ASE7.ZIP 888,183 11-23-94 ASE Scorer 7.000 - This version is a resultof developments of the previous 6 versionsof the ASE Scorer over the past 14 years. It is the result of the needs of the mostdemanding organisers, club managers andtournament directors around the world. Itis currently used in at least 10 countriesaround the world. ASE Scorer 7.000 is mostlikely the fastest, most powerful,sophisticated and easy to use scoring systemavailable on any computer.
BOXPRO.ZIP 308,634 11-28-94 Box office professional ver 5 demo, handlesticket sales, tracking, mailing list,multiple shows, performances, seating mapfor small theatres.
BPLN40.ZIP 187,878 11-04-94 B/PLAN DEVELOPER v4.0 <ASP> The ultimateon-line workbook for preparing a businessplan. See PC Plus (July 1994) and "The BestGuide to Business Shareware" for reviews. Registered users get BONUS ADD-INS andKEYWORD OUTLINES all for $27. B/PlanDeveloper is Windows and OS/2 compatible. From Tom Welch Financial
BPM27A.ZIP 280,534 11-12-94 BUSINESS PLAN MASTER v2.7a <ASP> Developyour business plan quickly andprofessionally! These complete templatefiles will save weeks of time. Allfinancial reports and analysis (cash flow,income statements, balance sheets, ratios,etc.). Excellent for service or productbusinesses. Files in WordPerfect 5.1, Wordfor Windows, Works for DOS, Lotus 1-2-3,Excel formats. Shareware by VersatileSoftware Solutions, Inc. Registration -$34/$44.
CALLER10.ZIP 36,486 11-19-94 Radio/TV Station Request Line Util; showscallers on each line, elapsed time, comment. Easy to use, supports 40 column mode, colorchanges with time, more. $ 15 sharewarefrom Hottips BBS
ECMTH100.ZIP 233,681 09-17-94 EC-Math version 1; a utility for ArabesqueSoftware Inc's Ecco version 2 or later thatallows you to summarize (total, average,minimum, maximum) detail item column values(not just numeric values) to the parentitem; A product from Stevers Software
ETEXT10.ZIP 208,800 11-26-94 ELECTRONIC TEXT PUBLISHING SYSTEM Is used tomake "electronic" books or magazines, suchas tutorials, training manuals, or evenworks of literature. Allows you to createprofessional looking menu-driven .EXEprograms from ASCII *.TXT files with minimaleffort.
FED106.ZIP 100,949 09-09-94 FED 1.06 (Form Editor) from MicroFoxCompany. Uses standard ASCII text files asforms with underlines as input fields. Youcan fill out forms, save them with orwithout fields, set defaults and print them. Full mouse support! Forms can be up to 800lines long and up to 80 characters wide,with 2000 input fields. <ASP> {STAR}[ASAD]. Developed by Jim Hass.
FTJ20A.ZIP 722,355 11-13-94 Foxy Troxy Junior(tm) V 2.0, Producttracking Tracking for MFG, Retailer, andmore Powerful Query By Example Report Tool! Only this file is needed for completeinstallation!
GHS30B.ZIP 304,480 09-10-94 GRADESHEET 3.0B <ASP> Powerful & easygradebook program.- Powerful gradebookprogram with an easy interface. Mix letter& number scores, multiple averaging methods,graphical distributions, statistics, pop-upnote taker attaches notes to students, niceprintouts. Handles hundreds of scores andstudents. Education - Teachers STEWARTJOHNSON
INV31XX.ZIP 436,049 10-31-94 THE INVOICE STORE V. 3.1 Rev X AnInvoicing, POS & Customer Tracking systemthat is very easy to learn & use, but isalso powerful. It is ideal for any businessthat requires Product-Service-Time Billingor POS. Supports customers, vendors,salesmen, inventory, invoices, receivables,custom report writer, appt scheduler,mailing labels, tracks orders & pymts,online help system, financial data, plusmuch much more.
INVMTR29.ZIP 343,992 10-07-94 Invoice Master V2.9 has been written forsmall service/repair businesses andmanufacturers. It has many features thathave been designed to help you in the day today running of your business. Some of thefeatures that can be found in Invoice Masterare printed invoices and credit notes,Handles cash and Credit customers, Stockcontrol file with Valuation report and stockreorder facility, Automatically generatedstatements and aged debt lists, Labour andparts items can be mixed on the sameinvoice, Debt chasing letters and many otherfacilities normally found higher pricedpackages. Shareware 99
JOBDISK.ZIP 130,457 10-31-94 It's a tough cruel world out there when youare looking for a job. I've been there, Iknow. You need an edge on the competition. That's why this disk was created. Just theadvice alone is enough to get you selectedover the other applicants for a job. Theinformation contained on this disk will getyou a better job, faster and with lesshassle than anything else I know of.
KSTAT4A.ZIP 696,168 11-20-94 KWIKSTAT v4.0, <ASP> <ESC> disk 1 of 2allows you to analyze and graph business &scientific data. 1992 SIA winner. Recognized as one of the best, professional& complete statistical data analysispackages. Michael Callahan says No programI've seen beats KWIKSTAT. Created &maintained by professional statisticians. 10,000+ registered. Uses dBASE, 1-2-3, &ASCII files.
KSTAT4B.ZIP 702,422 11-20-94 KWIKSTAT v4.0, <ASP> <ESC> disk 2 of 2allows you to analyze and graph business &scientific data. 1992 SIA winner. Recognized as one of the best, professional& complete statistical data analysispackages. Michael Callahan says No programI've seen beats KWIKSTAT. Created &maintained by professional statisticians. 10,000+ registered. Uses dBASE, 1-2-3, &ASCII files.
M_B150.ZIP 356,545 12-01-94 Money & Banks v1.5 - RCCO Research. Personal Banking Manager with attractive DOSinterface. Personal, professional orbusiness banking. Pop-up calculator,calendar, scheduler; printing on regularchecks; reports & labels; credit cards,securities; mouse support. REVIEWERS:5-stars" "Best program of its kind!
PRODEC10.ZIP 486,228 09-29-94 ProdEc v1.0 - A tool for managing productionin terms of economics and for evaluation ofstrategies of production and marketing. Gethelp with preparation of next yearscorporate budget. Use prime costing todetermine the price of a new product andmarginal costing to arrive at unitcontribution and profit to volume ratio of aproduct. Formulate and evaluate strategiesto maximize profit to volume ratio of aproduct mix. Shareware
RCHLP120.ZIP 72,559 10-30-94 R/C Helper R/C Helper v1.20! Released Oct. 30,1994 For R/C Cars & Airplanes: Gearratios, Frequency "peg" board, Battery check(print to page or labels). All outputsPrintable. Gear Ratios now includs drag,thruput, and printouts and more! Builtinscreen blanker, keyboard locking. SupportsEpson, HP Deskjet/laser, and standardprinters. Requires 8088 with 1 floppy orhigher. Shareware.
SKILLSP3.ZIP 234,383 11-27-94 GRADING SKILLS POWER Version 3.00 ASPTeacher developed database designed forOutcome-Based Education (OBE). Printedreports of achieved skills can be used as analternative or supplement to a regulargradebook program. Spreadsheet-style entryof achieved skills and attendance. OBE hasbeen mandated in Minnesota and Kentucky. Requires 512K and DOS 2.1 or greater
TSHW12.ZIP 145,250 10-11-94 Trade::Show v1.2 - RCCO Research Quicklycreate slideshow applications for product orservices demos or other presen- tations. Asequence of user-prepared .pcx image filesin 640x480x16 VGA format is displayed tocustomers, clients, or other end-users in achoice of three different methods. Greatfor software developers preparing programdemos. Requires DOS 3.1+ or Windows 3.x+,VGA graphics.
USGOLD.ZIP 128,111 10-18-94 USGOLD is a network marketing program on adisk! A simple program that can provide youwith a new income source.
VENDOR30.ZIP 253,648 09-02-94 Vendor List for September/October
VPROM20.ZIP 88,787 12-20-94 VideoPrompter 2.0. If you own a videocamera, make speeches, or makepresentations, this is what you have beenwaiting for. This version has beencompletely rewritten and is now much fasterthan version 1.3. In addition, it nowsupports smooth scrolling in bothdirections. The registered version addsjoystick support, mirror display, & colorcontrol. CGA/EGA/VGA.