Chapter 22

Configuring Dial-in networking

In this chapter:
* Connecting modems to the system
* Configuring mgetty
* The authentification process
* Uncovering the PPP daemon's most important options
* Configuring dial-in for selected users
* Arranging dial-in access by using the system user database for authentification
A Linux machine not only provides TCP/IP services in a LAN set up or on the Internet; you can also set it up as a dial-in-server for clients who connect to the server over a modem connection. This feature can also be used to provide remote access for maintenance on machines not connected to the Internet. Imagine that you install a Linux machine at a client's location and that you would like the ability to monitor or change certain settings, or that you want to provide access to your local network for employees or customers. These possibilities increase productivity and ease access to critical information.
This service allows a wide range of scalability. You can have just one modem hooked up to your machine, or entire modem-racks connected to the Linux box. The configuration is pretty much the same, no matter how many dial-in lines you are going to support.
There are two aspects of dial-in configuration. First, we have to make the modems known to the machine and ensure that incoming calls are recognized. Finally, we have to specify parameters for the PPP (Point-to-Point-Protocol) sessions, which connect the client machines to your server.
22.1 Hooking up modems

There are two steps in making the machine aware of the modem. One is involves making the physical connection, and the other is starting getty to enable dial-in on this modem. A getty ("get tty") is an application which "listens" in on the modem, waiting for a connection. As soon as it recognizes a connection attempt, it asks for a login name, then gives control to the login program to log the user onto the system. This is the simplest instance of dial-in networking. We'll learn more about more complex operations later on.
It should be fairly obvious that the modem connected to your machine is set to enable dial-in.

22.1.1 Which modem to use

Speed and brands aside, there are two kinds of modems -- internal and external. Internal modems are the most popular (at least in the US), while external modems have certain features that make them more suitable dial-in access. External modems usually have a set of LEDs indicating the modem's staus. This makes it easy to see if the modem is online and if traffic is going through the modem. This is handy if you want to debug your setup. Internal modems don't provide you with this kind of information, which makes it harder to see if the problem is on the software side or on the hardware side. Another point is that external modems connect to any serial port, what makes it simple to connect the modem to the machine. Internal modems are often Plug-And-Play and require a special setup before they work, which can be a hassle. Even worse, there are so called 'Win-Modems' which require special drivers that are not available under Linux, so there is no possibility to operate these modems using Linux .

TIP From what we've just discussed, this tip will be fairly obvious: if you have to buy a new modem, I strongly recommend getting an external one, as these have a reputation for offereing a flawless set up and are easier to use than their internal counterparts. This doesn't mean that internal modems can't be used at all, but that experience shows that they are much more likely to be the source of problems, rather than external ones.
22.1.2 Testing the modem

Once you have made the physical connection, you should test that you can access the modem. An easy way to do this is to use a terminal emulation and try to access the modem. The program minicom is a friendly serial communication program and can be used for this purpose. Start minicom, then go to the setup screen and enter the right device for your modem. Then try to send AT-commands to it. You should see what you type and get response codes from the modem. If not, something is wrong. It maybe that you chose the wrong device, or that the modem hasn't been detected by the system at all. Check all modem related settings and cabling and try again.

22.1.3 Enabling general dial-in

As said earlier, you'll need to start a getty process on the modem device to enable dial-in connections. There are several getty implementations that come with SuSE Linux that we can choose from:

