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Portable Network Graphic  |  1995-01-01  |  11KB  |  640x480  |  4-bit (4 colors)
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OCR: Tina Cooper Communications 110 Tutorial Number: D. 1.09 October 19, 1995 CyberScare: Pornography and the Internet Even though the Internet has been around and been used by universities and other institutions for many years, it is only this past year that the concept of "cyberspace" has exploded int popular culture. Radio stations provide email addresses for requesting songs, movie advertisers have started to add World Wide Web sites to their newspaper ads and major providers are raking in the money; America Online provides Internet access to 2.5 million people. Like all media formats that have preceded it, the Interent's rapid growth has given it some serious growing pains and, like all media before it, the issue of how much we can see and say with this new technology has been brought to question. The issue of pornography has been one of the hottest and most controversial of the latter 20th century; "In a Time/CNN poll of 1, 000 Americans conducted last week [June 1995] by Yankelovich Partners respondents were sharply split on the issue: 42% for FCC [Federal Communications Commission]-like control over sexual content on the computer networks, 48% were against it." (Elmer-Dewett, Time Magazine) This paper will explore this issue of whether the Internet should be censored for obscene material and the fact and fiction surrounding this issue. Porn on the 'Net by Etana