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/ The Equalizer BBS / equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip / equalizer-bbs-collection / DEMOSCENE-STUFF / K-FYM.ZIP

Jump To: Image (7)  |  Audio (5)  |  Text (8)  |  Other (3)

File Comment
d · I · Z     F · I · L · E      P · A · S · S · E · D     T · R · O · U · G · h
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Images (7)

Audio & Music (5)
chinese rain Protracker Module 4m45s 305KB 1995-08-21
free your mind Protracker Module 55s 213KB 1995-08-20
a light in the sky Protracker Module 5m58s 220KB 1995-08-20
no drugs Protracker Module 4m35s 201KB 1995-08-20
no war Protracker Module 3m15s 246KB 1995-08-20

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
DEFIANCE.NFO Text File 22 1KB 1997-02-10
DLANDS.TXT Text File 29 2KB 1996-07-29
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 14 377b 1997-02-10
FISTEMOI.!!! Text File 56 4KB 1997-02-10
FREE.MDF INI File 79 1KB 1996-03-17
FYM.BAT DOS Batch File 2 16b 1996-03-18
K-NFO-01.TXT Text File 326 8KB 1996-03-17
MDF_3_96.TXT Text File 208 9KB 1996-03-17

Other Files (3)
MDF_RUNT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 106KB 1996-03-17
NSLHEUR.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5KB 1997-02-10
TNDC.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 552b 1996-02-17