* mingetty - minimal getty for consoles
* agetty - alternative Linux getty
* mgetty - smart modem getty
The brief descriptions given should make it clear which one we'll choose for our purposes: Mgetty The other two gettys are much more limited than mgetty. The first, mingetty is only useful for console logins. Agetty would work well if we only wanted shell logins, but since our primary objective is to act as a dial-in server for IP connections, we'll ignore it and use mgetty.
Mgetty fairly easy to enable. All you need to do is to make an entry in /etc/inittab, that instructs init to start mgetty for each modem line. In a real-world situation, a line would look like this:
# modem getty.  
m0:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/mgetty -s 38400 ttyS1  
We've discussed this file in chapter 6. The four fields are divided by colons (:). Let's review their meanings:
* m0
Indicates the identifier for the process. If you want to start more than one instance of mgetty, choose a seperate identifier for each line, i.e. m1, m2, m3 and so on.
* 23
Activates the process in runlevels two and three.
* respawn
Restarts the process whenever it dies. This assures that once the connection is terminated, a new mgetty is started.
* /usr/sbin/mgetty -s 38400 ttyS1
The application to start with all it's commandlien options. In this case mgetty set to listen on /dev/ttyS1 and expecting connections at 38000Bps. More on the mgetty options later.
NOTE After you have added one or more of these lines to /etc/inittab, you should have init reread it, then start the process(es). This is easily done by sending the signal SIGHUP to the init process:
# killall -HUP init  
Init rereads the inittab and starts all processes that are not yet running, such as mgetty on the modem.
TIP You can check if mgetty is running by looking into the process table. Run ps ax and grep for mgetty in the output. You get something like this:
# ps ax | grep mgetty  
2579 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/mgetty -s 38400 ttyS1  
Now you are able to dial into your machine, and get a login prompt once you are connected. If you have problems at this point, you can review the mgetty's lockfile to see what's going on in the modem line. You'll find the log file in /var/log. Its name depends on the device you set mgetty to listen to. The name is mgetty.device.
In there, you'll find the communication between mgetty and your modem. Here is an example of the modem initialization and a successful login attempt:
03/03 22:40:15 check for lockfiles  
03/03 22:40:15 locking the line  
03/03 22:40:16 lowering DTR to reset Modem  
03/03 22:40:16 send: \d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]\dATQ0V1H0[0d]  
03/03 22:40:20 waiting for "OK" ** found **  
03/03 22:40:20 send: ATS0=0Q0&D3&H3&N0&K4[0d]  
03/03 22:40:20 waiting for "OK" ** found **  
03/03 22:40:20 send: AT+FCLASS=0[0d]  
03/03 22:40:20 waiting for "OK" ** found **  
03/03 22:40:20 send: AT+FAA=1;+FBOR=0;+FCR=1[0d]  
03/03 22:40:20 waiting for "OK" ** found **  
03/03 22:40:20 send: AT+FLID="49 89 3243328"[0d]  
03/03 22:40:20 waiting for "OK" ** found **  
03/03 22:40:20 send: AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0[0d]  
03/03 22:40:20 waiting for "OK" ** found **  
03/03 22:40:20 fax_command: send 'AT+FLPL=1'  
03/03 22:40:20 fax_wait_for(OK)** found **  
03/03 22:40:21 waiting...  
03/03 22:41:28 waiting for "RING" ** found **  
03/03 22:41:28 send: ATA[0d]  
03/03 22:41:28 waiting for "CONNECT" ** found **  
03/03 22:41:42 send:  
03/03 22:41:42 waiting for "" ** found **  
03/03 22:41:43 ##### data dev=ttyS1, pid=6470, caller=none,  
conn='38400/ZyX 16800/V42b', name='',  
cmd='/bin/login', user='bb'  
A word about device names before we continue with more mgetty options and the actual PPP setup. Usually, you have more than one device file for each of you serial ports. The first serial port i.e. (COM1 in the Windows world) can be accessed by using the device /dev/cua0 or /dev/ttyS0. You even may have a link to one of those files called /dev/modem. Traditionally, the separation in cuas and ttys was made to have outgoing (cua) and incoming (tty) devices. The Linux kernel handles both device type equally, so there is no longer a reason to use one device rather than the other. One important point is that you should always use the same device name, no matter what you do. I recommend using the /dev/ttyS* devices. The reason for this is that device locking is based on the device file name. If any application uses a serial device, it creates the file /var/lock/LCK..devicename.
NOTE This works fine as long as everybody uses the same name for this device. It can lead to trouble if, for example, minicom uses /dev/modem and mgetty uses /dev/ttyS1. In this instance /dev/modem is a link to /dev/ttyS1. So please make sure that there is consistency in device name to avoid this problem.
22.2 Mgetty configuration

Our review on enabling mgetty is fine for most situations. If you find that these are limiting, read on for other ways to fine tune its configuration.
There are four configuration files for mgetty in /etc/mgetty+sendfax:

* dialin.config
* login.config
* mgetty.config
* voice.conf
Of interest to us is mgetty.config and login.config. The file dialin.config controls caller ID based services, and voice.config is used for setting up voice mail boxes based on mgetty. We don't need either one to setup dial-in. To learn more about these features, you can find the complete documentation for mgetty at its homepage:
22.2.1 mgetty.config

Usually mgetty works quite well with the compiled-in defaults (it has been the only way to configure it for a long time), but this way is quite inflexible, especially if you use different modem types. The built-in defaults can be modified by command line options. Even this is not a perfect solution since it makes /etc/inittab entries very long and difficult to read.
That's why mgetty was extended to use the configuration file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config, which makes dynamic setup far easier. Its format is very simple. Each line contains one keyword, and possibly arguments for it, separated by white space. Empty lines, and comment lines (those lines starting with #) are allowed and ignored.

TIP If your modem works fine after setting up mgetty as described earlier, there is no real reason to change the settings. If, however, something is not as it should be, read on and for tips on revising the settings to get a perfect setup.
The config file is grouped into port-specific sections, separated by port TTY-NAME lines. Everything before the first port line specifies global defaults, and everything between the two port statements specifies configuration items valid only for exactly this device. Let's look at an example:
# global defaults:  
# fax station id is always the same  
fax-id ++1 510 835 7875  
# per port settings 
port tty1a  
# This modem can't fax  
modem-type data  

