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VERTEX Functions - General Overview
                         .  Array Functions  .

ARBIGARRELEM()   - Finds the length of the longest array-element.
ARBLDARR()       - Builds an array from a delimited string.
ARCOUNT()        - Counts exact matches of TYPES in array.
AREVENOUT()      - Expands array elements to even length.
ARMAX()          - Finds the greatest number contained in an array.
ARMAXPOS()       - Finds the position of the greatest number in an array.
ARMIN()          - Finds the smallest number contained in an array.
ARMINPOS()       - Finds the position of the smallest number in an array.
ARSHRINKARRAY()  - Deletes an expression of an array.
ARSMLARRELEM()   - Finds the length of the shortest array-element.

                         .  Box Functions  .

BXBOX()          - Pops a Box on given coordinates                       .
BXSCROLL()       - Scroll area of given box-coordinates                  .
BXMAKEBOX()      - Draws a shadow box on the screen
BXUNBOX()        - Restores saved screen

                         .  Database Functions  .

DBBIGFIELD()     - Finds the length of the longest Field in a database
DBCONWORD()      - Creates a MS-Word Datafile from CLIPPER/DBase Data
DBDELREC()       - Deletes or Recalls a record from current Database
DBEXPDATA()      - Exporting a defined set of data
DBFLDEXIST()     - Checks if Field exist in Database.
DBIMPDATA()      - Imports a file into a current Database
DBINUSE()        - Searches in all Workareas for given ALIAS in use
DBISDBF()        - Checks if Database is valid DBASE format.
DBISMEMO()       - Checks for a MEMO-field of a database.                .
DBJUMP()         - Pops up available, open Databases for selection.
DBLOOKFOR()      - Searches a Database for values fitting an expression
DBSHRINKFILE()   - Packs Database and updates Indexes
DBSELDBVAL()     - Allows selecting a FIELDVALUE from a database
DBTBLVIEW()      - Table viewing the Data ( TBROWSE object like )
DBZAP()          - Zaps a database

                         .  Date Functions  .

DTDATEADD()      - Adds or subtracts dates  to/from a given date.
DTDAYSIN()       - Calculates number of days in a month
DTBEGEND()       - Determines begin or end of week, month or quarter
DTBOM()          - Calculates the beginning of the month date.
DTBOY()          - Calculates the beginning of the year a date falls in.
DTCHKDTEFMT()    - Accepts a dateformat string and checks its validity.
DTDINM()         - Calculates number of days in month of a date.
DTDIFF()         - Calculates the difference between two given dates
DTDTOF()         - Returns the current Date-Format string
DTDTOW()         - Converts a given date to a sentence.
DTDOY()          - Calculates the day-of-year from a given date.
DTSETDATE()      - Sets a date to a defined date format
DTWOY()          - Calculates the week-of-year from a given date.

                         .  File Functions  .

FIASKFILENAME()  - Asks the user for a filename.
FIBLDDBF()       - Creates a DBF from a delimited string
FIINFO()         - Examines a file and returns fileinfo
FIMAKEUNIQUE()   - Creates a unique Filename.
FIVARGET()       - Reads Variable from temporary file.
FIKEEPVAR()      - Writes Variable to temporary file.
FITEMPCLEAN()    - Erases all temporary files.

                      .  Graphics Functions  .

GRINIT()         - Sets maximal X,Y coordinates for Graphics Screens       .
GRLINE()         - Draw a colored line in Graphics mode.                 .
GRPTREAD()       - Reads a colored pixel at X,Y coordinate               .
GRPTWRITE()      - Writes a colored pixel at X,Y coordinate              .
GRBOX()          - Draws a Graphics box on screen                        .

                         .  META Functions  .

MFPICKCOLOR()    - Allows selection and setting of colors from a list
MFDBTOOLS()      - A Database Toolbox
MFDATAENTRY()    - Allows generic Datamanipulation.
MFSELFIL()       - A META function for selecting a PATH/File.
MFMAKEEXPR()     - Create a search expression
MFSETCOLOR()     - Tool for finding color combinations.

                         .  Menu Functions  .

MNABORT()        - Dialog box asking the user "ABORT?"
MNALERT()        - Dialog box with more than 2 choices
MNCHOICE()       - Better CLIPPER's ACHOICE() function
MNFIELDS()       - Allow selection of fields of current database.
MNMENU()         - A vertical popup menu in a centered box
MNMSG()          - Dialog box with up to 9 lines of a message
MNMESSYN()       - A simple YES/NO dialog-box.
MNINFO()         - A Dialog box with lines enough to fit on the screen
MNPULLDN()       - Pulldown Menu creator and handler.
MNTAKEFIELD()    - Allow selection of fields.

                         .  Mathematic Functions  .

