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File List  |  1995-04-29  |  52KB  |  691 lines

  1. 0159TER1.ZIP   567535  01-31-95  -=< TERMINATE 1.59b Beta, file 1 of 4 >=-
  2.                                | *FREEWARE* Internet comms terminal with multi
  3.                                | task-windows under DOS, OS/2 Warp or Windows.
  4.                                | Speeds up to 115,200 bps while using integral
  5.                                | QWK'em mail reader, file navigating or just
  6.                                | playing its' own TETRIS game or a CD. IEMSI.
  7.                                | Powerful REXX-like Script Language. SmartPad,
  8.                                | MouseMenu(TM). Comprehensive Fax Manager and
  9.                                | cost management incl. Long Distance Carriers,
  10.                                | Zmodem, Compuserve B+, Kermit and Voicecalls!
  11. 0159TER2.ZIP   554536  01-31-95  -=< TERMINATE 1.59b Beta, file 2 of 4 >=- Fax
  12.                                | Manager receives Fax, Fido Mailer OR Data
  13.                                | calls to IEMSI & ANSI/Avatar MiniHost with an
  14.                                | adaptive answer modem on a single phone line!
  15.                                | Translation, Keyboard and Faxfont editor (inc
  16.                                | cyrillic & arabic). Scan and use ALL your VGA
  17.                                | modes. Supports ISDN, Fossil, Network, HSLink
  18.                                | BiModem. Background to "Project Cain"includes
  19.                                | BO$WELCH.TXT and LIAR_WOO.DS. File 2 of 4 and
  20.                                | BOTH files 1 & 2 are needed for installation!
  21. 0159TER3.ZIP   276373  01-31-95  -=< TERMINATE 1.59b Beta, file 3 of 4 >=-
  22.                                | RIPscrip (TM) 1.54 graphics for both terminal
  23.                                | *and* the integral QWK'em offline mailreader
  24.                                | means this is the most *comprehensive* comms.
  25.                                | program available. If you've never tried the
  26.                                | beauty of *full colour* online graphics and a
  27.                                | point and click interface then download this!
  28.                                | More than *200* different modem entries make
  29.                                | installation a breeze. This 3rd file of four
  30.                                | is optional to complete a full installation.
  31. 0159TER4.ZIP   208238  01-31-95  -=< TERMINATE 1.59b Beta, file 4 of 4 >=-
  32.                                | Terminate is the most *comprehensive* comms.
  33.                                | program available anywhere & this file adds a
  34.                                | selection of 3rd party programs that function
  35.                                | particularly well with it. The SAM'ed SQUISH
  36.                                | (tm) compatible Fido Reader and Tosser is
  37.                                | included free of charge by kind permision of
  38.                                | the author of QWK'em. This last file of four
  39.                                | is optional to complete a full installation.
  40. ACE186A.ZIP    202225  04-16-94  AceComm v1.86 4/7/94 Powerful Comm Package -
  41.                                | Full-featured, innovative comm program
  42.                                | w/internal X/Y/Zmodem, "very configurational"
  43.                                | Zmodem file management, online-time recorder,
  44.                                | macros, key-redef, power scripts, AutoAnswer
  45.                                | setup, EMSI/IEMSI, Scheduler, huge FON files,
  46.                                | online help, mouse support, Modem Install,
  47.                                | FIFO, color scroll back, User-defined menus,
  48.                                | "AutoScriptGen"(Tm), Point-mail(*.FLO),
  49.                                | "Intelligent Auto Log On Technology"(Tm)
  50. ACE186B.ZIP    338460  07-10-94  AceComm v1.86 4/7/94 Powerful Comm Package -
  51.                                | Full-featured, innovative comm program
  52.                                | w/internal X/Y/Zmodem, "very configurational"
  53.                                | Zmodem file management, online-time recorder,
  54.                                | macros, key-redef, power scripts, AutoAnswer
  55.                                | setup, EMSI/IEMSI, Scheduler, huge FON files,
  56.                                | online help, mouse support, Modem Install,
  57.                                | FIFO, color scroll back, User-defined menus,
  58.                                | "AutoScriptGen"(Tm), Point-mail(*.FLO),
  59.                                | "Intelligent Auto Log On Technology"(Tm)
  60. AH1004.ZIP      10181  10-05-93  Area Code Helper v1.004.
  61. ALAD170.ZIP    266169  10-14-93  Genie PC-Aladdin v1.63; Now Intel 386 and 486
  62.                                | processor-aware.
  63. ALPHPAGE.ZIP    64431  06-17-94  Program to send a text message to an
  64.                                | alphanumeric pager
  65. ANALG131.ZIP    30050  10-14-93  ANALOG v1.31; {COMMO} log analyzer, Supports
  66.                                | v5.5 logs, has long distance cost estimating.
  67. AOLTIM30.ZIP    24836  11-08-94  Total Connect Time: Track online time usage
  68.                                | on AOL (America Online)
  69. ARS10.ZIP      559780  08-01-93  ARS v1.0 DOS/WIN; Unattended downloads, auto
  70.                                | list updates, easy offline searches-
  71.                                | automatic retrieval of files from National
  72.                                | Shareware Library, a national archive of
  73.                                | shareware, public domain and freeware
  74.                                | programs. Features: graphical interface, full
  75.                                | mouse support, DOS & WIN versions, AutoMatic
  76.                                | List Updates, Offline File Search
  77. AUTCS2.ZIP     151209  01-10-95  Auto CIS is a script for ProComm ++ 2.0 for
  78.                                | Windows for Compuserve. From the Datastorm
  79.                                | file library on Compuserve.
  80. BABEL94C.ZIP    38139  10-24-94  Dict of Comp. terms and acronyms
  81. BBS212.ZIP     178956  01-12-95  BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very
  82.                                | easy-to-use data communications program for
  83.                                | calling BBSs and uploading & downloading
  84.                                | files. The protocols included are ASCII,
  85.                                | Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K,
  86.                                | Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to
  87.                                | file and will record the time and length of
  88.                                | each call. BBS can change and save modem
  89.                                | initialization strings and all screen colors
  90.                                | can be changed & saved.
  91. BBSING.ZIP     400435  12-31-94  FREE! All about BBSING E-Published book *
  92.                                | SYSOPS this will save you a lot of time!
  93.                                | Answers most BBSing questions*Interactive Use
  94.                                | this to get friends, co-workers, relatives
  95.                                | into computer bulletin boards! Magazine*Very
  96.                                | User Friendly! Pass it on! All about the
  97.                                | YANKEENET, NEW KBBS Software, modems,
  98.                                | conferences, offline readers, more.
  99. BBSR15.ZIP     266059  02-26-95  Make $$$ by passing this program along!!!
  100.                                | Crater Rim's* FREE* Comm Package with 19
  101.                                | internal protocols including Xmodem Chk,
  102.                                | Xmodem CRC, 1K-Xmodem, WXmodem, K9Xmodem,
  103.                                | Qmodem 1K-G, Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Zmodem and ALL
  104.                                | of the SuperK set! Features Emulink system to
  105.                                | emulate the command key sets for most of the
  106.                                | major comm packages. Built-in files subsystem
  107.                                | with user configured archive utilities and
  108.                                | fast file finder. Cut and paste upload and
  109. BBVGA35.ZIP    108419  06-13-94  PC Blackboard VGA v3.5: Point-to-point
  110.                                | interactive communications program, allows
  111.                                | two PCs to interact over a phone
  112. BCOM13C.ZIP    104650  12-21-94  BananaCom is a VERY simple com program.
  113.                                | Excellent for the first time modem user and
  114.                                | perfect for people who help people use
  115.                                | modems. Provides auto ZModem, ANSI terminal
  116.                                | emulation, dialing directory stored as a text
  117.                                | file, auto port/speed detect and much more.
  118.                                | IDEAL for NOVICE Modem Users!
  119. BCUSTOM.ZIP    102154  11-17-94  Sysops! TRIPLE your BBS usage! BananaCom
  120.                                | Custom is a FREE com program designed to dial
  121.                                | into just one modem service. EXTREMELY simple
  122.                                | and easy to use! The perfect program for
  123.                                | sysops to sell or give to people interested
  124.                                | in trying their service. Features auto
  125.                                | ZModem, ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation and
  126.                                | auto modem detect.
  127. BGFAX140.ZIP   220069  01-01-95  BGFAX v1.40: Non-TSR S/R fax program for
  128.                                | people with Class 1, 2, 2.0, & ZyXEL fax
  129.                                | modems. Can answer the phone by itself or let
  130.                                | a Fido Mailer or BBS pass the fax call to it.
  131.                                | Can also SEND faxes from the command line.
  132.                                | Includes viewing, FAX->PCX, ASCII->FAX,
  133.                                | PCX->FAX utilties. FTP from FTP.CSN.NET in
  134.                                | the "Computech" or FREQ 'magic' BGFAX from
  135.                                | Fido 1:106/400.
  136. BIGPR95C.ZIP   166396  02-09-95  Big Boy's World Famous BBSing Primer v95.c.
  137.                                | The best general source of info. on BBSing in
  138.                                | existence! The whole BBSing racket explained
  139.                                | - concepts, techniques, software, buzzwords,
  140.                                | procedures, insider info., phone numbers. And
  141.                                | free! Self- reader .exe format for DOS. The
  142.                                | TEACHER! By Colorado's Modem Comedian Big Boy
  143.                                | BBS: 303-458-3832 - Nyuk Nyuk!
  144. BUS1_3.ZIP      13324  11-29-93  Board User's Search utility v1.3. VERY fast,
  145.                                | easy, off-line search of file listings.
  146.                                | Boolean logic and up to eight search strings
  147.                                | in one pass. Multiple files and wildcard
  148.                                | support. Output to screen (with hilite)
  149.                                | and/or file. Filters for file date or size.
  150.                                | No setup required, run from command line or
  151.                                | batch file. A must-have for BBS users. By
  152.                                | GehretSoft.
  153. CALLIN10.ZIP    19221  10-10-94  CallInfo v1.0: See who is calling before you
  154.                                | answer the telephone. This DOS TSR will pop
  155.                                | up and display the name and number of who is
  156.                                | calling you before the second ring. Requires
  157.                                | caller id from your local telephone company
  158.                                | and a modem that supports caller id (many
  159.                                | 14.4 & up).
  160. CATBX16A.ZIP   142408  08-05-93  The Catalog ToolBox (CATBOX) v1.6A: tool for
  161.                                | managing long listings of Compuserve's file
  162.                                | library contents. sort by filename/extension,
  163.                                | upload date, uploader ID, LIB #, file
  164.                                | type/size or dl count. view/del/extract/ move
  165.                                | entries by date. remove duplicates. print,
  166.                                | search & format conversion functions.
  167.                                | context-sensitive help. DOS shell.
  168. CATDS138.ZIP    15665  06-06-94  CATDOS v1.38: FoxPro project that converts
  169.                                | TAPCIS-compatible CIS files into an xBase
  170.                                | database
  171. CDM-V15.ZIP    108808  07-15-94  Do you use Commo and want an alphabetical
  172.                                | dialing directory? Here's a Commo directory
  173.                                | management program that's speech friendly,
  174.                                | creates Commo.fon and allows for long
  175.                                | distance codes! Get it! Free!
  176. CHEAPSET.ZIP    11828  10-08-93  CHEAPSET v1.0; To allow those who have access
  177.                                | to such over-the-air time standards like WWV,
  178.                                | WWVH, CHU, etc...to accurately set their
  179.                                | computer clocks by sight/ear rather than
  180.                                | costly dialup programs.
  181. CIS0719.ZIP     11513  07-19-94  CompuServe local-access num#'s, all speeds
  182. CISBIL23.ZIP    44011  12-13-94  CIS Billing Tracker-JNGoodale <ASP> Off-line
  183.                                | CompuServe billing organizer. Will gather
  184.                                | weekly and daily billing from captured
  185.                                | billing information, maintain yearly cum
  186.                                | file. Provides formatted report on screen,
  187.                                | file, or printer.
  188. CISNOD10.ZIP    60797  09-20-93  The CIS Node Locator v1.0: MS-Windows program
  189.                                | that will find a location when you enter a
  190.                                | CIS node and press the Find Button. designed
  191.                                | to run under Windows while your communication
  192.                                | program is also running under Windows in a
  193.                                | windowed mode.
  194. CISRF111.ZIP    53489  10-14-93  Compu$erve Forum Catalog Viewer v1.11;
  195.                                | View/Search CIS Forum full description
  196.                                | catalogs. Catalogs must have been prev-
  197.                                | iously downloaded. Works on all catalogs in
  198.                                | the format of the IBMNET. Mark items and
  199.                                | print list and description to aid in
  200.                                | subsequent downloading.
  201. COMDRI11.ZIP     9613  06-03-94  Allows a PC to share disk drives with another
  202.                                | PC using the serial port and a null modem
  203.                                | cable. Works in the background, Each system
  204.                                | can access the other's disk drives.
  205. COMM0914.ZIP    45642  09-14-93  COMM0914 contains support files for COMMO551.
  206.                                | It contains popular San Diego BBSs, Autologon
  207.                                | and Protocol macros.
  208. COMMO642.ZIP   193923  03-18-95  {COMMO} 6.42 - High-performance terminal
  209.                                | program for DOS, also excellent in Windows
  210.                                | and OS/2. {COMMO} is the smallest, fastest,
  211.                                | most reliable and most configurable terminal
  212.                                | program available. The easy, comprehensive
  213.                                | macro programming language addresses any
  214.                                | communications need. New features include
  215.                                | INTERNAL ZMODEM, external editor hook and
  216.                                | many more enhancements and improvements.
  217.                                | Shareware.
  218. CON0993.ZIP     50155  09-01-93  DRC's Corporate Controllers Phone Directory
  219. CS-MAC.ZIP       7471  10-05-93  Seybolt'S {Commo} Macro; Offline Mail Reader
  220.                                | Macro For {Commo}X. Handles Most Popular Mail
  221.                                | Readers. Has Many Advanced Features. Can Be
  222.                                | Easily Modified.
  223. CS_MAC08.ZIP    58594  10-24-93  Commo automated mail and file transfer macro
  224.                                | series. Supports many BBSware & MAILware
  225.                                | types. Easy to expand. Now with Autopilot for
  226.                                | extended unattended running. A number of
  227.                                | novel macro tricks inside. Fast action, short
  228.                                | online times. Many features for your live
  229.                                | sessions. Requires v5.52 of Commo.
  230. DIALM70.ZIP    215941  09-29-93  DIALM v7.0; Telephone dialing program, you
  231.                                | can dial the phone, automatically re-dial
  232.                                | busy numbers, and keep a log of calls made.
  233. DIAL_23.ZIP    106367  08-26-93  THE DIALER v2.30; Feature packed telephone
  234.                                | autodialer. Its features include a call
  235.                                | timer, a notepad, a log that saves the name,
  236.                                | time, date, and your notes, easy to use
  237.                                | macros, the capacity for an unlimited amount
  238.                                | of names and numbers, quick search and find,
  239.                                | effortlessly dials long number sequences that
  240.                                | makes even credit card calls a breeze, and
  241.                                | much more.
  242. DL203.ZIP      193031  02-22-95  DATALINKS SA - ALPHA PAGING SOLUTION v2.02d:
  243.                                | Set of utilities that allows you to send text
  244.                                | to alpha pagers.
  245. DLITE201.ZIP   217119  08-14-93  D-LITE (Delphi) v2.0; Auto-login for Email,
  246.                                | Forum message, and Database File transmission
  247.                                | and retrieval. Ability to send binary files
  248.                                | as private Email. SCHEDULE option for
  249.                                | timed-delay auto-login during off-peak hours.
  250.                                | Multi-Forum message database for fast search
  251.                                | and retrieval of old messages. Full
  252.                                | implementation of Database cataloging,
  253.                                | uploading, downloading, and updating.
  254. DSDIALV1.ZIP    26023  01-08-95  DOS Dialer, A MS-DOS modem/telephone dialer,
  255.                                | so easy to use yet so versatile. Simlpe put
  256.                                | in path directory, and use, its that simple
  257.                                | What to resister, %USER%, just write!
  258. EZSEND.ZIP      43593  06-05-94  eZ-SEND: Command line DOS or Windows file
  259.                                | transfer program. For people who don't know
  260.                                | how to use a communications package. Finds
  261.                                | your modem, dials, etc...
