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Function:   GRBOX( <expN1>..<expN5> ) --> integer

Synopsis:   Draws a Graphics box on screen

            The function will draw a box on a screen in graphics
            mode a the given coordinates and returns the sum of
            a pixels drawn.

            <expN1>  TOP LEFT X coordinate
            <expN2>  TOP LEFT Y coordinate

            <expN3>  BOTTOM RIGHT X coordinate
            <expN4>  BOTTOM RIGHT Y coordinate

            <expN5>  COLOR of box

Examples:   GRBOX( 100,100,600,400,3 )

Notes:      Remember You are in graphics mode so all coordinates
            are in PIXELS and NOT IN COLUMNS AND ROWS.
            In general:
                        standard CGA has 320 x 200
                        standard EGA has 640 x 350
                  and   standard VGA has 640 x 480 pixels.

Returns:    integer, number of pixels drawn;
            0 on error

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson