4CAT140.ZIP 385,587 11-20-94 *FDSK* 4CAT v1.40 Disk and file catalog. Quick, easy way to keep track of filesstored on disks. 4DOS descriptions, up to512 characters long, are utilized, ifpresent. Search your database by filename,disk label, or 4DOS file description. Tracks free disk space. 4DOS is NOTrequired. Shareware, only $10.
ATAID011.ZIP 30,084 10-28-94 File to check parameters on I/EIDE drives. Do not use under Windows or OS/2.
BCPY20.ZIP 136,694 09-20-94 BlitzCopy v2.0 - An archival and duplicationprogram for diskettes. Produce unlimitedcopies from a single original, archiveunlimited numbers of diskettes onto any DOSsupported media, produce serial numbers anddisk labels. User friendly graphicalinterface and blinding speed (35 seconds toread a 1.44MB diskette). Supports English,German, French, Italian, Greek, CPS-format
CBKUP201.ZIP 10,865 09-27-94 CatDisk Backup 2.01 - Quickly and easilybackup your catalogs withRAR/ZIP/LHA/ARJ/SQZ/ZOO. The CATBACK.CFGextension has been changed to .CNF to avoidbacking it up with the new .CFG filesassoicated with catalogs in CatDisk 8.00,and it has also been updated to compressother files now associated with catalogs. (Designed purely for CatDisk 8.00)
CDFDA.ZIP 103,598 09-29-94 CD-ROM file list duplicate analyzer v1.0 -handles unlimited number of filenames -command line utility (accepts wildcards) -includes Clarion 3.0 source code
CDPRO26.ZIP 472,637 09-27-94 CD-ROM PRO V2.6 Librarian/File Manager forCD-ROM Collections. Single/multi-CD playersupport; Find, view (GIF, ZIP, ARJ, textfiles), copy, unarchive files, more! Manygreat reports and utilities; Create orconvert FILES.BBS/DIRx (single or multi-linefile descriptions supported); Floppy or filelist dupe checker; Use file listings fromthe CD-ROM or the FILE_ID.DIZ withinarchives; Much much more!
CDSKA810.ZIP 454,547 11-14-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.10 <ASP>(1/3) From Rick Hillier. The mostsignificant upgrade in CATDISK's longhistory! Tracks what's on each disk in yourfile collection. New interface w/pull downmenus, pop-up windows, online help, mousesupport, more! Now supports filecategories, multi-line file comments,archives and FILE_ID.DIZ comments. CDSKB810.ZIP and CDSKC810.ZIP also required. Shareware. Base Registration Fee = $29.00
CDSKB810.ZIP 135,935 11-14-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.10 <ASP>(2/3) From Rick Hillier. Bonus utilitiesautomate offloading files to floppies,eliminating duplicate files/redundantversions of programs, general file cleanupoperations and retrieval of offloaded filesback to "live" storage. These utilities arebuilt right into the main program for totalintegration. CDSKA810.ZIP and CDSKC810.ZIPalso required. Shareware. BaseRegistration Fee = $29.00
CDSKC810.ZIP 378,121 11-14-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.10 <ASP>(3/3) From Rick Hillier. Easy to useinstallation program automates andsimplifies the CATDISK installation process. The standard version runs within the 640KDOS limitations. The protected mode(DPMI-compliant) version uses all availableextended memory to support highercapacities. CDSKA810.ZIP and CDSKB810.ZIPalso required. Shareware. BaseRegistration Fee = $29.00
CLEANER1.ZIP 34,899 11-14-94 Disk Drive Cleaner v1 <ASAD><ASP> -Rosenthal Engeering. Cleans floppy diskdrive R/W heads safely & effectively,preventing data loss, unreliable performanceand errors due to microscopic foreignparticles, dirt, dust, oxides and smoke thataccumulates on heads. Preventativemaintenance takes only about four minutesand requires no removal or mechanicaldisassembly of drive hardware. $16.50 whichincludes a special cleaning kit.
