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/ Galactic Review 6 / screenshot02.png < prev   
Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-01-01  |  7KB  |  320x200  |  8-bit (165 colors)
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OCR: METAL MUTANT # of Disks-Size per Dish: [1-720k] Graphic Support : CGA/EGA/VGA Sound Support : PC Speaker/Adlib Company of Origin: Silmarils Cracked By: THG on Apr 3, 1991 Comments: Well this is an THG and it is in French. import from that is not much of a problem as Fortunately, this is an arcade type game. You can change into different ør a Dinosaur ) forms ( Cyborg, Tank to take on flying eagles and weird crawling Anyway, the game is not bad except for the graphics which consist of 90% green and not too attractive even VGA . The playability is nice and smooth but in there is not much in the except for an occas iona I way Of Sound 'bang" Graphics Sounds Game Play [9/10] Overall 101