Chapter 21

DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

In this chapter:
* An introduction to DHCP
* Gearing up to make the preparations needed to run DHCP
* Understanding the basic DHCP configuration
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to control vital networking parameters of hosts (running clients) with the help of a DHCP-server. The purpose is to enable individual computers on an IP network to extract their configurations from the DHCP server. The server doesn't have to have exact information about the individual computers until they request the information. The idea is to reduce the work necessary to administer a large IP network. The most significant piece of information distributed in this manner is the IP address.
Windows 95 and Windows 98 contain defaults that ask a DHCP server for its network configuration if no IP address etc. has been specified in its network setup. The DHCP protocol allows a host which is unknown to the network administrator to be automatically assigned a new IP address out of a pool of IP addresses for its network. In order for this to work, the network administrator allocates address pools in each subnet and enters them into the DHCP configuration file. This protocol is not limited to Windows machines. SuSE Linux includes a DHCP client, which can be used to receive the network parameters at boot time from a DHCP server. You can read more about this part of DHCP in chapter 32 , where we talk about diskless clients. This section will discuss setting up a DHCP server.
In addition to DHCP, there are two other protocols for dynamic host configuration, BOOTP and RARP. DHCP is based on BOOTP and maintains some backward compatibility. The main difference is that BOOTP was designed for manual pre-configuration of the host information in a server database, while DHCP allows for dynamic allocation of network addresses and configurations to newly attached hosts. Additionally, DHCP allows for recovery and reallocation of network addresses through a leasing mechanism. RARP is a protocol used by Sun and other vendors that allows a computer to find out its own IP number, which is one of the protocol parameters typically passed to the client system by DHCP or BOOTP. RARP doesn't support other parameters and using it, a server can only serve a single LAN. DHCP and BOOTP are designed so they can be routed.
NOTE The DHCP server shipping with SuSE Linux is the first beta release of Version 2 of the ISC (Internet Software Consortium) DHCP server. It is believed to be fairly stable. However, a DHCP server running in a production environment should probably still use version 1.0, which is more stable, which has been in a feature freeze since November of 1996.
21.1 Preparations for configuring dhcpd

In order for dhcpd to work correctly with picky DHCP clients (e.g., Windows 95), it must be able to send packets with an IP destination address of Unfortunately, Linux insists on changing into the local subnet broadcast address. This results in a DHCP protocol violation, and while many DHCP clients don't notice the problem, some (specifically, all Microsoft DHCP clients) do. Clients that have this problem will appear not to see DHCPOFFER messages from the server.

TIP It is possible to work around this problem on SuSE Linux by creating a host route from your network interface address to The easiest way to do this in SuSE Linux is to add a host route for this address to the network device the DHCP server is connected to. To set this up manually, you have to issue the command:
# route add -host dev eth0  
This of course assumes that you run the server on device eth0. Change the value if you use another device. To make this setting permanent, add the line eth0  
to the routing table in /etc/route.conf. The DHCP server is started by the script /sbin/init.d/dhcp, if the variable START_DHCPD in /etc/rc.config has the value yes.
21.2 Configuring the DHCP server

The DHCP server configuration file is /etc/dhcpd.conf. The file essentially consists of a list of statements. The statements fall into two broad categories - parameters and declarations. Parameter statements either say how to do something (e.g., how long a lease to offer), whether to do something (e.g., should dhcpd provide addresses to unknown clients), or what parameters to provide to the client (e.g., use gateway
Declarations are used to describe the topology of the network, to describe clients on the network, to provide addresses that can be assigned to clients, or to apply a group of parameters to a group of declarations. In any group of parameters and declarations, all parameters must be specified before any declarations which depend on those parameters may be specified.
Declarations about network topology include the shared-network and the subnet declarations. If clients on a subnet are to be assigned addresses dynamically, a range declaration must appear within the subnet declaration. For clients with statically assigned addresses, or for installations where only known clients will be served, each such client must have a host declaration. If parameters are to be applied to a group of declarations which are not related strictly on a per-subnet basis, the group declaration can be used.
For every subnet which will be served, and for every subnet to which the dhcp server is connected, there must be one subnet declaration, which tells dhcpd how to recognize that an address is on that subnet. A subnet declaration is required for each subnet even if no addresses will be dynamically allocated on that subnet.
Some installations have physical networks on which more than one IP subnet operates. For example, if there is a site-wide requirement that 8-bit subnet masks be used, but a department with a single physical ethernet network expands to the point where it has more than 254 nodes, it may be necessary to run two 8-bit subnets on the same ethernet until such time as a new physical network can be added. In this case, the subnet declarations for these two networks may be enclosed in a shared-network declaration.
Some sites may have departments which have clients on more than one subnet, but it may be desirable to offer those clients a uniform set of parameters which are different than what would be offered to clients from other departments on the same subnet. For clients which will be declared explicitly with host declarations, these declarations can be enclosed in a group declaration along with the parameters which are common to that department. For clients whose addresses will be dynamically assigned, there is currently no way to group parameter assignments other than by network topology.
When a client is to be booted, its boot parameters are determined by first consulting that client's host declaration (if any), then consulting the group declaration (if any) which enclosed that host declaration, then consulting the subnet declaration for the subnet on which the client is booting, then consulting the shared-network declaration (if any) containing that subnet, and finally consulting the top-level parameters which may be specified outside of any declaration.
When dhcpd tries to find a host declaration for a client, it first looks for a host declaration which has a fixed address parameter which matches the subnet or shared network on which the client is booting. If it doesn't find any such entry, it then tries to find an entry which has no fixed-address parameter. If no such entry is found, then dhcpd acts as if there is no entry in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file for that client, even if there is an entry for that client on a different subnet or shared network.