port tty2a # more verbose logging for this modem debug 9
The data part of each line, following the keyword, can be a string (in most cases), a chat sequence (a series of strings, separated by white space, that specify the "modem talk" to do. It starts with an expect string, then send, another expect string, and so on), an integer (interpreted as decimal, octal or hexadecimal, depending on the leading character 1-9/0/0x ), or boolean (y(es) or t(rue) vs. n(o) or f(alse)). If no argument is specified, this will be considered value not set (if allowed) or error (if a value is mandatory), except for boolean values. In that case, it's interpreted as true.
Many of those configuration items can be overriden from the command line. Command line options take precedence over configuration file settings (and those take precedence over built-in defaults). The configuration items useful for our focus are (command line options, if available, given in brackets):
* speed [-s] PORT SPEED
Specifis, as an integer value, the port speed to use. Default is 19200bps. If the given speed is not valid, mgetty complains loudly and exits.
* blocking YES/NO [-b]
Tells mgetty to open the device in blocking mode, that is, the open() system call won't succeed until [a/the] carrier detect is set. This is set if mgetty is called as getty. Default is no.
* toggle-dtr YES/NO
Tells mgetty whether it should lower the DTR line upon startup to reset modem. Default is yes, but a few modems have "allergic" reactions to that and crash.
* toggle-dtr-waittime MSECS
Specifies the time to hold the DTR line low. Default is 500 milliseconds.
* data-only YES/NO [-D]
Tells mgetty to forget about faxing and only use the data part of the modem. Default is false. You need this if your modem can't distinguish between incoming fax and data calls.
* modem-type [-C] MTYPE
Specifies the kind of modem connected to the port. Valid options are:
* auto
Mgetty will detect the modem type itself (which occasionally may not be desirable, or it may fail to recognize old modem equipment). Mgetty will use the ATI command to find out the modem type, and select the proper fax class accordingly. If that fails (unknown modem type), mgetty will try class 2.0 and then class 2.
* c2.0
Modem is a CLASS 2.0 fax modem. Works better than class 2, if both are available, because it has better standardization. Known to work with USR, ZyXEL 1496 and 2864 series, and ELSA modems.
* cls2
Modem is a CLASS 2 fax modem, mgetty will not try class 2.0.
* data
Do not try fax initialization, same as if '-D' given.
* init-chat [-m] EXPECT SEND EXPECT SEND ...
Tells mgetty the chat sequence to use for initializing the modem.
CAUTION Warning: the sequence starts with expect, which will in most cases be "" (which indicates nothing). This ordering was chosen because UUCP does it this way, and Gert Doering (the main author of mgetty) wanted to avoid confusion here.
init-chat "" ATQ0E1V1H0 OK ATL0M0S0=0 OK AT&K3 OK  
NOTE This is a parameter you may have to change to adopt mgetty for your modem. Refer to your modem's manual to see how to initialize it properly.
* force-init-chat EXPECT SEND EXPECT SEND ...
In some cases, the modem can get stuck in a mode where it won't react to a simple AT command. Usually this happens because the modem is set to ignore a DTR drop and still has a data connection to the other side. If you use a voice modem, it could be stuck in voice mode.
In these situations, the normal init-chat will time out, because the modem won't send the proper responses back.
To get the modem back into a "sane" state, you can use the force-init-chat chat sequence. The default setup will send the DLE ETX characters, to revive voice modems, then the (pause)+++(pause)ATH0 sequence to pull the modem from data mode to command mode.
You could append this sequence to init-chat (it wouldn't do any harm), but the pauses around the +++ sequence makes this undesirably slow.
* post-init-chat EXPECT SEND EXPECT SEND ...
Some modems forget parts of their settings when going from data to fax mode and back again during modem initialization. For example, some USR models forget the settings of Caller ID delivery (AT#CID=1), and some ELSA modems forget their current DTE port speed when going from voice to data mode, thus leading to RING messages being delivered with the wrong baud rate.
For those modems, you can use this command to set up AT commands that are executed after all other fax and voice initialization has been completed.
CAUTION Be careful when revising these files! If you send an ATZ (modem reset) or similar instruction here, all your settings will be lost.
* modem-check-time' SECONDS
Some modems have the nasty tendency to silently crash . With this option, you tell mgetty to check every SECONDS seconds with a simple AT...OK sequence that will show whether the modem still reacts. If not, mgetty will restart itself and do a full modem reset.
* rings [-n] NNN
Sets the number of RING messages to wait for before mgetty picks up the phone. Default is 1.
CAUTION Warning: if your modem auto-answers, for whatever reason, set this to something other than the value set with ATS0=mmm, otherwise the modem's auto-answer and mgetty's manual answer will collide (most modems hang up if a command is received during auto-answer).
* answer-chat CHAT SEQUENCE
This is the command sequence that is used to answer a phone call. Usually you can leave it at the default "" ATA CONNECT \c, but for some modems you need ATS0=1 in place of ATA, where ATA is not allowed.
* answer-chat-timeout SECS
During the answer-chat, each expect string must be seen in the time specified here. Default is 80 seconds. This time should be at least 5 seconds longer than the time set with the ATS7=... modem setup command.
* ignore-carrier
If your modem does not assert the DCD (carrier detect) line, or the serial port or cable or serial driver is broken, it is possible that mgetty or login will block after a successful CONNECT (that means that everything seems to work, yet suddenly nothing is sent to the port).
NOTE To work around this, you can switch off the carrier detection: set ignore-carrier true. Default is false.
CAUTION Warning: If you use this, your system won't be able to detect when a caller simply hangs up instead of cleanly logging out. This may result in hanging modems, etc.
* debug [-x] DEBUG LEVEL
This sets the amount of logging mgetty will do. A good value is 4, more details are seen when the setting is '5', but a setting of '9' is really noisy. Try it! The log data is written to the file /var/log/mgetty.device.
  Remember, this is only a selection of the possible parameters that can be specified in this file.
If you are interested in using mgetty for faxing or voice mail, you'll find the complete list of options on
22.2.2 login.config

