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Portable Network Graphic  |  1993-01-01  |  25KB  |  752x576  |  8-bit (39 colors)
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OCR: 024 Page: 01/04 Article: The scene in the year 2000 Time : 00:01:57 CHIC The Scene In The Year 2000 by Gig / Dimension X First came shit games on the Amiga, and slowly some cool guys started to make what we know as demos today. But in those days they were shit. Over the last few years, the standard of demos improved dramatically and scene trends changed all the time. But what will be happening in the year 2000 ? Will the various groups still be cranking ever improving demos out or what ? As well as continually changing scene trends, technology is changing too. So what can the scene guys of tommorow expect to be watching and listening to ? And what kind of groups will be top of the scene ? We take a look into the facinating scene of tomMorow, But one thing it ISN'T is "punkier than punk", The whole idea of punk is ange