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/ Galactic Review 4 / screenshot02.png < prev   
Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-01-01  |  7KB  |  320x200  |  8-bit (163 colors)
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OCR: MCGEE AT THE FUN FAIR # of Disks-Size per Disk: [1-7204] Graphic Support : CGA/EGA/VGA Sound Support : PC Speaker/Covox/SB Company of Origin: Lawrence Product ions Cracked By: TWT on Mar 12, 1991 Comments: If you younger brothers do not have kids, bother or sisters, looking at this game da not is a game for very young kids. All the game invo lves is pointing the mouse at certa in objects and then do a little an imat ion seQuence and some mus ic . The graphics are not even good and had prob lems configur ing the program with a Sound Blaster. In all, BLAH! Graphics Sounds Game Play C2/101 Overa LI LOL/EJ