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OCR: CHIPSET:AGA . TV: PAL . CHIP MEM: 1330K FAST MEM: ØK . CPU: 68020. FPU:nOnE! INDEX + LINE UP PAGE UP TOP COLOUR A FONT HELP LINE DN PAGE DN MUSIC BOTTOM ₹ POINTER PRINT ABDUCTION "CHECKLIST" If these reports can be believed -- and there is no reason to doubt the honesty of the reporters -- the abduction phenomenon includes the following details. Aliens can alter our perception of our surroundings. Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us in any number of guises, and shapes. Aliens can take us -- our consciousness -- out of our physical bodies, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own entities, and use our bodies as vehicles for their own activities consciousness to our bodies before returning our Aliens can be present themselves only partially visible, With us in an invisible state and can Make Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops 00:01:09