deadly assault on your space stations. They'll use their arsenal of powerful weapons to destroy you at all costs. Take heart, you'll have your own supply of weapons and powerups to help you win the battle.

America's Greatest Arcade Hits 3D for Mac is available at retail outlets nationwide for a suggested retail price of $19.99, as well as through secure online transactions at

Updates on Redneck Rampage and Settlers III
Bill Heineman of Logicware recently posted some news on the status of two of the projects he's working on. According to Heineman, Redneck Rampage is in the final stretch and should be released sometime in May. Settler III, which will be published by Blue Byte is still a ways out. Here's what Heineman had to say:

"Redneck Rampage is now a full Beta! Just when I thought I was finished with that, it rears it's ugly head on me. :) All I have to do now is optimize the blitters to get it to run better on 601/603 machines. Redneck runs great on any G3!

"Settlers III is now alpha, I've gotten all the game logic completely converted to MacOS.

"I'm now finally able to get these over to other people so I can concentrate on Aliens vs. Predator.

"We will be updating our website Monday. See you at E3!"

New Myth I/II Site at Bungie.Org

It looks like Myth sites are popping up to replace the recently closed Codex and the missing Librium Arcanum file site. Irreverent Bungie game fanatic Gary Simmons announced the rebirth of the old Nontoxic site, now a partner of the Bungie.Org website. Here is 'the Battle Cat' with his announcement:

    Remember those empty promises of 'vastly cool things to come' that was trying to sell you a bill of goods on? Well, much to our own surprise it has come to pass! You could have knocked us down with a Thrall fart. Introducing Nontoxic at Down but not out, Nontoxic waited in the Internet nether world for several months bidding it's time. Now it is alive and well again and reveling in the sloppy gore of Myth. Nontoxic brings with it: news, forums, articles, strategies, and a plethora of Myth background, facts, figures, challenges and more! This will be one of your Myth and Myth II bookmarks for sure. Check it out at

Another excellent resource for Myth I and II gamers, and yet another sign that the flexibility and easy-to-use mapmaking tools of this game guarantee it a long, creative lifespan. [Eilers]

Fantasoft's Monkey Shines Adds New Worlds
Fans of Fantasoft's great homage to the platform games of years long past, Money Shines, will go ape over five new 'worlds' available for this shareware title.

The Monkey Shines HQ has been updated with the new levels, along with a Java-based search engine that allows users to search the entire web site, including the walkthroughs, cheats and other goodies. If you haven't tried this cool adaptation of Donkey King and several other arcade games, you should swing by and give it a spin. [Eilers]

'The Mill' Grinds Away at Bungie.Org
In yet more Bungie.Org news, another new Myth/Myth II site has popped up at this site for all things Bungie. ! The Mill is the newest addition to the Myth community, created by Randall Shaw (commonly known as frigidman of Phorte fame). Rather than being yet another news site, it is designed (in frigidman's own words) "for the Myth community, in hopes that it can become a singular depository of Myth maps, plugins, films, and utilities. This is here to serve the community, and that is our goal."

While the site is currently low on content, it has a very polished design and promises to grow quickly. With the recent closure of the Codex, it's nice to see the Myth Townhall getting some more well-deserved competition! [Simon]

IMG Shareware Updates

This weekend was packed with updates to the software sections at IMG. Let's get right down to it.

Version Updates

Brad Oliver sent out MacMAME 0.35b12a for public consumption this Sunday. The emulator for classic games received many bug fixes, most notably in InputSprocket support and RAVE modes. Win32 MAME artwork can now be used without modification (in original .zip files) as well.

A mere day after releasing version 1.22 to the Mac community, Duane Johnson made Descent 3Dfx 1.23 available to the masses. This version turns the mouse driver back on.

Descent 3Dfx is a modification to the Descent series which allows use of 3Dfx cards for graphics enhancement. Being based on the source code which Parallax Software released, it is free.