21.3 A generic example

Let's see some examples. A typical /etc/dhcpd.conf file will look something like this:

global parameters...  

shared-network SIMPSONS { shared-network-specific parameters...
subnet netmask { subnet-specific parameters...
range; }
subnet netmask { subnet-specific parameters...
range; } }
subnet netmask { subnet-specific parameters...
range; }
group { group-specific parameters...
host { host-specific parameters... } host { host-specific parameters... } host { host-specific parameters... } }
Notice that at the beginning of the file, there's a place for global parameters. These might be things like the organization's domain name, the addresses of the name servers (if they are common to the entire organization), and so on. So, for example:
option domain-name "";  
option domain-name-servers,;  
As you can see, it's legal to specify host addresses in parameters as names rather than as numeric IP addresses. If a given hostname resolves to more than one IP address (for example, if that host has two ethernet interfaces), both addresses are supplied to the client.
In the example above, you can see that both the shared-network statement and the subnet statements can have parameters. Let us say that the shared network SIMPSONS supports an entire department - perhaps the accounting department. If accounting has its own domain, then a shared-network-specific parameter might be:
option domain-name "";  
All subnet declarations that appear in the shared-network declaration would then have the domain-name option set to instead of just
The most obvious reason for having subnet-specific parameters is that each subnet, of necessity, has its own router. So for the first subnet, for example, there should be something like:
option routers;  
Note that the address here is specified numerically. This is not required - if you have a different domain name for each interface on your router, it's perfectly legitimate to use the domain name for that interface instead of the numeric address. In many cases there may be only one domain name for all of a router's IP addresses, and it would not be appropriate to use that name here.
In the example shown there is also a group statement, which provides common parameters for a set of three hosts - bart, lisa and maggie. As you can see, these hosts are all in the domain, so it might make sense for a group-specific parameter to override the domain name supplied to these hosts:
option domain-name "";  
Also, given the domain they're in, these machines may be booted often, so we might set the lease timeout somewhat shorter than the default:
max-lease-time 120;  
default-lease-time 120;  
NOTE You may have noticed that while some parameters start with the option keyword, some do not. Parameters that start with the option keyword correspond to actual DHCP options, while parameters that do not start with the option keyword either control the behavior of the DHCP server (e.g., the length of time before dhcpd expires), or specify client parameters that are not optional in the DHCP protocol (for example, server-name and filename).
In the example, each host had host-specific parameters. These could include such things as the hostname option, the name of a file to upload (the filename parameter) and the address of the server from which to upload the file (the next-server parameter). In general, any parameter can appear anywhere that parameters are allowed, and will be applied according to the scope in which the parameter appears.
Chapter 32 will show in a short example how to use DHCP to provide diskless clients with IP addresses and information about their NFS root directory.
21.4 More info on DHCP configuration

We basically talked about the structure of the configuration file here, while missing an explanation of the actual options.
Please refer to the man page dhcpd.conf(5) for a list of all possible options and their meanings. The example /etc/dhcpd.conf installed with the dhcp package is also a good reference. It shows a reasonable setup and is extensively commented. There is also a mini-howto on DHCP. You can find in the directory /usr/doc/howto/en/mini, the filename is DHCP.gz. Use the command less DHCP.gz to open it.
A list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) on DHCP is available online at the URL

  The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol can be used to centralize the network setup of a range of hosts in a local area network. SuSE Linux can be used as a DHCP server for different kinds of client operating systems. The setup is fairly complex, but SuSE provides a good documented example for configuration.
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Copyright (c) 1999 by Terrehon Bowden and Bodo Bauer
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