3DVCP21.ZIP 737,593 11-24-94 Visual Calendar Planner 2.1 for Windows<ASP> PC MAGAZINE SHAREWARE AWARD WINNINGPROGRAM! An extremely powerful calendarplanner with no learning curve. Hightlightsinclude WYSIWYG TrueType Fonts, ColorPrinting, WallPaper Setting and Word Search. Multiple view with multi-color, multi-fontcapability. Visual on-line help provided. Utilizes Microsoft Access Database Engine. Real 3D look 'n feel with True ViSuALediting.
4FILE320.ZIP 108,959 12-17-94 4FILES 3.20 <ASP> MULTI-PURPOSE FILE MANAGERRecommended by PC-Computing magazine 9/94. Combines fast disk navigation with completefile management, program launching, and 4DOS& NDOS compatible file annotation. For DOS,Windows, OS/2 & DV. Puts your favoriteutil- ities and applications at your fingertips. Shareware, $30 with printed manual
ALBW210A.ZIP 418,859 10-01-94 AlbumMaster For Windows 2.10 <ASP> Helpingyou Master your Album Library.It does whatother catalogers only dream of! Max flex-ibility (user defined fields, pick lists &more!) UNLIMITED Tunes, and individualartists for each. Out puts to printer/screen/file. Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards. Can Pick Album on any field or combination,even Tune! From Unicorn Software Ltd.
AMORTZ16.ZIP 122,509 10-31-94 AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v1.60 <ASP>The EASY financial loan calculation system. AMORTZ is a very "user friendly" packagethat can calculate any of the loan variables(principal, interest, payment amount or # ofpayments), and can then generateamortization schedules by year. AMORTZ canalso be used for "What If" calculations tosee how changes in principal payments orinterest rate can affect loan totals. Shareware $10.00
ASP8101.ZIP 490,083 09-01-94 Official master catalog of sharewareproducts published by members of theAssociation of Shareware Professionals (ASP)and available on BBSs. Describes eachproduct and in many cases identifies aspecific BBS where you can download it. Products grouped by subject andcross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See corresponding UPDxxxx.ZIP update file,too.) 4th vol., 9th ed., published 09/01/1994
ASPBBS4C.ZIP 87,292 12-02-94 ASP BBS MEMBERSHIP LISTING - Edition #4C -12/02/94. This is the listing of all 494ASP approved BBS systems. The ASPrecommends ASP Approved BBS systems as oneof the best sources of high quality,up-to-date shareware programs. Contains twoinformation about each BBS, and a fileformatted for printing mailing labels (forthose BBSs wanting to receive disks bymail). This file replaces ASPBBS4B.ZIP <ASP>
ASPDAT.ZIP 108,651 10-19-94 ASP MEMBERSHIP LISTS <ASP> ASP MembershipLists. See ASPROG.ZIP ASP member lists indBASE III+ format. Use the program inASPROG.ZIP to browse and print labels. Canalso export to comma delimited, TXT or CDFdata files for use with other software.
ASPDAT4B.ZIP 113,923 11-28-94 ASP MEMBERSHIP LISTS <ASP> ASP MembershipLists. See ASPROG.ZIP ASP member lists indBASE III+ format. Use the program inASPROG.ZIP to browse and print labels. Canalso export to comma delimited, TXT or CDFdata files for use with other software.
AULIB210.ZIP 196,149 09-11-94 Audio Librarian v2.10 <ASP> Audio Cataloger. Easy-to-use but powerful audio catalogingprogram. Handles all audio formats (CD's,Cassettes, Albums, etc.). Unlimited numberof songs per CD, Album etc. Ten reportsthat can be indexed mutiple ways. Prints tothe screen, printer or disk. Quick search/find, single or multiple fields. Contextsensitive help, on-line manual, screensaver, mouse support. By TurboSystemsCo
AWARE119.ZIP 181,620 09-18-94 CULTURAL AWARENESS V1.19 <ASP> Educationalgame for cultural literacy - Two levels ofplay. At Novice level, the game is suitablefor sixth grade and up. At Advanced level,the game will challenge adults! Topicsinclude proverbs, idioms, grammar,literature, music, art, history, geography,world religions, science, math Education -History/Geography/Science
BABYS203.ZIP 107,862 09-06-94 Baby Spooler v2.03 <ASP> Simplified printspooling programs. Combine any of thefollowing features: background printing;re-routing of printed output to a disk file;monitor a designated directory for thepresence of a designated file skeleton. Takes up very little memory; fast, efficientprinting. Registration: $22
BACKSN21.ZIP 269,997 11-06-94 Back Soon! The Intelligent Screen Saver forDOS. Back Soon! displays your customizedmessage, which visitors can see displayed onyour screen, interspersed with music orgraphics to attract their attention. Theycan optionally leave their own messages foryou on your PC, which you can later print orsave to an ASCII file. Featuresmultilingual support and an unattended taskscheduler.