Ingemar Ragnemalm, the Mac programming genius behind the Sprite Animation Toolkit used in several commercial and shareware games released a new version of his Solitaire House, designated version 1.0.2. A minor bug was fixed. This game was also featured in the IMG Shareware Spotlight (see below).

Finally, Miles Michelson released Connect4 1.1.8, as well. This implementation of the classic 2-player game features a computer opponent, multiple skill levels, and the always useful Undo command.

As always, your one-stop shop for the latest Mac game updates is IMG's Updaters page. It is updated immediately whenever a new version is released, including weekends. [Daranciang]

MacMAME 0.35b12a (2.3 MB)

Descent I 3Dfx (1.7 MB)

Descent II 3Dfx (1.7 MB)

Solitaire House 1.0.2 (1.5 MB)

Connect4 1.1.8 (210k)

IMG Shareware Spotlight

This week, the spotlight is shared by four programs. First up is Nethergate, the excellent RPG from Spiderweb Software set in the time shortly after Alexander the Great. In it, your objective is to utilize the dying art of magic to bring down the Roman Empire. Next comes FIDIM Interactive's hilarious Chromosomethingorother. The game brought me many chuckles with its clever dialog and well "put-together" graphics. Solitaire House by Ingemar Ragnemalm is number three on the list. This feature-packed game with 30 types of solitaire is a breath of fresh air in the crowded card genre, and has the added advantage of running on almost every Mac in existence. Rounding out the list is Interius Software's second game, NetTron. Loosely based on Lightcycle, but with loads of available variations, this multiplayer arcader is great for LAN parties.

Shareware authors: Want free publicity? e-mail Dan Daranciang at with all the details of your masterpiece. [Daranciang]

Thresh Plays on the G3, Grudgingly
How are Windows users feeling about not having Quake III out yet for their platform? The platform that dominates most of the computer world? Well, they are feeling pretty left out. How badly? Well, the crew over at the Firing Squad decided to get a Mac!

Read their thoughts and feelings about Quake III Arena and their new Blue and White G3; typically for diehard PC users, even their best praise is balanced with jibes and insults. Oh well - at leat Apple sold some more hardware!

The release of Q3A for Windows is imminent. A minor update to the Mac and Linux versions will be put online and then finally the release of Q3A for the PC will be released. [Lawrence-Richards]

In Other News

Frodo on the Mac?:
Stop by and sign the petition to bring massively-multiplayer online RPG Middle Earth to the Mac platform.

Those Idiots!:
The self-titled Idiots of the Mac Oserver have posted their latest column, entitled Reflections On Mac Gaming: What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been.

Video Game Violence:
IMG reviewer and columnist Dan Radmacher rethinks this timely topic.

MacWEEK Speaks:
columnist Tony Smith has some interesting thoughts on the signifigance of Quake3Test's debut on the Mac.

Another Unreal Tournament Preview:
Next Generation Online has a detailed article about Unreal Tournament, coming to the Mac this Spring.

Virtual PC Update:
This minor update doesn't add any new features, just fixes bugs with Powerbooks and some Y2K problems.

New VillageTronic Drivers:
VillageTronic has released new drivers for their NextGen MP850 graphics acceleration card.

Railroad Tycoon II Site:
if you want an in-depth look at this upcoming game, visit the Station.

NoBeige previews new iMacs:
they've got the scoop on the new, faster iMacs and when they will be available.

Even Columnists Like Games:
Tom Lovino of the great Mac website About This Particular Macintosh confesses that he uses his Mac for games. Hey, is that so wrong?

New Releases
Civilization II Gold
Starship Titanic
CH Gamestick USB
Imperialism II
Tomb Raider Gold
America's Greatest Solitaire Games
Game Pad Pro USB
Yoot Tower

Future Releases
Carmageddon 2
Falcon 4.0
Redneck Rampage
Railroad Tycoon II

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