This file is a sample login dispatcher. You can launch certain programs based on the caller's login name. Default is to start /bin/login, which will start a standard shell session. However, for UUCP dialins or PPP connections, this may not be desirable; you may want to start uucico to handle UUCP, or pppd to establish the PPP connection.
Since we're covering PPP, let's concentrate on this issue. There are three ways to power up PPP once the modem connection is established. You can have the user log in via /bin/login and start pppd as his login-shell. This is not eht most elegant method, and is not recommended. The second option is to start pppd by adding the username in this file:

startppp ppp ppp /usr/sbin/pppd auth  
The first entry is the login name startppp. The second entry gives the user ID (must be listed in /etc/passwd), the third is the utmp entry to be made (what you see when you run the command who) and the last entry is the application to be started. But what does this line mean? It says, whenever somebody logs on with the name startppp, the program /usr/sbin/pppd auth will be started, and the user will be listed as ppp.
This method is better than the first one, but is still not optimal. We want to bypass the login: prompt at all, and use PPP's abilities to authenticate the caller (in the LCP chat) and take over control as soon as possible.
This can be achieved with mgetty's special ability to recognize a PPP connection by parsing the first few characters sent on the line. This is configured by using the special name /AutoPPP/ as login name:
/AutoPPP/ - a_ppp /usr/sbin/pppd auth  
TIP This line tells mgetty to start /usr/sbin/pppd auth as soon as it recognizes a LCP configure request on the modem line. With this setting, you'll be able to connect (for instance) Windows machines with their native dial-up networking setup to your machine, without needing login scripts or similar scripts on the client side.
22.3 Configuring PPP dial-in

Now we are at the point where the PPP daemon pppd gets started, and of course you're eager to know how to configure it. But first a brief intro on what PPP is:
The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) provides a method for transmitting datagrams over serial point-to-point links. PPP is composed of three parts: a method for encapsulating datagrams over serial links, an extensible Link Control Protocol (LCP), and a family of Network Control Protocols (NCP) for establishing and configuring different network-layer protocols.
The encapsulation scheme is provided by a driver code in the kernel. The PPP daemon (pppd) provides the basic LCP, authentication support, a NCP for establishing and configuring the Internet Protocol (IP) (called the IP Control Protocol, IPCP), and the PIX protocol (IPXCP).

22.3.1 Authentification

The most important thing we have to take care of is the proper authentification of the calling machine. Authentication is the process whereby one machine convinces the other of its identity. This involves the first machine sending its name to the other, together with some kind of secret information which could only come from the genuine authorized user of that name. In such an exchange, we will call the first machine the client and the other the server. The client has a name by which it identifies itself to the server, and the server also has a name by which it identifies itself to the client. Generally the genuine client shares some secret (or password) with the server, and authenticates itself by proving that it knows that secret. Very often, the names used for authentication correspond to the Internet hostnames of the peers, but this is not essential.

NOTE As of this writing, pppd supports two authentication protocols: the Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). PAP involves the client sending its name and a cleartext password to the server to authenticate itself. In contrast, the server initiates the CHAP authentication exchange by sending a challenge to the client (the challenge packet includes the server's name). The client must respond with a response which includes its name plus a hash value derived from the shared secret and the challenge, in order to prove that it knows the secret.
The PPP protocol, being symmetrical, allows both peers to require the other to authenticate itself. In that case, two separate and independent authentication exchanges will occur. The two exchanges could use different authentication protocols, and in principle, different names could be used in the two exchanges.
The default behavior of pppd is to agree to authenticate if requested, and to not require authentication from the peer. However, pppd will not agree to authenticate itself with a particular protocol if it has no secrets which could be used to do so.
Pppd stores secrets for use in authentication in secrets files (/etc/ppp/pap-secrets for PAP, /etc/ppp/chap-secrets for CHAP). Both secrets files have the same format. The secrets files can contain secrets for pppd to use in authenticating itself to other systems, as well as secrets for pppd to use when authenticating other systems to itself.
Each line in a secrets file contains one secret. A given secret is specific to a particular combination of client and server - it can only be used by that client to authenticate itself to that server. Thus, each line in a secrets file has at least 3 fields: the name of the client, the name of the server, and the secret. These fields may be followed by a list of the IP addresses that the specified client may use when connecting to the specified server.
A secrets file is parsed into words just like an options file, so the client name, server name, and secrets fields must each be one word, with any embedded spaces or other special characters quoted or escaped. Any subsequent words on the same line are taken to be a list of acceptable IP addresses for that client.
NOTE If there are only 3 words on the line, or if the first word is "-", then all IP addresses are disallowed.
To allow any address, use "*". A word starting with "!" indicates that the specified address is not acceptable. An address may be followed by "/" and a number n, to indicate a whole subnet, i.e. all addresses which have the same value in the most significant n bits. Note that case is significant in the client and server names and in the secret.
If the secret starts with an at-sign (@), what follows is assumed to be the name of a file from which to read the secret. A * as the client or server name matches any name. When selecting a secret, pppd takes the best match, meaning the match with the fewest wildcards.
Thus a secrets file contains both secrets for use in authenticating other hosts, plus secrets which we use for authenticating ourselves to others. When pppd is authenticating the peer (checking the peer's identity), it chooses a secret with the peer's name in the first field and the name of the local system in the second field. The name of the local system defaults to the hostname, with the domain name appended if the domain option is used. This default can be overridden with the name option, except when the usehostname option is used.
When pppd is choosing a secret to use in authenticating itself to the peer, it first determines what name it is going to use to identify itself to the peer. This name can be specified by the user with the user option. If this option is not used, the name defaults to the name of the local system, determined as described in the previous paragraph. Then pppd looks for a secret with this name in the first field and the peer's name in the second field. Pppd will know the name of the peer if CHAP authentication is being used, because the peer will have sent it in the challenge packet. However, if PAP is being used, pppd will have to determine the peer's name from the options specified by the user. The user can specify the peer's name directly with the remotename option. Otherwise, if the remote IP address was specified by a name (rather than in numeric form), that name will be used as the peer's name. Failing that, pppd will use the null string as the peer's name.
When authenticating the peer with PAP, the supplied password is first compared with the secret from the secrets file. If the password doesn't match the secret, the password is encrypted using crypt() and checked against the secret again. Thus secrets for authenticating the peer can be stored in encrypted form if desired. If the papcrypt option is given, the first (unencrypted) comparison is omitted, for better security.
Furthermore, if the login option was specified, the username and password are also checked against the system password database. Thus, the system administrator can set up the pap-secrets file to allow PPP access only to certain users, and to restrict the set of IP addresses that each user can use. Typically, when using the login option, the secret in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets would be "", which will match any password supplied by the peer. This avoids the need to have the same secret in two places.
Authentication must be satisfactorily completed before IPCP (or any other Network Control Protocol) can be started. If the peer is required to authenticate itself, and fails to do so, pppd will terminate the link by closing LCP. If IPCP negotiates an unacceptable IP address for the remote host, IPCP will be closed. IP packets can only be sent or received when IPCP is open.
In some cases it is desirable to allow some hosts which can't authenticate themselves to connect and use one of a restricted set of IP addresses, even when the local host generally requires authentication. If the peer refuses to authenticate itself when requested, pppd takes that as equivalent to authenticating with PAP using the empty string for the username and password. Thus, by adding a line to the pap-secrets file which specifies the empty string for the client and password, it is possible to allow restricted access to hosts which refuse to authenticate themselves.
22.3.2 Options for pppd

We talked about authentification, what else do we need to know? The PPP daemon pppd has several places where it looks for parameters and options. The options are used to tell pppd what to do which each connection.