COPYQ318.ZIP 177,646 10-26-94 COPYQM Version 3.18. October, 1994 CopyQMis a diskette duplicating program that,since its introduction in 1987, has set thestandard for PC duplication software. Thisprogram is by far Sydex's most popular,though we do offer a complete line ofprograms related to diskette duplication andconversion. Call us if you have a specialneed. CopyQM reads a master diskette andformats, writes and verifies duplicates ofthe master diskette. Copying can beperformed on up to six drives in a singlesession; copies are written on only onedrive at a time. "No Hands" operation isfeatured--after you've started things, youneedn't touch the keyboard again; just insert
DCF49.ZIP 100,077 10-10-94 DISK COPY FAST v4.9: Powerful 1-passdiskette duplicating utility. VERY fast:42+% faster than DOS, 33+% faster thancompeting programs ; Command line or menudriven; HOT keys for backup or multipletarget; Mouse support; FORMAT DISKCOPYDISKCOMP all in 1 pass; Uses extendedmemory; Creates image file; On-line help;Support PC XT AT, mono CGA EGA VGA.
DISKSAV3.ZIP 23,732 11-09-94 FAT and BOOTSAVE V2.3 Maint Rel FAT andBOOTSAVE are very powerful utilities, whosepurpose is to preserve a copy of your harddrive's critical data areas. Do not bemisled by the small size of the utilities asthey were written in assembler for speed andaccuracy. BOOTSAVE will produce a backup ofthe boot sector and FATSAVE will produce abackup of the file allocation tables. Thesecould later be restored if the need arose.
DMAN130.ZIP 82,627 10-31-94 DRIV_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: SINGLE SCREENdisk drive(1-26) summary display includes:DRIVE DATA SUMMARY with capacity/used/freeeach drive, DRIVE DATA GRAPH, TOTAL DISKSUMMARY and GRAPH, INDIVIDUAL DRIVE DATA -all data, one drive at a time. Great formulti-drive systems, networks, largesystems! Options include: DRIVE RANGE, saveoutput to disk, ability to run a filemanager, auto run, much more++.
DSKFAC22.ZIP 75,304 11-12-94 The Disk Factory 2.2 full-screen diskettecopier and image manager. New rel.
DSPACE64.ZIP 56,376 09-08-94 = SMEM 6.4 and DSPACE 6.4 = Graphical gasgauge display of free and used space on diskdrives, plus detailed information on memoryinstalled and free (including XMS and EMS). Customizable. Suggested contribution $15.
FF23.ZIP 82,507 11-01-94 FreeForm- The Ultimate Floppy Disk Formatterversion 2.3 - FreeForm will format allstyles of standard DOS disks, as well as nonDOS disk, and customized DOS disks (i.e youcan make up your own copy protectionschemes.) Gives complete control overformatting parameters. ASP shareware fromHerne Data Systems Ltd
FREE_.ZIP 34,495 11-07-94 Lists FREE space available on ALL drives!
FSAVE10.ZIP 78,233 09-04-94 FSAVE v1.0 - Highly configurable filesavepgm makes backups fast, small, and easy! FSave is a program for DOS or Windows thatsimplifies the task of making backups bysaving only those files which cannot be re-loaded from distribution disks, BBS's, orother sources. Extensive documentation withexamples
HCF13.ZIP 27,910 11-06-94 -- HCFORMAT Version 1.3 by IMSL Software --The HCFORMAT utility formats floppy diskswith capacities ranging from 20% to 128%higher than the standard DOS FORMAT. Thesehigh-capacity floppy disk formats can beused on any PC with high-density 3.5" or5.25" drives.
KDL11B.ZIP 119,675 10-16-94 [Ken's Disk Labeler for Windows] Version1.1B - KDL11B.ZIP Create professionallooking disk labels whether making backupsof your favorite app or listing the files onyour disks. Use Avery 5196 and Z-LABEL15195 or any label paper with 2.75 inchlabels.
LP14.ZIP 73,781 09-27-94 THE LAUNCH PAD A powerful, easy-to-use harddisk menu program. Features unlimitedsubmenus, mouse support, and option tocompletely unload itself from memory to runlarge programs. Supports monochrome andcolor monitors. Requires a hard drive.
SOFTRACK.ZIP 1705,886 11-09-94 Software Tracker 2.0. Keep track of yourfloppy disks with the touch of a button. Just pop a disk in the drive and letSoftware Tracker do the rest. New to thisversion: Financial & Software SummaryReports, keyword searching, Save Options onExit. Shareware.
WASTEN11.ZIP 30,628 10-24-94 Wastenot utility, finds wasted hdd space dueto DOS cluster size. A MUST before youstart using that new 500 meg or 1 gig disk! Break it up into smaller partitions, thisprogram tells you which size is optimal. MORE