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Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-01-01  |  9KB  |  640x400  |  4-bit (6 colors)
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OCR: Article : Tricks of the Trade * Author : Black Spyrit [iCE] This months little "trick of the trade" revolves around a simple DOS command. Unknown to many, this command can make life a lot easier on many people. The command is called SUBST. This command allows a person to make any sub directory on his or her hard drive act like another disk drive. What, you may ask, is the purpose of doing this? when a certain game or utility is released and it is necessary to install it from floppies ... Example: Earl Weaver Baseball ][, this game requires you to install it from a floppy drive, but forget that, you don't have the time! So take SUBST and type: SUBST A: [Directory you want to use], and then unzip the game disks into A: and they will now be on your hard drive. Just install it and the computer thinks its reading the files from the floppy drive, simple as that! (note: this is not guaranteed to work on all games, but will work