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Publisher: FIDIM Interactive

FIDIM Interactive has entered a unique, funny game into the Mac shareware market with Chromosomethingorother. The basic gameplay is similar to Othello (also known as Reversi), in that you place pieces next to each other to change their colors. But that's it.
This game's objective is a new one not commonly seen in the gaming world: To build a complete strand of DNA. Fear not, there are no lengthy scientific calculations, nor long strings of chromosomes like GCGTTGCTGG. Just line up your pieces in a 2x3 grid. And laugh as your character grows up on its way to 23 complete chromosomes.
With fresh, attention-grabbing sounds, clever, laughter-evoking graphics, network play, and loads of snide commentary, Chromosomethingorother is a game which is genuinely fun. Grab it today!
Shareware Fee
System Requirements
- System 7 or better
- 5 MB hard drive space
- 8 MB of free RAM