KARA COLLECTION - FF 139 - � 13.9 - DM 40
It took 10 years of hard work to create the superb art which is contained on this CD-ROM. The Kara Collection includes all packages previously published by Kara Computer Graphics for the Amiga, plus many more, in an exclusive and professional edition reorganized and enhanced by Cloanto. This CD-ROM has rapidly established itself as a "must have" tool for video professionals and hobbyists alike.
This CD-ROM contains 80 ColorFonts (including effects like brick, glass, chrome, chisel, etc.), 5 AnimFonts (handwriting, rotating characters, static wipes, sparkles, etc.), hundreds of alternate color palettes, Starfields (moving stars seen from different perspectives), Plaquegrounds (backgrounds such as granite, marble, sand-stone, wood, etc.), and software for special effects in pictures, animations, titling and presentations. All items for solo or combined use.
The Kara Collection also includes two software packages developed by Cloanto to manage bitmapped fonts: ColorType for color fonts and the Personal Fonts Maker for black and white fonts. Both have been acclaimed as the best in their respective fields.
      LECHNER COLLECTION 1 - FF 239 - � 23.9 - DM 69
A new CD come from Geramny for all video fans. More of 1000 background pictures, animations etc.... To use in your multimedia presentations or for your video movies.
      LIGHTROM GOLD - FF 245 - � 24.5 - DM 70
The very best from Light Rom 1, 2 and 3
With over 6,000 Lightwave objects and scene files. Light Rom Gold was created for those who did not purchase Light Rom 3. Each issue of Light Rom has built upon the previous issue. The material on Light Rom Gold is compatible with all versions of Lightwave on all platforms. This material is presented using the content directory method for all users of Lightwave 4.0 and higher. The material is also presented for Amiga users of Lightwave 3.5 and lower using the CD-ROM device name of ‘LRGOLD’.
All of the Lightwave objects and scene files are represented with thumbnail renderings for easy previewing. The categories of Lightwave objects include Anatomy, Animals, Aviation, Botany, Buildings, Furniture, Holidays, Groceries, Logos, Music, Robots, Ships, Sports, Space, Toys, Vehicles, Video and many more.
      LIGHT ROM 5 - FF 310 - � 31 - DM 89
      LIGHT ROM 5 is a 3 CD ROM set including on the first CD, an all new collection of Lightwave objects & scenes files for any version of Lightwave 3D on any computer platform. The second CD ROM contains a collection of Image Maps in IFF, Targa and JPEG file formats. Included on this disc are the 3D Studio objects from the "Studio Meshkit" CD ROM, which are directly importable into Lightwave 3D. The third CD ROM contains a collection of 260 Image image Backdrop in IFF and Targa file formats at 752x480 resolution for desktop video and multimedia use. Included on this disk are the Imagine objects from "Imagine PD 3D" CD ROM.
Download the content of the CDs
      LIGHTWAVE ENHANCER CD - FF 239 - � 23.9 - DM 69
Released for Amiga and PC, this CD contains 8 complete fonts and 7 objects from Horts Kolodziejczyk, more of 500 megs of graphic datas and 25 ARexx macros (explosions, rain etc....)
      MAGIC PUBLISHER 4CDs - FF 279 - � 27.9 - DM 80
On this unique CD-ROM Set you will find all you need to create nice looking documents. If you want to write a book, if you want to design a poster, if you want to create WWW-Pages for the Internet or layout a magazine, all you need you will find on this marvelous CD-ROM. There are more than 10000 Fonts (Colour Fonts, Bitmap Fonts, IFF-Fonts, Adobe Fonts, IntelliFonts, Truetype Fonts and DMF Fonts), more than 5000 cliparts and 150 printer drivers. Many of these are exclusive to Magic Publisher. You will also find a complete installation of PasTex (more than 300 MB), containing all its fonts (upto 600x600 dpi). In order to create good looking documents, there is Final Writer 4 SE and Wordworth 4 TD. Both rated as the best word processors on the Amiga. For creating good looking Internet-WWW-Documents there are all available Free/Shareware programs for the Amiga, including many backgrounds and special clipart for this purpose. The 100+ pages booklet contains printouts of all fonts and clipart. A special BBS section is also provided.
      MAGIC WB ENHANCER - FF 199 - � 19.9 - DM 57
The Magic Workbench Enhancer CD-ROM contains over 10,000 Workbench icons, all categorised into subjects (games, tools, drawers, etc.) As well as 1,000 top quality Workbench backdrops in 8 colours, 16 colours and 256 colours.
Also included are over 300 Workbench Utilities, dozens of Workbench hacks, sound samples and a collection of superb Workbench examples. Totals over 600 megs.
      MEETING PEARLS 3 - FF 59 - � 5.9 - DM 17
Germany's most popular Amiga CD-ROM collection has grown by a new edition. Meeting Pearls III builds on the enourmous success of Meeting Pearls II by providing even more usable access tools which have been significantly expanded and improved from the previous version. Operation is still child's play. FindPearls has been improved and extended and an AmigaGuide-style search interface has been added. As we weren't satisfied with just that, you can now use a program created for Meeting Pearls to search program instructions for a keyword quickly. These search facilities offer probably the most versatile yet provided on any Amiga CD-ROM.

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