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Bitmap Image  |  1995-04-10  |  237KB  |  532x445  |  4-bit (3 colors)
OCR: ISAAC NEWTON 1642 1727) HE ENGUISH physicist and mat thematician Isaac Newton was one oF the greatest scientists ofall time. His theor ries revolutionized scientific thinking and laid the Foundat ons of modern physics. His book Principia Mathrematica is one OF the most important works in the history oFmodern science Newton discovered the law oF and developed the three laws OF moti on that are still in use today He was the first person to split white light into the colors oF the spectrm, and his research into light led him to design 3 reflecting telescope Newton was also one oF the pioneers OF new branch oF mathematics called cileulus STORY DISCOVERY NEWTON'S THREE OLSO QF GRAVITY TELES COPE aF ma TION ENGUSH ientists theories Foundati tons Mattrema moderr LIFE NEWTONS revolutionize Mathema ...