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Portable Network Graphic  |  1993-01-01  |  24KB  |  752x576  |  8-bit (43 colors)
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OCR: 005 Page: 01/01 Article: E-Mail numbers Time : 00:01:05 CHIC E-Mail Numbers Well we had a MASSIVE response in our quest for E-Mail numbers and we've now gof five people you can chat to. Wow. And they are (group order): Accel/DMX se4ac@dmu.ac.uk ( INTERNET ) sedacCuk lac . dmuCukacr] (BITNET) Motive/DMX sedacCuk .ac. dmu (JANET) Zadd/DMX MortonsCuk .ac . manp . com . sun Quest/Ind u2d. jwCuk , ac . ] i verpool . compsci R-9/Oblivion kanet Cuk . ac . manp . com . sun smithCuk . ac . manp . com . sun If you have access to E-Mail, please send us your E-Mail number - who knows, you could get some more contacts in SECONDS instead of by snail mail. Also, don't hesitate to send R-9 or Zadd articles via E-Mail if you want. ead this one! MARS-FM is a radio station in Los Angeles which plays rave and