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/ Monster Media 1994 - The BEST of 1994 / monster1.zip / monster1 / BBS_GAM2 / OXV111.ZIP

Jump To: Image (19)  |  Text (11)  |  Other (3)

Images (19)

Text (11)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 10 338b 1994-06-17
HISTORY.TXT Text File 79 3KB 1994-06-17
IRONOX.ASC Text File 17 557b 1994-06-17
OXDOC.DOC Text File 436 23KB 1994-06-17
PIZZA.TXT Text File 27 1KB 1994-06-17
README.1ST Text File 18 977b 1994-06-17
REGISTER.FRM Text File 99 4KB 1994-06-17
SAMPLE.CFG Text File 74 3KB 1994-06-17
SYSOP.DOC Text File 809 42KB 1994-06-17
UPGRADE.TXT Text File 49 2KB 1994-06-17
WILDCAT4.TXT Text File 28 1KB 1994-06-17

Other Files (3)
100TO110.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 45KB 1994-06-17
IRONOX.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 513KB 1994-06-17
OXCONFIG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 61KB 1994-06-17