NOTE Options can be taken from files as well as the command line. Pppd reads options from the files /etc/ppp/options, ~/.ppprc and /etc/ppp/options.ttyname (in that order) before processing the options on the command line. (In fact, the command-line options are scanned to find the terminal name before the options.ttyname file is read.) In forming the name of the options.ttyname file, the initial /dev/ is removed from the terminal name, and any remaining slashes (/) are replaced with dots.
An options file is parsed into a series of words, delimited by white space. White space can be included in a word by enclosing the word in double-quotes ("). A backslash quotes the following character. A hash (#) starts a comment, which continues until the end of the line.
If you look into /etc/ppp/options on a standard SuSE installation, you will see that they preset quite a few parameters for you. We will go over these options briefly, then see an example with a working set of options for a dial-in server.
* name name
Sets the name of the local system for authentication purposes to name. This is a privileged option. With this option, pppd will use lines in the secrets files which have name as the second field when looking for a secret to use in authenticating the peer. In addition, unless overridden with the user option, name will be used as the name to send to the peer when authenticating the local system to the peer.
NOTE Note that pppd does not append the domain name to name.
* usehostname
Enforces the use of the hostname (with domain name appended, if given) as the name of the local system for authentication purposes (overrides the name option).
* noipdefault
Disables the default behavior when no local IP address is specified, which is to determine (if possible) the local IP address from the hostname. With this option, the peer will have to supply the local IP address during IPCP negotiation (unless it specified this explicitly on the command line or in an options file).
* debug
Enables connection debugging facilities. If this option is given, pppd will log the contents of all control packets sent or received in a readable form. The packets are logged through syslog with a facility daemon and level debug. This information can be found in the file /var/log/messages.
CAUTION Be careful with this option -- it logs passwords in clear text, so everyone who can read the logfile has access to this information, and can use it to log into your system.
* kdebug n
Enables debugging code in the kernel-level PPP driver. The argument n is a number which is the sum of the following values:
* 1 to enable general debug messages,
* 2 to request that the contents of received packets be printed,
* and 4 to request that the contents of transmitted packets be printed.
  The debug output is written to /var/log/messages.
NOTE Note that writing extensive debug information will slow down your machine and eventually the PPP connection. If you set kdebug to 7 the contents of every single IP packet will be written into the log file. This can be a tremendous amount of information, so be careful when choosing the debug level, and don't forget to turn debugging off once your setup is working.
* ipcp-accept-local
With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of our local IP address, even if the local IP address was specified in an option.
* ipcp-accept-remote
With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of its (remote) IP address, even if the remote IP address was specified.
* ms-dns IP-address
If pppd is acting as a server for Microsoft Windows clients, this option allows pppd to supply one or two DNS (Domain Name Server) addresses to the clients. The first instance of this option specifies the primary DNS address; the second instance (if given) specifies the secondary DNS address.
* ms-wins IP-address
If pppd is acting as a server for Microsoft Windows or Samba clients, this option allows pppd to supply one or two WINS (Windows Internet Name Services) server addresses to the clients.
NOTE This option is listed as wins-addr in the SuSE configuration. This is incorrect. The appropriate option is ms-wins.
  The first instance of this option specifies the primary WINS address; the second instance (if given) specifies the secondary WINS address.
* defaultroute
Add a default route to the system routing tables, using the peer as the gateway, when IPCP negotiation is successfully completed. This entry is removed when the PPP connection is broken. This option is privileged if the nodefaultroute option has been specified.
* nodefaultroute
Disables the defaultroute option. The system administrator who wishes to prevent users from creating default routes with pppd can do so by placing this option in the /etc/ppp/options file.
TIP This option is important if your machine acts as an dial-in server. You don't want to set your default route to the client dialing in.
* disconnect script
Runs the executable or shell command specified by script, after pppd has terminated the link. This script could, for example, issue commands to the modem to cause it to hang up if hardware modem control signals were not available. The disconnect script is not run if the modem has already hung up. This option is privileged if the noauth option is used.
* noauth
Does not require the peer to authenticate itself. This option is privileged if the auth option is specified in /etc/ppp/options.
* require-pap
Requires the peer to authenticate itself using PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) authentication.
* refuse-chap
With this option, pppd will not agree to authenticate itself to the peer using CHAP.
* crtscts
Uses hardware flow control (i.e. RTS/CTS) to control the flow of data on the serial port. If neither the crtscts nor the nocrtscts option is given, the hardware flow control setting for the serial port is left unchanged.
* lock
Specifies that pppd should create a UUCP-style lock file for the serial device to ensure exclusive access to the device.
* modem
Uses the modem control lines. This option is the default. With this option, pppd will wait for the CD (Carrier Detect) signal from the modem to be asserted when opening the serial device (unless a connect script is specified), and it will drop the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal briefly when the connection is terminated and before executing the connect script.
* asyncmap char
Set the async character map to char. This map describes which control characters cannot be successfully received over the serial line. Pppd will ask the peer to send these characters as a 2-byte escape sequence. The argument is a 32 bit hex number with each bit representing a character to escape. Bit 0 (00000001) represents the character 0x00; bit 31 (80000000) represents the character 0x1f. If multiple asyncmap options are given, the values are ORed together. If no asyncmap option is given, no async character map will be negotiated for the receive direction; the peer should then escape all control characters. To escape transmitted characters, use the escape option.
* escape list
Specifies that certain characters should be escaped on transmission (regardless of whether the peer requests them to be escaped with its async control character map). The characters to be escaped are specified as a list of hex numbers separated by commas. Note that almost any character can be specified for the escape option, unlike the asyncmap option which only allows control characters to be specified. The characters which may not be escaped are those with hex values 0x20 - 0x3f or 0x5e.
* mru n
Sets the MRU (Maximum Receive Unit) value to n. Pppd will ask the peer to send packets of no more than n bytes. The minimum MRU value is 128. The default MRU value is 1500. A value of 296 is recommended for slow links (40 bytes for TCP/IP header + 256 bytes of data).
* mtu n
Sets the MTU (Maximum Transmit Unit) value to n. Unless the peer requests a smaller value via MRU negotiation, pppd will request that the kernel networking code send data packets of no more than n bytes through the PPP network interface.
* netmask netmask
Sets the interface netmask to netmask, a 32 bit netmask in "decimal dot" notation (e.g. If this option is given, the value specified is ORed with the default netmask. The default netmask is chosen based on the negotiated remote IP address; it is the appropriate network mask for the class of the remote IP address, ORed with the netmasks for any non point-to-point network interfaces in the system which are on the same network.
* nodetach
Instructs not to detach from the controlling terminal. If this option is omitted, and a serial device other than the terminal on the standard input is specified, pppd will fork to become a background process.
* remotename name
Sets the assumed name of the remote system for authentication purposes to name.
* noproxyarp
Disables the proxyarp option. System administrators who wish to prevent users from creating proxy ARP entries with pppd can do so by placing this option in the /etc/ppp/options file.
* login
Uses the system password database for authenticating the peer using PAP, and records the user in the system wtmp file. Note that the peer must have an entry in the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file as well as the system password database to be allowed access (we'll see an example for this later on).
* lcp-echo-interval n
If this option is given, pppd will send an LCP echo-request frame to the peer every n seconds. Normally the peer should respond to the echo-request by sending an echo-reply. This option can be used with the lcp-echo-failure option to detect that the peer is no longer connected.
* lcp-echo-failure n
If this option is given, pppd will presume the peer is dead if n LCP echo-requests are sent without receiving a valid LCP echo-reply. If this happens, pppd will terminate the connection. Use of this option requires a non-zero value for the lcp-echo-interval parameter. This option can be used to allow pppd to terminate after the physical connection has been broken (e.g., the modem has hung up) in situations where no hardware modem control lines are available.
* idle n
Specifies that pppd should disconnect if the link is idle for n seconds. The link is idle when no data packets (i.e. IP packets) are being sent or received.
NOTE Note: it is not advisable to use this option with the persist option without the demand option. If the active-filter option is given, data packets which are rejected by the specified activity filter also count as the link being idle.
* noipx
Disables the IPXCP and IPX protocols. This option should only be required if the peer is buggy and gets confused by requests from pppd for IPXCP negotiation.
* novj
Disables Van Jacobson style TCP/IP header compression in both the transmit and the receive direction.
* novjccomp
Disables the connection-ID compression option in Van Jacobson style TCP/IP header compression. With this option, pppd will not omit the connection-ID byte from Van Jacobson compressed TCP/IP headers, nor ask the peer to do so.
These are only the options in the default SuSE /etc/ppp/options file. Pppd allows for more options, but these are the most important, and most frequently used. For a complete List of options, look into the man page pppd(8).
22.3.3 Practical Examples

