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Portable Network Graphic  |  1992-01-01  |  9KB  |  640x400  |  4-bit (7 colors)
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OCR: The Worst 5 Games of All Time Well, the Classic 500 countdown on K-Rock is drawing to and end, and as usual, "Layla" is #2, and "Stairway to Heaven" is #1, the way I like it. However, this article is about the way I don't like it. The way I don't like "Cult of Personality", "Jungle Love", or "Roxanne." The games I am about to display to you truly reek of feces and are best discarded. One of them actual is half decent, up till a point, that just destroys the game, in a way reminiscent of the DarkSword series of books, for those of you who have read them. Anyway, before I get too nauseous, here they are. Eye of the Beholder I (SSI) - Here completely because of the end ing, because aside from that, this game isn't that bad, except for a crummy play system that uses the mouse like it's a