MTARSUM()        - Sums all element of a numeric array.
MTARAVERAGE()    - Calculates the average of numeric elements in arrays.
MTDBAVERAGE()    - Calculates the average of numeric fields in databases.
MTDBFLDSUM()     - Sums a given field of a database.
MTHEX2DEC()      - Converts hexadecimal string into an Integer.
MTDEC2HEX()      - Converts an Integer into a hexadecimal string.

                         .  Index Functions  .

NXISVALID()      - Checks if index-expression is valid for a database
NXINDEXKEY()     - Extracts the key-expression of an index.
NXDBSEEK()       - Seeks a record in the current workarea.
NXSCAN()         - Scans a workarea for indexes.
NXSELECT()       - Allows the setting of indexes in the current workarea

                         .  Printer Functions  .

PROUTPUT()       - Prints the contents of a database using Forms.

                         .  String Functions  .

STBEGINSWITH()   - Determines if a string begins with another string.
STENDSWITH()     - Determines if a string ends with another string.
STCHRINSTR()     - Search string for the first occurance of a character.
STCENTER()       - Centers a string within a given length.
STCRUNCH()       - Appends spaces contained in a string to its end.
STRPAD()         - Pads a string with spaces at right side.
STLPAD()         - Pads a string with spaces at left side.
STCUTRIGHT()     - Cuts off right side of string
STCUTLEFT()      - Cuts off left side of string
STARRANGE()      - Rearranges a string.
STRSHIFT()       - Shift string right.
STLSHIFT()       - Shift string left.

                         .  System Functions  .

SYCHDIR()        - Changes current directory.                            .
SYCHDRIVE()      - Changes the standard drive.                           .
SYCOLDBOOT()     - Reboots the system (includes a RAM-Check )            .
SYCURDRV()       - Returns the current Drivenumber.                      .
SYDRIVE()        - Returns the current Drive as Character.
SYDRIVES()       - Get available drives of system                        .
SYDRVEFREE()     - Checks a drive and returns the free Diskspace.        .
SYDRVETTL()      - Checks a drive and returns the total Diskspace.       .
SYDRVWRTOK()     - Checks if drive is ready to write.                    .
SYDRVRDOK()      - Checks if drive is ready to read.                     .
SYMKDIR()        - Creates a subdirectory.                               .
SYRMDIR()        - Removes a subdirectory.                               .

                    .  General Utility Functions  .

UTBELLDONE()     - A single tone at 500 Hz ( All done Bell )
UTBELLERROR()    - A single tone at 100 Hz ( Error Bell )
UTBELLATTN()     - One tone at 200 Hz, one at 100 Hz ( Attention Bell )
UTBELLUDF()      - User defined tone generator.
UTBITSET()       - Sets a selected bit in a BYTE (character)
UTBYTEAND()      - Performs bit-wise AND on two BYTES (characters)
UTBYTEOR()       - Performs bit-wise OR on two characters.
UTCHKCURSTYPE()  - Checks numerical value if it represents cursortype.
UTCOLCONVERT()   - Returns a color integer for colorsetting.
UTCTRLW()        - Sends a CONTROL-W  ( CHR(23) ) to the keyboard.
UTEDPIC()        - Returns a picture clause appr. for editing field
UTENHANCED()     - Returns a color integer for enhanced setting
UTERRFUNCTION()  - The VERTEX Error handling function.
UTEXPRISTRUE()   - Evaluates expressions used against a Database record.
UTGETCURSTYPE()  - A selection of available cursor types.
UTSAVEKEY()      - Saves/Restores SET KEY values for Keys F1 - F10
UTINIT()         - Initialize global variables used by other functions
UTISBIT()        - Test bitstatus of bits in a BYTE (character)
UTPROFIL()       - Frederick W. Stangl's profiler ( rewritten in 5.01 )
UTSTANDARD()     - Returns a color integer for standard setting
UTUNSELECTED()   - Returns a color integer for unselected setting

                         .  Video Functions  .

VIATT()          - Change attribute of area of the screen
VICLS()          - Clears current screen with optional color and character
VICOLGRID()      - Draws colored blocks in SETCOLORS() function
VIFADE()         - Fades a screen variable off the screen
VIGETMODE()      - Returns Video System Info                             .
VIISCGA()        - Checks if active Display is CGA.                      .
VIISEGA()        - Checks if active Display is EGA.                      .
VIISVGA()        - Checks if active Display is VGA.                      .
VIISHERC()       - Checks if active Display is HERCULES.                 .
VIISMCGA()       - Checks if active Display is MCGA.                     .
VIISMDA()        - Checks if active Display is MDA.                      .
VIPRNT()         - Write string to row/col with attribute
VISETMODE()      - Sets Video System to given mode                       .
VISLIDEOFF()     - Slides a screen variable off the screen

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson