CE318D.ZIP 32,299 11-15-94 CMEditor File Text Editor v3.18d <ASP> --Small, handy text editor loaded withfeatures. Edit or view large files. Markblocks of lines for copy, move, delete,export, print. Search/replace stringoperators, modest mouse support. 43-50 lineVGA support, and four color choices.
DESE.ZIP 109,366 09-01-94 DES EDITOR V1.00 <ASP>. Edit your documentswith full security by keeping the editedfile in the U.S. Government Data EncryptionStandard (DES) format.The edited informationis completely unreadable to anyone who doesnot have your password(s). Main features:File editing with transparent DES encryptionMulti-file editing; mouse support; undo;clipboard cut, copy and paste; search andreplace; From PIGAS Inc. <ASP> $25.
DRHEX101.ZIP 26,234 11-28-94 DrHex is a binary file editor for OS/2Presentation Manager. The program allowsyou to edit any file of any length in eithera HEX or an ASCII mode. This is a ShareWareproduct and as such it contains anunregistered annoyance screen and thebuilt-in HEX calculator and a HEX/DECIMALconverter are disabled. $25US.
E27READ.ZIP 7,311 09-20-94 Emacs 19.27 for OS/2 - readme.txt
E4DV204.ZIP 107,421 10-20-94 E4-Deluxe editor v2.04 - Efficientinterface. User Definable Pull-Down Menus. Mouse/SVGA support. Outlining (evenprograms). Load wildcards, edit many files. Search Replace across multiple files. Fullhelp. Resume Mode. Editable TraceableMacros. Compile from editor, Swap todisk/XMS. Redefine keyboard. Extensionspecific options. ASCII, Color, Error,Keycode tables. Line Draw. RectangularBlocks. Live wordwrap. Timed Backups.
EABRWS03.ZIP 40,464 11-11-94 Browser/editor for extended attributes, WARPupdate (beta). By Henk Kelder.
ED15NTC.ZIP 202,039 11-13-94 Editeur V1.5 text editor for Windows NT<ASP> - All users. A powerful, simple, andfast text editor. Handles Windows, Dos, andUnix files. Multitexts, no size limit. Fonts choice. Tool and status bars. Unlimited undo /redo functions, multitextssearches and replacements. Macros,sortings. Shareware. $ 24. Access to thefuture versions included.
EMACDG16.ZIP 75,507 10-21-94 EmacsDLG 1.6 -Full screen editor for DLG.
EW76.ZIP 725,220 10-03-94 EASY WORD V 7.6 <ASP> Word Proccessor - Easyto use Word Processor which includesspell-checker, line drawing, macros andinbuilt backup system. Easy Word will batchprint odd and even pages separately fordouble sided printing. There is also asecure erase facility for classifieddocuments. Requires 16Mhz or faster. Writing applications Reg. $49 EASY SOFTWARE
EW8.ZIP 258,215 11-08-94 EASY WORD V 8.0 <ASP> Word Proccessor - Easyto use Word Processor which includes linedrawing, macros and inbuilt backup system. Easy Word will batch print odd and evenpages separately for double sided printing. There is also a secure erase facility forclassified documents. Requires 16Mhz orfaster. Writing applications Reg. $45 -$49 EASY SOFTWARE
EZXW30CB.ZIP 249,966 11-23-94 EZX-Word v.W30cb wordprocessor. Small sizemakes it great for the "laptop". Includesspell checker and many letters. (500+ withregisterd version.> Only $39 single user. (incl. large dict.) Only $39 Other Licn. Available for low $ EZX P&D, Box 58177Webster TX 77598-8177 USA713-280-9900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
KAOS103.ZIP 78,701 09-06-94 E D I T O R A Text Editor with Some ExtraStyle. Multi-Windowed, Differ- ent Fonts. V1.03 Pulsation Tgle Cheap ShareWare $10 US$12 CAN
MCARET10.ZIP 26,713 10-22-94 Mr. Caret v1.0 - This program can set thesystem-caret to not blink or to blink at anyspecified rate. The caret is a blinkingsymbol (typically a line or block) whichindicates where text will be inserted. Since any program may set the blinkrate, thecaret is often blinking at an undesirablerate. Mr. Caret fixes this deficiency bykeeping the caret blinking (or not) at therate you like. $8 from Natural SoftwareCompany.
NED17X.ZIP 278,306 09-08-94 NED v1.7x <ASP> - A high performance texteditor for programmers and general use. Edit 10 files; 28/43/50 modes; Filewildcards, pick lists and browse; compileand run apps; On line calc,ASCIItables,calendar & help; Super fast screens;Kbd. macros; std. editing funcs. +manyothers; Block cut,copy paste & fmt andcolumns; Autosave; Clock, Alarm, Spooler;Regular expr S & R; {} match. Config.+more! $US 15 Australian.
