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 FGL_ItoRGB()          Converts integer value to RGB.
 FGL_RGBtoI()          Converts RGB to integer value.
 FGL_TEXTMODE()        Sets text mode.
 FGL_VGA_1024x768()    Sets graphic mode 1024x768.
 FGL_VGA_640x480()     Sets graphics mode 640x480.
 FGL_VGA_800x600()     Sets graphics mode 800x600.
 FGL_char()            Draws a character on the screen.
 FGL_circle()          Draws a circle on the screen.
 FGL_ellipse()         Draws a ellipse on the screen.
 FGL_fill()            Fills a part of the screen with a color.
 FGL_fill_circle()     Draws a filled circle on the screen.
 FGL_fill_ellipse()    Draws a filled ellipse on the screen.
 FGL_fill_rectangle()  Draws a filled rectangle on the screen.
 FGL_free_font()       Releases memory used for font.
 FGL_get_background()  Saves a part of the screen.
 FGL_get_viewport()    Returns the position of the current viewport.
 FGL_getnumcolors()    Returns number of colors in current graphic mode.
 FGL_getpixel()        Reads value of point on the screen.
 FGL_in_viewport()     Determines if point lies in viewport.
 FGL_line()            Draws a line on the screen.
 FGL_load_font()       Loads a font for text output.
 FGL_put_background()  Restores the background to the screen.
 FGL_rectangle()       Draws a rectangle on the screen.
 FGL_set_viewport()    Sets the viewport.
 FGL_setpixel()        Puts a pixel on the screen.
 FGL_text()            Puts text string on screen.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson