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Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-01-01  |  33KB  |  752x576  |  8-bit (28 colors)
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OCR: DPaint IV is coming! HR. 2En/COMA 1/1 ELECTRONIC ARTS be cleared in version 4. It will have ANOUNCES full Hold And Modify painting, and it Will be easier and faster than evert DELUXE PAINT DPaint 4 will also be able to load IBM 4 DPaint pics and convert them to an Amiga graphics format. It will also The long awaited and never expected have a nice Animation control panel, instead of the cruel pull down menu in thing has happened. EA has anounced DPaint III. Further it will contain a an update for the most popular paint host of minor improvements, like a package for the Amiga : DPaint IIIt color Mixing palette and SOMe new Logically it will be DPaint IV, and dithering options. Will be realeased in the USA around When this piece of hot stuff will hit August of this Year . It will have the streets in Europe is not known new paint modes like Yet, but the retail price will be Translucency, Colorize, Tint and around $ 149 ,-! Shade . A new animation mode lets You I'm sure all You graphic wizzard are see ghosted images of previous and following frames - dying to get this new version. But it a lot like the sounds well worth waiting for, doesn't union skin feature in Disney's it? Animation Studio - but than in full When more information comes available, colort we will be the first to inform You. The big minus of the current Dpaint versions - the lack of HAM mode - will PREV ARTICLE TABLE OF PREV PAGE INEXt PAGE CONtENt5 INEXt ARTICLE PRINC