NEDIT17X.ZIP 278,565 09-08-94 NED v1.7x <ASP> - A high performance texteditor for programmers and general use. Edit 10 files; 28/43/50 modes; Filewildcards, pick lists and browse; compileand run apps; On line calc,ASCIItables,calendar & help; Super fast screens;Kbd. macros; std. editing funcs. +manyothers; Block cut,copy paste & fmt andcolumns; Autosave; Clock, Alarm, Spooler;Regular expr S & R; {} match. Config.+more! $US 15 Australian.
OE41DOCS.ZIP 7,742 10-31-94 OEmacs release 4.1 is a port of GNU Emacsrev 19.19 for DOS, DESQview, and DOS underWindows. Read these documentation filesfirst.
PDT_27.ZIP 252,757 11-13-94 PDT 2.7 The ultimate 2-gig file editor! PDTis an enormously powerful program! It'sdata-file editing features are NOT availablein any other program. View or edit ANYfile: dBase, data files, EBCDIC, executable- ANY file up to 2 gigabytes in size (or 4files at once)! PDT automatically formatsdBase "DBF" and other fixed-length datafiles into logical rows and columns. Easyediting!
QF30S.ZIP 97,858 10-02-94 QUIET FLIGHT 3.0, Advanced Macros for TSEThis is the much anticipated release of theQuiet Flight macros for The SemWare Editor. Although tailored primarily for xBASEprogrammers, many features are usable byprogrammers of any language, or evennon-programmers.
QUIKNO20.ZIP 183,376 10-31-94 Quick Notes 2.0, a Notepad replacement, is afast text editor that has multiple-fileediting, word-wrap, case conversion, a "mostrecently used" file list, a toolbar, searchand replace, and other features found infull-blown word processors. Quick Notesfeatures file management commands, executeprogram, dial number, print preview, contextsensitive help and more. WinApp of theMonth, November 1994, PC/Computing. EquadoxCorp
TEXB12.ZIP 1121,460 10-10-94 EmTeX is an implementation of TeX running onOS/2 and MS-DOS.
TSEOFFER.ZIP 5,947 09-06-94 TheSemwareEditor v2.0 is Shipping !! AGREAT Editor from the makers of Qedit.
TSETD2.ZIP 404,526 12-14-94 The SemWare Editor (TSE) 2.0 Test-Drive. From the makers of QEdit comes the mostversatile yet easy-to-use DOS text editoravailable. Just one look and you'll behooked on it's POWER, SPEED, andFLEXIBILITY. Several popular editoremulations and macros are included. Limitedto 30 minutes or 4000 keystrokes per session.
VDE173A.ZIP 147,387 09-03-94 Video Display Editor v1.73A Update to EMayer's VDE Text Editor
WRITIT21.ZIP 248,100 11-09-94 WRITEIT 2.10 - A Text Editor/Word Processorfor new users. Ultra-easy to use with pulldown menus, mouse support and quick keys onview at all times. Includes a DataBase forNames & Addresses, Word wrap, Date and Timeinsert, Cut and Paste plus lots more. Nameand Address and current date can be insertedinto a letter with the press of a key. Print one off labels or envelopes. Run fromfloppy or hard disk. Online help andsupport for dot matrix and laser printers.
XE420.ZIP 53,289 11-05-94 heXEdit v4.2 Edit/Display files as hex dump-XE is a full screen DOS text based programthat can edit/display any file ashexadecimal numbers; with ASCII characterstoo. Features: search for a sequence ofbytes or text chars, display ASCII chart,convert numbers to a different base(dec,hex,bin), change colors, change fileattributes, shell out to DOS or userspecified program. Works on monochrome too. Freeware, by Robert Stuntz.
XL200124.ZIP 74,961 11-09-94 XL2001.EXE v.2.4 Electr. Publishing forDOS. Makes on-screen books, magazines,news- letters and catalogs in color, withauto- scroll, mouse scroll, quick filechange, special fonts, "book covers" andmore. Uses professional title and headingfonts. The Nov. 1994 Writer's Digestcalled XL2001 "Great choice for high-impactscreens - the electronic equivalent of afull-color magazine." Needs IBM/DOS with EGAor better.
_FASTEDI.ZIP 107,454 09-01-94 FastEdit! - 9/94 easy-to-use file fileeditor & mini word processor in some waysbetter than WordPerfect 5. IncludesUndo/Clipboard/Search features. Try it! You'll love it for its usefulness. Dialogsand 3d menus. <by TTW, Inc> Member [ASAP]Now with color customizing & last file re-call. On-line help, as well