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Acorn Compatible Mice

New mice

We now have a choice of either cordless or optical (no mouse ball to get clogged up) mice. These are PS2 3 button wheel mice and come complete with a Stuart Tyrell PS2-Acorn adaptor. If you want to source your own mouse (though you probably won't beat our prices) we can supply the PS2 adaptor on its own.

  • Optical - Genius optical wheel mouse complete with Acorn adaptor. I use one of these myself. Beautifully smooth operation and no more fluffy balls to clean. Only £29.50
    Please add £1 carriage. This also applies outside UK when the mouse will be sent without original packaging to save weight.
  • Cordless - Genius cordless wheel mouse complete with Acorn adaptor. If you're always getting your wires in a tangle this will solve the problem. Only £29.50
    Please add £1 carriage. This also applies outside UK when the mouse will be sent without original packaging to save weight.
  • PS2 mouse adaptor Stuart Tyrell adaptor to let you use most PS2 mice on Acorn RiscPC or earlier models (A400, A3000, A5000, A3010, etc.). This is a small lead a few inches long which plugs into the mouse socket and you just plug the PS2 mouse into it. Only £18.50 including UK post. Please add 50p airmail for Europe, £1 elsewhere.
  • Free mouse     Buy a PS2 mouse adaptor and get a FREE 3 button wheelmouse. Not only is this cheaper than the price some dealers charge for a replacement Acorn mouse, but you can always replace your 'freebie' mouse with a more expensive optical or cordless one later as you've got the PS2 adaptor.
    You pay just the price of the PS2 adaptor (£18.50) plus £2.50 UK post, total £21.
    Offer valid while stocks last

Original Mice

We have a few of the original Acorn Logitec mice at £21.90 including UK carriage and we often have fully rebuilt mice fitted with new switches and a heavy mouse ball for £18.

If you have an Acorn mouse with the lightweight (black) mouse ball we can supply a heavy replacement ball which makes the mouse much nicer to use for just £1.35.

Mouse overhaul service.

If your mouse is getting old and especially if the buttons are not working properly (one common symptom is that a mouse click sometimes behaves like a double-click) then we offer an overhaul service. This comprises disassembling and cleaning the mouse and fitting 3 new microswitches and a heavy mouse ball. Normally this will make your mouse as good as new. Price is just £6 plus £1 UK return post.

Note that this is not a repair service. Your mouse should be in generally good working order and undamaged

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