This CD proposes more 350 pictures of fractal art . All pictures are visible on most computers. They are presented in formats IFF24, HAM, AGA, GIF, BMP.
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      FUN CLIPS 2 - FF 140 - � 14 - DM 40
300 new arts in following formats: IFF 24 bits, IFF 256 colors, IFF Ham6 and IFF 16 colors, class�s par th�mes: computers, animaux, autos, comics, etc... De quoi agr�menter toutes vos publications.
Fonctionne sur tout Amiga 2.0+ avec lecteur CD.
      GOLDEN DEMOS - FF 100 - � 10 - DM 29
Hello and welcome to the Golden Demos CD-Rom!. Do you belong to those people not using their Amiga only for boring office purposes ? You do ? Well, then this collection is what you have waited for ! Find all the events of 8 years of Amiga-demo-scene, a community of young, skilled Amigafans producing all of these fantastic graphic- and sounddemos, compiled on this cd-rom. Sorted by Amigasystems (AGA & OCS) and their categories (demos, intros, slideshows, musicdisks and diskmags), all of the programs are executable via mouseclick on a comfortable graphical user interface. Experience breathtaking flights through virtual worlds, enjoy fantastic computersounds and hear about what's new in the scene
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      GOLDEN GAMES - FF 69 - � 6.9 - DM 20
An exclusive selection of first-class games of all conceivable types.
The best games programmers demostrate their ability. Amusing and captivating ideas combine with excellent graphics and engaging music. All programs on this CD have been integrated and their functionality tested by the meticulous efforts of game experts. Enjoy the fruits of the labour which went into creating this CD.
This CD contains almost one thousand games and utility programs. Best of all: the majority of the games can be run directly from the CD with a double-click! No more tedious unpacking, no more long delays, and no more manipulation with obtuse shell commands. Discover the fascination of these games.
At can at last recycle your game floppies and jettison the balast of games occupying your hard disk; because this CD probably contains all the games you'd ever wanted to play. Everything to your heart's desire, from the classics, to innovations of the producers of games can be found here.
      HERMANN DER USER - FF 189 - � 18.9 - DM 54
This CD-ROMs contains all the Comics of "Hermann der User" which have been released during the last 7 years aswell as the complete series of 'Ninja Turkeys' Comics.
IMPORTANT: You'll need to have at least a basic knowledge of the German language. Otherwise you won't be able to enjoy this CD-ROM.
      HIDDEN TRUTH - FF 210 - � 21 - DM 60
      The Hidden Truth is an exciting new multimedia experience bringing all the latest Internet technology to the home. This title is compiled in HTML format, using pictures, text files, animations, video and sound samples. With over 600 megs of information and multimedia exploring the world of UFO's, paranormal, sci-fi, space and many other topics. The easy point and click interface makes the whole CD-ROM accessible to both beginners and experts alike. With full colour images and video this compact disc is sure to please.
      HISTORY OF THE WORLD CUP - FF 206 - � 20.6 - DM 59
the most comprehensive interactive history of the greatest show on earth. 500 full screen (Ham8) photographs of the greatest players of all time. Reports on every match played i, the World cup Fianls (1930-1994). Overviews of each of the 15 world Cup Finals tournaments together with voice-over (more than 3 hours). Extensive statistics relating to each tournament and each national team. Comprehensive cross-referencing capablilities. Flexible match-finder facility, enabling quick and easy acces to any match no matter where you might be.
      HOLLYWOOD STUDIO - FF 172 - � 17.2 - DM 50
A new CD for our friends Video fans. More of 1000 IFFpictures: pictures, background, banners, textures, etc... Great quality and a viewver (german) very easy to use.
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      IMAGINE PD 3D - FF 170 - � 17 - DM 49
Imagine PD 3D consists of thousands of Imagine 3D objects created by it’s Amiga and PC users from around the world using Imagine 1.0 up to Imagine 4.0.
The objects fall into many different categories including Anatomy, Animals, Aviation, Botany, Buildings, Computers, Fonts, Furniture, Household, Kitchen, Land, Logos, Misc., Music, Phones, Robots, Ships, Space, sports, Video, Vehicles, Weapons and many others!
Creating the objects is the hardest part of the 3D rendering so remove the drudgery out of 3D with Imagine PD 3D.
      IN TO THE NET(2 CDs) - FF 179 - � 17.9 - DM 52
In-To-The-Net CD provides Amiga users with a simple connection to the Internet from a compact disc. Most of the difficult setting up is done automatically for you with the connection program provided. All that is required is the answers to a few simple questions. In addition the CD contains all the tools required for both the beginner and expert, full instructions on getting connected and many very helpful documents on the Internet and WWW. The tools include AmiTCP, Mail, FTP, WWW and many more. In addition there is a section on WWW page creation with clip art and creation tools. Easy Hard Drive installation possible and desirable but not required.

For the PC user we have provided a vast array of utilties to get you connected and use the Internet and WWW with software for Web Browsing, Mail, FTP, Chat, Web Page Creation, Browser Plugins, Server Suites, and WWW Utilities. We have provided the Microsoft Internet Starter Kit including Internet Explorer versions 2 and 3 with Mail, News and VRML addons. Additionally there is a large library of WWW page creation resources such as buttons, textures, backgrounds, animations, rulers and themes. There is also a selection of WWW sites contaning valuable information on the Internet that you can browse directly from the CD.

Out-Of-The-Net is for all those wondering what all this World Wide Web is all about, worried about expensive connection and telephone bills, concerned that it may not be for them. Well now it is possible to check it out without the connection or telephone charges with ‘Out-of-the-Net’. This CD contains the contents of actual WWW sites for you to browse with the Amiga or PC browsers provided, no online costs at all. It is all included ready to run directly from the CD. There is a diverse variety of sites and subjects covered to give an excellent feel for the WWW whilst you browse for free. Remember this compact disc is absolutely FREE with ‘In-To-The-Net’ CD. Both of these CD’s represent totally new concepts for the PC & Amiga.

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