OK, we've covered quite a lot of theory-now it's time to implement PPPs in some real world situations. Here are two examples. In our first example, we assume that we have one modem hooked up at our machine, and that we want to allow PPP dial-ups to this modem. This is typical constellation if you have a machine at home and you want to allow a friend to dial-in to exchange documents or play a death-match Quake game without experiencing the delay of an Internet connection. Furthermore, let's say you use the username ppp01, with the password GeH31m for the dial-in account and that the modem is connected to /dev/ttyS0.
The second example will show us how to use the existing logins in /etc/passwd for dial-up accounts. But first we'll look at the simpler one that contains only one PPP dial-in account.

 A Single Dial-In Account

The configuration files we have to take care of are:

* /etc/mgetty+sendfax/login.config -- Mgetty has to start pppd
* /etc/ppp/options -- We have to tell pppd what to do in general
* /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0 -- Special pppd options for this device
* /etc/ppp/pap-secrets -- Specify the username an password for the dial-in account

All we need to do here is to make sure that the line for auto recognition of a PPP connect is active. Open the file and look for the following lines:

# Automatic PPP startup on receipt of LCP configure request (AutoPPP).  
/AutoPPP/ - a_ppp /usr/sbin/pppd auth  
NOTE Note that the first string /AutoPPP/ is case sensitive. Every other combination of upper and lower case won't work.
We already discussed the other entries. a_ppp is the name for the utmp entry, and everything following that is the command to execute. You see that we give the parameter auth to pppd to enforce authentification.

We don't need any esoteric options to finalize PPP dial in. Everything is pretty straight forward and with few modifications to the standard options file provided by SuSE dial-in:

# /etc/ppp/options  

# If no local IP address is given, pppd will use the first IP address # that belongs to the local hostname. If "noipdefault" is given, this # is disabled and the peer will have to supply an IP address. noipdefault
# enables this on a server that already has a permanent default route nodefaultroute
# Increase debugging level (same as -d). The debug output is written # to syslog LOG_LOCAL2. debug
# Enables you to debug code in the kernel-level PPP driver. The argument n # is a number which is the sum of the following values: 1 to enable # general debug messages, 2 to request that the contents of received # packets be printed, and 4 to request that the contents of transmitted # packets be printed. kdebug 0
# Requires that the peer authenticate itself before allowing network # packets to be sent or received. # Please do not disable this setting. It is expected to be standard in # future releases of pppd. Use the call option (see man page) to disable # authentication for specific peers. noauth
# authentication can either be pap or chap. As most people only want to # use pap, you can also disable chap: require-pap
# Uses hardware flow control (i.e. RTS/CTS) to control the flow of data # on the serial port. crtscts
# Specifies that pppd should use a UUCP-style lock on the serial device # to ensure exclusive access to the device. lock
# Uses the modem control lines. modem
# async character map -- 32-bit hex; each bit is a character # that needs to be escaped for pppd to receive it. 0x00000001 # represents '\x01', and 0x80000000 represents '\x1f'. # To allow pppd to work over a rlogin/telnet connection, you should escape # XON (^Q), XOFF (^S) and ^]: (The peer should use "escape ff".) #asyncmap 200a0000 asyncmap 0
# Prevents [asyncmap?] from forking to become a background process # (otherwise pppd will do so if a serial device is specified). nodetach
# Disables the IPXCP and IPX protocols. noipx
# Disable VJ novj novjccomp
The shown example is well documented, for more details on specific options, look at the descriptions given in the last section.

While the /etc/ppp/options file is used by all invocations of pppd, this file is only used if pppd is attached to /dev/ttyS0. Here you can specify parameters for connections on this only device, or overwrite the global parameters from /etc/ppp/options.
All we need do in this file is to specify the IP address the caller should use:

# /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0  
You see a pair of addresses separated by a colon (:). The first address is the server's address, the second is the one the client gets. You don't need to use IP-addresses, names are allowed too, but then you have to make sure that these names are resolved properly.
The scheme of having separate option files for each device is handy when we want to have more than one dial-in line available. For the example shown, where there is only one modem, you could write the addresses in /etc/ppp/options too. It won't make a difference, as there is only one device. But imagine you have four lines, and simultaneous dial-in's. With the separate option files, you can assign one dedicated IP address to each line, by having them assigned in the tty specific option files.

