Part 3  
System Setup  
8 Automating tasks: the system never sleeps
8.1 Using cron to automate tasks
8.1.1 The crontab's format
8.1.2 Installing a user crontab
8.1.3 The system crontab
8.2 Standard maintenance tasks set up by SuSE
8.2.1 Log files are checked for size, ownership, and permission
8.2.2 Old files in various locations are removed
8.2.3 System databases are updated and/or backed up
8.2.4 Core files are searched for
8.2.5 CMOS battery is checked
8.2.6 /root/bin/cron.daily.local is started
8.3 Adding customized tasks
8.4 Executing a job once at a specified time
9 TCP/IP networks: some theory
9.1 Managing networks: subnets and routing
9.2 Routing
9.2.1 Hosts in Network A
9.2.2 Hosts in Network B
9.2.3 Hosts in Network C
9.2.4 Router A/B
9.2.5 Router B/C
10 SuSE's scheme of network configuration
10.1 Interface configuration
10.2 Virtual interfaces
10.3 The dummy interface
10.4 Setting up static routing
10.4.1 Hosts in Network A
10.4.2 Hosts in Network B
10.4.3 Hosts in Network C
10.4.4 Router A/B
10.4.5 Router B/C
10.5 ICMP redirects
11 inetd: the Internet super server
11.1 What does inetd do?
11.2 Configuring inetd
12 Basic network services
12.1 Services provided by inetd
12.1.1 echo
12.1.2 daytime
12.1.3 chargen
12.1.4 time
12.2 Standard Services
12.2.1 shell
12.2.2 login
12.2.3 telnet
12.2.4 talk
12.2.5 ntalk
12.2.6 finger
12.2.7 systat
12.2.8 netstat
12.2.9 POP
12.2.10 ident
13 SSH: Secure Shell
14 DNS: Domain Name Service
14.1 Configuring the Domain Name Service
14.2 Debugging the Domain Name Service
15 NIS: Network Information Service
15.1 Setting up the Network Information Service
15.1.1 ypserv
15.1.2 yppasswdd
15.1.3 ypxfrd
15.2 Setting up an NIS client
15.3 Making sure it works
16 FTP: File Transfer Protocol
16.1 Setting up wu.ftpd
16.1.1 ftpaccess
16.1.2 ftpusers
16.1.3 ftpconversions
16.2 Anonymous FTP
17 HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
17.1 Walking through the document tree
17.1.1 htdocs
17.1.2 cgi-bin
17.1.3 icons
17.1.4 include
17.2 Permitting user home pages
17.3 More information
18 SMTP - Simple Mail Transport Protocol
18.1 SuSE's standard configuration
18.2 Features of the SuSE setup
18.2.1 aliases
18.2.2 genericstable
18.2.3 virtusertable
18.2.4 mailertable
18.2.5 userdb
18.3 Using m4 macros to set up sendmail
19 Samba - The Server Message Block Protocol (SMB)
20 NFS - Network File System
20.1 The user-space daemon
20.2 The kernel NFS daemon-new and improved
20.3 Controlling the NFS filesystems
20.4 Monitoring NFS
21 DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
21.1 Preparations for configuring dhcpd
21.2 Configuring the DHCP server
21.3 A generic example
21.4 More info on DHCP configuration
22 Configuring Dial-in networking
22.1 Hooking up modems
22.1.1 Which modem to use
22.1.2 Testing the modem
22.1.3 Enabling general dial-in
22.2 Mgetty configuration
22.2.1 mgetty.config
22.2.2 login.config
22.3 Configuring PPP dial-in
22.3.1 Authentification
22.3.2 Options for pppd
22.3.3 Practical Examples
22.3.4 /etc/mgetyy+sendfax/login.config
22.3.5 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

Copyright (c) 1999 by Terrehon Bowden and Bodo Bauer
To contact the author please sent mail to