ENCOUNTERS - FF 139 - � 13.9 - DM 40
A new CD released by 17 Bit Software dedicated to the UFO. Of thousand of files texts and pictures to open you the way of stars, if you are not allergic Shakespeare's language.
      EPIC COLLECTION 3 - FF 172 - � 17.2 - DM 50
Volume 3 of the Epic Collection contains Games, Demos, muci modules, graphics, tools & utilities, business application, MWB Data, Kids Educational software, colour clip art, amiga fonts, over 100 printer drivers, Internet software, software patches, musical instruments, huge animations, 3D Objects, high quality textures and more.
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The Epic Interactive Encyclopedia is an exciting new Multi-Media Amiga CD-ROM. It features a superb 256 colour interface, 100’s of film clips, sound samples, images and subject information. Additional features are…….Produced in the UK, very latest information from around the world, 1,000’s of subjects covered, hot list editor, import new subjects and print facilities.
An exciting new Amiga Multimedia title featuring hundreds of detailed articles covering every thing from UFOs to Sea Creatures, Spoon Bending, Ghosts, Aliens and much more. Containing film clips, samples, animations, photos and hours of speech. The main subjetcs are UFO, Strange Life, Ghosts and Spirits, Mind over Matter, The Unexplained, Myths & Legends and Mysticism..
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      ERIC SCHWARTZ CD - FF 179 - � 17.9 - DM 52
THE E.S. PRODUCTIONS CD ARCHIVE, created by Eric Schwartz, contains all of Eric's previously released animations and artwork. Also included on the CD are three new large animations created just for this CD release, several previously unreleased animations, dozens of previously unreleased pictures, some Imagine and Lightwave 3D objects used in the creation of Eric's animations, and a special set of icons. As a bonus, Eric has also worked with several other Amiga artists and cartoonists to include their material on the CD.
      EURO CD 2 - FF 89 - � 8.9 - DM 26
The Euro CD contains a vast variety of programs and data for the Amiga in the Aminet mould. However this CD differentiates itself by have the contents ready to run without de-archiving. Excellent for floppy users and hard drive users alike. The contents include Animations 36 megs, Commercial 21 megs, Demo’s 65 megs, Disk tools 12 megs, Fonts 12 megs, Games 57 megs, Misc. 6 megs, Modules 110 megs, Music 21 megs, Objects 12 megs, Pictures 118 megs, Presentations 23 megs, Printer 1 meg, Programs 23 megs, Samples 4 megs, System 10 megs, Text files 26 megs, Utilities 16 megs and Vidules 3 megs. The CD comes from Holland and tries to provide a different set of files to those available else where. Full English documentation and menus.
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      FOLIOWORX PLAYER - FF 519 - � 51.9 - DM 149
A superb program of visualization of the new CDs Photo PORTFOLIO of Kodak. These CDs are the photo classic CDs including audio tracks, what gives real multimedia presentations, in addition. Many CDs PortFolio are available, our favorite: a CD dedicated to Marylin Monroe... .  With FolioWorx you will have access has this new type of CDs. Exist in two versions: VERSION FOR CD32 and VERSION FOR AMIGA+CD ROM.

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