We have talked about this file in the authentification section. It holds the passwords (secrets) for PPP authentification. For inbound connections we need to specify the clients name, our name, the clients password (secret) and a IP address. An asterisk (*) can be used as wildcard for hostname and IP address, which makes sense for us, as we have always the same hostname and assign the IP address in the options.ttyS0 file. With the given name and password, the secrets file will look like this:

# Secrets for authentication using PAP  

# INBOUND CONNECTIONS #client hostname <password> IP-address ppp01 * GeH31m *
The client's name is ppp01, and the password is GeH13m.
Now that we have everything together, the client machine should be able to dial in. You can follow this process by observing the dial-in process in /var/log/messages. With the settings given, you should see something like this:
Apr 29 18:16:29 Homer pppd[2843]: pppd 2.3.5 started by a_ppp, uid 0  
Apr 29 18:16:29 Homer pppd[2843]: Using interface ppp0  
Apr 29 18:16:29 Homer pppd[2843]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0  
Apr 29 18:16:29 Homer pppd[2843]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0>  
<auth pap> <magic 0x361984f> <pcomp> <accomp>]  
Apr 29 18:16:29 Homer pppd[2843]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap0x0> <auth  
<magic 0x361984f> <pcomp> <accomp>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1500>  
<magic 0xffffd002> <pcomp> <accomp>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <mru 1500>  
<magic 0xffffd002> <pcomp> <accomp>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: rcvd [PAP AuthReq id=0x1  
user="ppp01" password="GeH31m"]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: sent [PAP AuthAck id=0x1 "Login ok"]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr>  
<compress VJ 0f 01>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: sent [IPCP ConfRej id=0x1 <compress VJ 0f 01>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 <addr>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <addr>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: sent [IPCP ConfNak id=0x2 <addr>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x3 <addr>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x3 <addr>]  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: local IP address  
Apr 29 18:16:32 Homer pppd[2843]: remote IP address  
This output shows you how pppd gets started and how the LCP chat negotiates the connection parameters. After this, the secret is exchanged to verify the authentification. Then the IPCP chat negotiates the IP parameters, like header compression (off in this case) and the IP addresses used for both machines. In general, this is enough information to trace problems during the dial-up process. The log entry without the debug option is far less informative:
Apr 29 18:24:24 Homer pppd[2853]: pppd 2.3.5 started by a_ppp, uid 0  
Apr 29 18:24:24 Homer pppd[2853]: Using interface ppp0  
Apr 29 18:24:24 Homer pppd[2853]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0  
Apr 29 18:24:27 Homer pppd[2853]: local IP address  
Apr 29 18:24:27 Homer pppd[2853]: remote IP address  
This only tells you which interface and which IP addresses are used. This is OK once you are sure that your setup is correct and the dial-in works fine.
TIP To add more logins, all you have to do is to add their name and password to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets. If you want to have more than one dial-in line, create a options.device file in /etc/ppp for each line and assign a different IP address to each device. You see that it's pretty easy to set up an dial-in server after all.
 Using the System User Database For Dial-In Accounts

If you want to run a dial-in server with more than a few users allowed to dial in, and perhaps give email accounts and Web pages to them, you probably want to add them to the system's user database. This way they have an email account, and you can configure Apache in such a way that sets up user's homepages for them automatically, once they are in the user database. If you don't want to allow interactive logins, assign /bin/false as a login shell and all they can do is retrieve their email and ftp into their home directories to maintain their Web space. The latter example is of course appropriate for ISPs.
So what is there to do on the PPP side to enable this kind of setup? The answer is easy since not very much has to be done. Basically you have to modify the mgetty configuration a little, then exclude certain users from using this service in /etc/pap-secrets.

22.3.4 /etc/mgetyy+sendfax/login.config

The line where you specify how pppd is to be started has to be changed to the setting shown below. The login options tells pppd to refer to the user database for user authentification. The other two options enforce PAP as method of authentification.

# Use the system user database for dial-in authentification  
/AutoPPP/ - a_ppp /usr/sbin/pppd login -chap +pap  
22.3.5 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

Here you have to take care of two things. First, enable login for everyone by adding a wildcard line with an empty password, then exclude system accounts from logging in.

CAUTION Be careful here, as the defaults given in the pap-secrets file provided by SuSE don't work. They are missing the asterisk in the fourth column.
A valid configuration is shown below. The first line enables the user logins, and then this service is disabled for the root user. You may add more accounts to this list if you want to exclude more users from this service.
# Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd  
# client hostname <password> IP-address  
*        *        ""         *  

# User IDs that cannot use PPP at all. Check your /etc/passwd and add any # other accounts that should not be able to use pppd. Replace hostname # with your local hostname. root * "*" *
  PPP dial is a service fairly easy to set up. After making sure that the modem works correctly, there are only a few files to edit to get the dial-in service working.
User authentification is an important point, since you don't want to have people dial in and use your resources or tamper with your system.
There are two ways to specify the users allowed to dial in. You can either list them in a separate file, including their passwords, or you can use the system's user database for authentification.
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Copyright (c) 1999 by Terrehon Bowden and Bodo Bauer
To contact the author please sent mail to