  262. EZYD2.ZIP       36385  01-01-95  Pager Dialer Ezy-D is a great little dialer
  263.                                | for use on the command-line and in batch
  264.                                | files for making unattended pager calls in
  265.                                | response to system/application events.
  266.                                | Features: - Automatically locates modem.
  267.                                | Automatically selects voice/pager operation.
  268.                                | Auto (time-out) or manual operation. Optional
  269.                                | programmable "send" delay. Optional prompt
  270.                                | for phone number(s). Displays number(s) for
  271.                                | verification.
  272. FAX140C.ZIP    115486  01-28-95  Upgrade/Bugfix for BGFAX program. Needs BGFAX
  273.                                | 1.40.
  274. FAXHVN10.ZIP   300864  10-26-94  One-Step FAXHAVEN v1.0: Many, many
  275.                                | value-adding features for your FAX modem.
  276.                                | Includes HQ-FAX ver. 2.0 PLUS! the standard
  277.                                | receive functions, (view, print, convert 2
  278.                                | grafx, delete). DOS-based, Funxn-key driven.
  279.                                | Requires BITFAX/QuickLink/Frecom/COmplete PC.
  280.                                | Convert program competes w. HIJAAK @ 1/3 the
  281.                                | price.
  282. FAXIT10.ZIP    220570  03-04-94  FAXIT 1.0 by Jamal Mazrui A simple, free
  283.                                | program to fax a file from DOS. No memory
  284.                                | hungry CAS device driver is needed! Special
  285.                                | support for WordPerfect files. Friendly to
  286.                                | accessibility software run by computer users
  287.                                | with disabilities.
  288. FAXS20.ZIP      69029  08-11-93  ssFaxer; Simple program intended to send a
  289.                                | fax to a fax machine/board WITHOUT CAS or any
  290.                                | other interface.
  291. FAX_AD.ZIP     150456  10-23-94  FAX-An-Ad v1.3 fax-broadcasting system.
  292.                                | Requires Quick Link II software. Provides a
  293.                                | means to utilize your PC and a Fax-Modem to
  294.                                | advertise your products and services via FAX
  295.                                | machines. Also can locate all fax machines in
  296.                                | any requested area. Must be used according to
  297.                                | local laws. Also supports Quick Link II Fax
  298.                                | program dialing directory maintenance, auto #
  299.                                | generator, stripper, sorter, etc. FREEWARE
  300. FN80031A.ZIP   556116  08-05-94  FONE800 v3.1a: Toll-free database resource!
  301.                                | On PBS's Best Seller List 7 times in a row!
  302.                                | Full Mouse support: CMDs & DATA. Expanded
  303.                                | sample database, OVER 4000 ENTRIES, including
  304.                                | Tele-Tax, Consumer Lines, Recalls, Health
  305.                                | Info, Radio-TV talk shows, Discount Catalogs,
  306.                                | & much more. Modify the sample database to
  307.                                | create your own personal 800 index.
  308.                                | Auto-Dial/Re-Dial, Note Pad, etc.
  309. FN90021.ZIP    166609  03-09-94  FONE900 v2.1: 1-900 Audiotex database!
  310.                                | Monitor cost of 900 calls in real time. See
  311.                                | estimated cost before call is placed. Note
  312.                                | pad for each DB entry. Cost & time reports.
  313.                                | Expand on the sample database, many examples
  314.                                | are provided, including Attorneys, Doctors,
  315.                                | Consumer Lines, Health Info, Radio-TV shows,
  316.                                | & much more. Modify the sample database to
  317.                                | create your own personal 900 index.
  318. FONE63B.ZIP    745854  08-15-94  FONE v6.3b: New & Updated Rates including
  319.                                | HOME BASED Business Services. NEW Rate Time
  320.                                | Periods for Business, Int'l, & Residential
  321.                                | Services. More North America Cities; was
  322.                                | 1200; NOW 3500+. Many New Area Codes: 610,
  323.                                | 810, 905, 910, + +. More Int'l Countries &
  324.                                | Territories; was 130; NOW 220+. Includes
  325.                                | Personal Contact Manager Database with Auto
  326.                                | Redial, Labels, Cost Reports, etc.
  327. FREEC102.ZIP    53518  09-16-94  FREECOM allows you to use a PC compatible cpu
  328.                                | at a distant location as an electronic
  329.                                | telephone operator or "host" with 2 telephone
  330.                                | lines and modems. It can call you and connect
  331.                                | to your home system which can be any machine
  332.                                | (PC, ATARI, MAC, etc.). Once connected, you
  333.                                | may dail out via FREECOM's second modem and
  334.                                | phone line to any on-line service you wish,
  335.                                | without incurring ANY telephone line time or
  336.                                | connection charges on your home phone bill.
  337. FREEFONE.ZIP     3219  08-18-93  Phone bills too High?? Read this
  338. FXT100.ZIP     269044  09-27-93  FXTerm v1.0; Designed to take full advantage
  339.                                | of the new Tel-FX Graphics Standard by
  340.                                | Hamilton TeleGraphics Inc. Experience the
  341.                                | power of a high resolution, mouse driven
  342.                                | Graphical User Interface complete with
  343.                                | dragging windows, scroller bars, icons,
  344.                                | pushing buttons and photographic images.
  345. GDSTERM.ZIP    154163  09-21-93  From GDSOFT. GUI Terminal program allows
  346.                                | external protocols/HOST mode.
  347. GIP_02.ZIP      68103  12-18-94  GIP r.02 [Graphics Interchange Protocol]
  348.                                | Specs and source code for a VGA graphics
  349.                                | standard for use with communications
  350.                                | software. Public Domain. JDR_BBS (with
  351.                                | Commie) uses this in its BBS software.
  352. GOLDP60.ZIP    268196  02-09-95  CompuPHONE GOLD v6.0a PhoneBook/Dialer A
  353.                                | phone book database that provides options for
  354.                                | multiple databases with no limit to the
  355.                                | number of entries. Dual phone number fields
  356.                                | with a built-in phone dialer. Will print to
  357.                                | Lists, Labels, Rolodex Cards, or Envelopes.
  358.                                | Includes a complete Calendar/NotePad for
  359.                                | recording Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly
  360.                                | events or posting notes.
  361. GTW32_01.ZIP   433898  11-07-94  New Alpha test comm program for windows from
  362.                                | the GT Power author - Paul Meiners.
  363. HO5M.ZIP       576961  03-18-95  Hands On Remote Access 5.10 <ASP> Easy Up and
  364.                                | Running Update. Easy use. Hands On has small
  365.                                | RAM size, useful set of features in a
  366.                                | complete toolkit. Minimally intrusive and
  367.                                | easily modified. Now has 465 modem setup
  368.                                | strings. Liberal distribution policy.
  369. HOST111.ZIP     30225  12-15-94  Updated Alternative HOST script for Qmodem
  370.                                | Pro for Windows. This is for version 1.11a.
  371.                                | Allows change directory and download any path
  372.                                | without full path. See lookat.me file in this
  373.                                | zip file for details and fixes.
  374. HQFAX.ZIP      255539  10-26-94  Many many value-adding features for your FAX
  375.                                | modem. Produce & send FAX-ready files in 1
  376.                                | step. Produce PCX,DCX,TIFF formats. Thumb-
  377.                                | tack graphics & use pre- printed forms.
  378.                                | EPSON-LQ print driver required, nothing more.
  379.                                | DOS-based, works w. Windows. One-Step High
  380.                                | Quality FAX v1.20
  381. HSLMAIL4.ZIP     7175  09-07-93  QmodemPro script for unattended HSLINK
  382.                                | QWK/REP mail transfer.
  383. HS_TLX32.ZIP     1924  08-25-93  Install HS/Link in TELIX 3.21
  384. IRDC10.ZIP     182800  10-18-93  IRDC v1.0; INFRA-RED Direct Control. Control
  385.                                | your One-For-All (6 or 12) remote from your
  386.                                | PC. Full Screen Point & Click DOS interface.
  387.                                | Your PC screen becomes a large remote keypad.
  388.                                | Special serial cable can be ordered
  389.                                | w/software. Time-Limited Shareware Demo
  390. JBL-11.ZIP      30487  01-22-95  JB-Learn Version 1.1 for {COMMO} 6.4X Written
  391.                                | by Jeff Bishop - 1/22/95 - FREEWARE This is a
  392.                                | very powerful automated learn engine for
  393.                                | {COMMO}. No more writing macros to automate
  394.                                | logins. JB-Learn has self-learning features,
  395.                                | it learns more about learning as you use it.
  396.                                | CS-MAC13+ compatible learn data file format
  397.                                | used.
  398. LCCDP3.ZIP     759968  09-28-93  User Front End For Logikal Career Connection
  399.                                | On-Line Job Placement Service For Technical
  400.                                | People. Free.
  401. LOCALHS1.ZIP    11416  01-08-95  Local-HS: Searches for and reports on
  402.                                | high-speed bbs's from the user supplied
  403.                                | fidonet nodelist according to user specified
  404.                                | search criteria. Search criteria includes a
  405.                                | single areacode, multiple exchanges and
  406.                                | multiple types of modems. Freeware; enjoy!
  407. MAX_SCPT.ZIP     2226  05-04-93  Telix script file for Maximus boards. It will
  408.                                | logon and then take you into the off- line
  409.                                | reader section, Upload your .REP reply file
  410.                                | and then delete it, Download your new .QWK
  411.                                | packet file and then return Telix to manual
  412.                                | operation. Only name and .REP file
  413.                                | location/name entries for this script are
  414.                                | required. Instructions are in this file.
  415. MDIC200.ZIP     53946  09-02-93  The Modem Dictionary v2.00; This is a must
  416.                                | for anyone using a modem. It contains
  417.                                | easy-to-understand definitions of over 730
  418.                                | words that come up when using modems and
  419.                                | BBS's. Helpful for both the beginner and
  420.                                | expert. No need to try to figure out the
  421.                                | jargon anymore!
  422. MKDIALER.ZIP     6408  09-25-93  Dialer.BSC v1.7; Script for pre-programming
  423.                                | the dialing of Bbs's at specific times, with
  424.                                | Boyan Communications It is easy to set up and
  425.                                | runs fast with all kinds of modems. Works
  426.                                | well with Mark & Cindi Sherman's QWK.BSC and
  427.                                | MARK.BSC scripts. Have you used Boyan lately?
  428. MKEY112.ZIP     69367  09-14-94  MagicKey Popup HELP window with autotyping
  429.                                | for use with DOS Terminal Programs. Shareware
  430.                                | ($10) Scrollable list of keyboard macros.
  431.                                | Capture text from screen to macro. Point and
  432.                                | click macro selection. Unlimited number of
  433.                                | macros in file. Unlimited number of
  434.                                | selectable files. Use with any program or
  435.                                | DOS. User selectable hot keys. Uninstall from
  436.                                | DOS or popup. 1000+ popular ftp, telnet, www,
  437.                                | finger gopher, and email addresses available
  438. MXLITE19.ZIP   111862  09-01-93  MxLight Version 1.90. A major rewrite from
  439.                                | all past versions. Many new features and
  440.                                | fixes. ZedZap,Zmodem,
  441.                                | YmodemG,Ymodem,Xmodem1KG,Xmodem1K,Xmodem and
  442.                                | Ascii Protocols. Support for 3 External
  443.                                | Protocols. SplitScreen Chat, Ansi,
  444.                                | Ansi-Music, Avatar and VT100 Emulations.16550
  445.                                | UART Support 300 to 115200 baud supported.
  446.                                | New High Speed Phone Book, with over 200
  447.                                | numbers. Many other features, Still only
  448. MYCMM210.ZIP   134432  08-08-93  MyComm v2.1; powerful, yet small (166K)
  449.                                | telecommunications program. Supports Zmodem,
  450.                                | Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, and of
  451.                                | course ASCII file transfers. There are slots
  452.                                | for up to 6 external protocols. Supports TTY,
  453.                                | ANSI, VT-52, and VT-100 terminal emulations.
  454.                                | Many more features including an easy to use
  455.                                | script language.
  456. NORTEL2.ZIP    194878  12-21-94  NorTel V2.00 NorTel is a VGA terminal
  457.                                | program. With full mouse and keyboard
  458.                                | support, copy and paste, text editor,
  459.                                | multi-threading, multi-tasking, new menued
  460.                                | script, and script recording, and much more.
  461.                                | (C)1994 by EZEware. NOW only $29CND.
  462. PBILL31.ZIP    177666  10-04-94  PhoneBill v3.1 Analyses logfiles on
  463.                                | phonecosts (mailer term programs).
  464. PCCLK305.ZIP    83524  01-14-94  PCCLOCK v3.05: Sets your PC's date and time
  465.                                | by modem to NIST or USNO atomic clock.
  466.                                | Displays the date and time in big digits in
  467.                                | your choice of built-in designs or ones you
  468.                                | create yourself. Has 6-digit, 12- or 24-hour
  469.                                | display, manual setting option, chime, and
  470.                                | alarm. Supports 300- to 14.4k-bps modems.
  471.                                | "AUTO:n" option can set time every n days
  472.                                | through AUTOEXEC.BAT.
  473. PCPEXEC5.ZIP     5849  10-09-93  The Exec-PC "log-on" menu; This set of files
  474.                                | will log you on to Exec-Pc from your PCs DOS
  475.                                | prompt using Procomm Plus v2.1 Communications
  476. PCP_DIAL.ZIP     3395  10-09-93  This set of files will load your Procomm
  477.                                | dialing directory from your PC's DOS prompt.
  478. PS110.ZIP      291909  08-24-93  Phone Secretary v1.01; fax/modem ans 1 line,
  479.                                | call fwd, call screen, and more! With dist.
  480.                                | ring from Bell auto answers for fax voice or
  481.                                | modem. Auto control of call frwding. Auto
  482.                                | weed out unwanted calls. Log date, time, dist
  483.                                | ring, for all calls. Get notification by
  484.                                | beeper OR PHONE for incoming calls, faxs,
  485.                                | etc. User settable daily schedules for all
  486.                                | funct'ns Your modem will never be the same
  487.                                | again!
  488. QCOM318.ZIP    269543  10-02-94  QCOM v3.18. A compact communications pgm.
  489.                                | Very easy to use, features auto-script maker,
  490.                                | scroll-back with quoter, host mode, music
  491.                                | support, file tagging for batch uploads, and
  492.                                | easy modem setup. Supports ANSI, TTY VT100
  493.                                | emulations. X/Y/ZModem built in and can use
  494.                                | other external protocols. Includes QMP v0.14
  495.                                | offline mail reader. Sep/94.
  496. QMPPDF.ZIP      15118  06-30-94  Qmodem Pro Modem Definition File Update
  497. QMTD_46.ZIP    765393  07-15-94  QMODEM v4.60 TEST-DRIVE: Fully-functional
  498.                                | telecommunications program designed to
  499.                                | provide full modem communications to any PC
  500.                                | and modem. This TEST-DRIVE release is fully
  501.                                | operational and also can be operated with all
  502.                                | prior QMODEM registration numbers, but is not
  503.                                | the same as the current registered commercial
  504.                                | release. The registered commercial release
  505.                                | includes additional functions and
  506.                                | enhancements. The documentation included with
  507. QMWINDDT.ZIP    13969  05-04-94  Qmodem for Windows Modem Definition File
  508. QM_EXEC.ZIP       412  10-12-93  Exec-Pc Key Definitions for Qmodem v5.0
  509. QM_HST_C.ZIP     9384  10-20-93  Complete collection of *COLOR* Qmodem/Qmodem
  510.                                | Pro *.HST display files for QM's HOST mode.
  511.                                | These files were done in THEDRAW, and saved
  512.                                | with "Clear Screen". PKZIP 2.04g. -FREEWARE-
  513. QM_WIN.ZIP      13890  10-18-94  New updated modem information file for
  514.                                | Qmodempro for Windows.
  515. QWKESOFT.ZIP     2437  02-22-95  Aspect file for PCPLUS 4 Win (was) to get QSO
  516. RBCOM346.ZIP   118473  01-29-95  RBcomm is a lean and mean DESQview-aware comm
  517.                                | program by Ralf Brown. Freeware. Main
  518.                                | features of v3.46: . * runs in as little as
  519.                                | 47K . * DESQview-aware to minimize CPU usage;
  520.                                | . provides some extra features under DV . *
  521.                                | 250-number dialing directory . * ANSI/VT102,
  522.                                | VT52, AVATAR/0 emulations . * seamless file
  523.                                | transfers using DSZ, etc.
  525. RTIME15.ZIP     26609  01-24-94  Ritetime version 1.5 will call using a modem
  526.                                | to a remote clock system like NRC to get the
  527.                                | exact time and date. It will then set your
  528.                                | computer's internal clock with received info.
  529. SATSAT1.ZIP     63174  10-10-94  SATSAT: DOS program that will use the time
  530.                                | and date from your computer clock to
  531.                                | determine & display the approximate locations
  532.                                | of the moons of Saturn. The rings of Saturn
  533.                                | are also displayed and Saturn's coordinates,
  534.                                | System I Longitudes, and other data are given
  535.                                | as well. A VGA monitor is required.
  536. SD301.ZIP      145643  11-24-94  SUPER DIAL Telephone Autodialer v3.01:
  537.                                | Features: call timer, enhanced log (includes
  538.                                | time, date, name, number, and your notes),
  539.                                | make voice mail touch-tone sounds from your
  540.                                | keyboard, full screen for note taking, ten
  541.                                | easy macros, automatic redial, fast search
  542.                                | and find, mark names for continuous dialing,
  543.                                | unlimited names and numbers, credit card
  544.                                | calls. Much more! COM1 or COM2
  545. SLICK63F.ZIP   200710  08-07-93  Slick super modem terminal, does it all.
  546. SMRTEN21.ZIP    96115  10-02-94  Smart10: X10 CP290 Home Automation scheduler
  547.                                | system. Provides sophisticated scheduling.
  548.                                | Extra features provided include Sunrise,
  549.                                | Sunset as times, Date ranges for which event
  550.                                | will be active, arbitrary conditions
  551.                                | including Light and Dark to modify the
  552.                                | schedule. Smart10 supports sending immediate
  553.                                | commands including canceling sheduled events.
  554. SMTV11A.ZIP    111278  10-10-93  Script Modem Terminal STM 1.1 full scripting.
  555. SORTFON.ZIP    118282  08-01-93  SORTFON v1.0; free utility for sorting the
  556.                                | dialing directory of the COMMO communications
  557. SPHON133.ZIP   262530  01-01-95  Save plenty of $$$ when phoning long distance
  558.                                | by using SmartPhone to plan your calls to use
  559.                                | lower phone rates. Cross-reference data about
  560.                                | area codes, zip codes, cities, towns, states,
  561.                                | provinces, time zones, countries, population,
  562.                                | etc. Can pay for itself the first day.
  563. TCLSWV2.ZIP    153792  05-06-94  TCL - TELEPHONE CALL LOGGER 2.0; TCL makes,
  564.                                | times and logs telephone calls, generates
  565.                                | itemised statements and can distribute phone
  566.                                | charges over different accounts. TCL can also
  567.                                | do chain dialling, automatically calling all
  568.                                | numbers in a list. Includes tutorial facility.
  569. TELE_ACC.ZIP    64155  10-14-93  Fascinating set of documents dealing with the
  570.                                | telecommunications explosion and especially
  571.                                | the rights to access for folks with
  572.                                | disabilities. Get it and get involved.
  573. TIMSET72.ZIP   170195  10-14-93  TimeSet v7.20; Accurate time by phone from 5
  574.                                | atomic time services covering 2 continents,
  575.                                | also from computers running TimeGen (incl.),
  576.                                | Generates time signals in USNO format from
  577.                                | any computer. Interactive with RighTime
  578.                                | v2.5+, Tom Becker's precision learning CMOS
  579.                                | and DOS clock corrector. Can automatically
  580.                                | reconfigure itself for time season changes in
  581.                                | North America, Britain, or Europe.
  582. TLXTW204.ZIP   212435  01-22-95  Telix Scripts for Tradewars 2002 2.x wb5
  583.                                | Powerful SALT scripts that help players
  584.                                | perform repetitive tasks fast, efficient and
  585.                                | effortlessly. Paired Port Trading,
  586.                                | Transport/Sell/Steal Cycle, much more.
  587. TPC15.ZIP       99002  03-01-95  The Phone Center Version 1.5! It's the first
  588.                                | dialer that is fun to use. Includes: an Area
  589.                                | Code Search & Time Zone Search, a DOS Shell,
  590.                                | Telephone Directory Printer, a Database Name
  591.                                | Finder, Qwik Memo, Log Viewer, Multifunction
  592.                                | Calculator, Sliding Windows, & Help Displays
  593.                                | that remain on-screen. It even has a Hangman
  594.                                | Game! This update fixes all reported errors.
  595. TRANSRC3.ZIP     6946  10-01-93  Transfer Record Sheet v3.0; Print useful
  596.                                | forms on your own printer to document your
  597.                                | file transfers, uploads, downloads, BBS
  598.                                | lists, online time, PC equipment information,
  599.                                | and a complete and up to date listing and
  600.                                | description of your file records.
  601. TRKIT_20.ZIP    64707  10-20-94  TrackIt! v2.0 - Track Learner for Telix
  602.                                | TrackIt! is an online automation script that
  603.                                | takes advantage of SALT's tracking commands.
  604.                                | It's faster and more reliable than script
  605.                                | learners. Features include: * Over 1500
  606.                                | definable tracks per board * Fast dependable
  607.                                | operation * Edit tracks online or offline *
  608.                                | Unlimited online capabilities * Support BBS
  609. TS3M.ZIP       365096  03-18-95  TeleShare/DOS Ver 3.00 <ASP> Versatile remote
  610.                                | access shareware package. Good basic Remote
  611.                                | Support and access to 115200 baud.
  612.                                | TeleShare/Host has small RAM size and snappy
  613.                                | screen updates, enabling its use in workplace
  614.                                | settings avoided by others. Minimally
  615.                                | intrusive and easily modified. Liberal
  616.                                | support staff distribution policy. See the
  617.                                | manuals for most details. Free support.
  618. TURMODEM.ZIP   146590  11-04-94  TurModem v1.22 NAPLPS/ANSI/ASCII Terminal
  619.                                | TurModem supports NAPLPS graphics with mouse
  620.                                | support, internal protocols, and dialing
  621.                                | directory among other features. This is full
  622.                                | featured and FREEWARE!!
  623. TWW10.ZIP      114534  08-20-93  Trade Wars Weapons v1.0 for Telemate; Great
  624.                                | collection of scripts designed to help
  625.                                | serious Trade Warriors get the winning edge
  626.                                | over their competetion. TWW also has some
  627.                                | unique scripts never released or seen before!
  628. WTG20A.ZIP     383206  12-25-94  Way To Go! Enhance your AOL online
  629.                                | experience. WTG is a customizable toolbar
  630.                                | that you can use to make your most common
  631.                                | actions only a mouse click away. Although
  632.                                | WTG's foundation is as a button bar, it has
  633.                                | many more features to offer. WTG provides the
  634.                                | capability to download your messages and
  635.                                | e-mail so that you can read them offline.
  636. X10DC160.ZIP   253937  10-11-94  X10DC v1.60 - X10 Direct Control - Send
  637.                                | commands to the X10 CP290 Controller. Point &
  638.                                | Click DOS character interface. Supports:
  639.                                | ON/OFF/DIM + 5 UNDOCUMENTED CP290 X-10
  640.                                | Commands,Self-Test,Set Base HouseCode,Set
  641.                                | Time,Sync Time,X10.DAT file, Signal
  642.                                | Test,NEW:CP290 Transmission Logging
  643. X10EC110.ZIP   297869  10-11-94  X10EC v1.10 - X10 Event Control - Event
  644.                                | Scheduler for the X-10 CP290 Controller Point
  645.                                | & Click DOS character interface. From the
  646.                                | author of X10DC. Supports X10 DAT file
  647.                                | format, 5 Undocumented CP290 Commands,
  648.                                | Sunset/Sunrise/DST, Last Upload Date/Time,
  649.                                | Any COMMPORT/IRQ/PORT.
  650. X10FAQ01.ZIP    25163  06-12-94  Answers to frequently asked questions about
  651.                                | the X-10 carrier current control and home
  652.                                | automation system. Ver 1.01
  653. X10XA200.ZIP   132285  10-16-93  XA-X10 Command Interpreter v2.0; Send X10
  654.                                | commands/events to CP-290 directly from DOS,
  655.                                | batch file, or script. Features: POWERFAIL
  656.                                | RECOVERY (restores modules to last programmed
  657.                                | state), Improved Date handling, Automatic
  658.                                | Daylight Savings adjustments, Expanded
  659.                                | programming, SUNRISE/SUNSET calcs, clock
  660.                                | synchronization, report generator.
  661.                                | Registering enables IF/ELSE, access to I/O
  662.                                | ports, math and logical operations, +++ more.
  663. X10XT200.ZIP    60339  06-18-94  XT v2.0 - TSR FOR THE X10 COMPUTER INTERFACE:
  664.                                | DOS Terminate-Stay-Resident utility for the
  665.                                | CP-290. Send ON-OFF-DIM commands to any X-10
  666.                                | device from instant pop-up menus.
  667. YAMDEMO.ZIP    178960  09-19-94  Master the Information Explosion Secure and
  668.                                | Control Your Empire with Professional-YAM(TM)
  669.                                | Integrated Communications Tools The High
  670.                                | Reliability Software with ZMODEM-90(TM) This
  671.                                | demo is intended to work with the files in
  672.                                | YAMHELP.ZIP Professional-YAM can be
  673.                                | customized to operate with almost any
  674.                                | intelligent, dumb, or manual modem, but this
  675.                                | demo requires a modem that recognizes the
  676.                                | basic Hayes "AT" modem commands.
  677. YAMHELP.ZIP     91830  09-20-94  Help for Professional-YAM(TM) Integrated
  678.                                | Communications Tools
  679. ZCDC1815.ZIP   230754  10-20-94  L ZCOMM manual 10/20/94.
  680. ZCOMMEXE.ZIP   193704  09-19-94  ZCOMM.EXE 18.15 for PCDOS with easy Master
  681.                                | Phone Directory, TurboLearn Script
  682.                                | Writer(Tm), alternate dialing, dialing queue,
  683.                                | Graphic file xfer display, ZMODEM-90(Tm),
  684.                                | MobyTurbo(Tm), True YMODEM(Tm), XMODEM, Long
  685.                                | Packet MobyKermit, CIS B+, Flash-up tree
  686.                                | structured help, powerful scripts, Full Time
  687.                                | Review, Local and Online Command Recall/edit.
  688.                                | Unix users like ZMODEM, SCO, VT102, Wyse
  689.                                | emulation, Unix tools.
  690. ZCOMMHLP.ZIP    89186  09-20-94  ZCOMM.EXE 18.15 Help for PCDOS