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OCR: Editorial Editorial dead diskmagazines were put to sleep, imagine how over-crowded it would be !! Since our first issue, Headline has suffered from subjective opinions "Today's newspapers in reviews from so-called wrap in fish tomorrow. Will be used to written "oracles" predicting a sudden death if - Peter O' Toole the quality didn't improve in further issues. Well, I intend to follow this We have all witnessed the death of up seriously by increasing the quality high quality in Headline as much as stands in my Stolen Data, diskmagazines such AcDisk and Ice. as ALL power. A lot of improvements have though still far behind, Uptream has been made since last issue and can be proved to be the only worthy opponent read about in another article. I to today's king: R. A. W! But to guess predict improvements! by now you have discovered some tomorrows diskmagazines is very difficult. These days a mag I was seldom releases more than a few issues really surprised when I read before it without notice fades away. some of the feedback we got on issue #1. If there would exist a graveyard where Some said that Headline looked 100 much Like RAW I disagree with MENU ? -MUSIC- 1|2 PROGRAM MODE OFF