BASKETJ.ZIP 112,870 11-23-94 BASKETBALL STATS POWER Version 1.10 ASPAnalyze and print complete individual, team,and opponent basketball statistics. Savedata for up to 45 teams, 45 games per team,and 17 players per team. Spreadsheet styleentry, automatic percent calculations. Includes 2 and 3 point goals, rebounds, freethrows, (made, attempted, percent) totalpoints, assists, charges, blocked shots,recoveries, take aways, and 4 user-definedcategories. Requires 512K
BASSMP13.ZIP 84,408 09-01-94 BassMap v1.3: Companion to BassTour and BassClass. Allows you to edit and create newlakes to fish on. You can also change lakedescriptions and display maps in a formatsuitable for printing. (ASP)
BCLINK10.ZIP 236,151 12-06-94 Business Clock Link 1.0 <ASP> Networkable PCTime Clock for Managers with real-time jobreporting, Clock-in animation, Blue CollarE-mail, on-line discipline and Ticker Tapereports. Written in C with dBASE fileformat. "This Clock Means Business". XT,640K, 2 meg drive required. $175.
BOOKGV30.ZIP 260,467 09-13-94 Sandd's Book Guide v3.0 <ASP> - Librarycatalog system. Collect and track yourreading material, great for education. Eachbook is described with clear, easy tounderstand fields and can have a largedescription area. View Author history bybook or year. Comprehensive searchcapability, Dewy Decimal sorting, andhundreds of different reports. Multimediasupport adds class to your database. Extensive attention to detail make BookGuide the best Book catalog softwareavailable!
BOOKLS25.ZIP 126,580 10-02-94 BOOKLET - Laser printer utility. Makes PCbooklets. Supports A4, Letter, Legal paper. Prints 4 pages per sheet. Set margins. Maintains formatting, scales fonts. Extensive printer jam recovery. Customheaders and footers [page, date, file name,etc]. Menu/Screen based interface.
BOOKLT45.ZIP 55,101 10-02-94 BOOKLET - Laser printer utility. Makes PCbooklets. Supports A4, Letter, Legal paper. Prints 4 pages per sheet. Set margins. Maintains formatting, scales fonts. Extensive printer jam recovery. Customheaders and footers [page, date, file name,etc].
BOSS.ZIP 491,808 10-17-94 THE WINDOW BOSS AND DATA CLERK VER 8.02<ASP> Windowing and Data Entry Library for'C' - Award winning Windowing and Data Entrylibrary for C compilers from Microsoft,Borland, and Watcom. Consistantly ranked(since 1987) as one of the top sharewareprogramming tools. Produces fast and tightcode. MSDOS only. Programming STARGUIDANCE CONSULTING
BOWL101Q.ZIP 322,341 11-28-94 BOWL101q v14.0 <ASP> User friendly BowlingLeague management program. Configurable tomost scoring systems. Easy data entry, aminute a team and the computer does therest. 40 Teams 1-4 games, Team handicap,and handicap Difference between teamaverages & more. Works with any IBMcomptible. $49.95
CALM45.ZIP 181,154 10-04-94 CALENDAR MATE v4.5 <ASP> is a full-featuredcalendar/scheduler which allows you to enterevents and print daily or monthly calendarsin English, French, German or Spanish. Simple to use yet powerful in its handlingof repeating events. Supports practicallyall printers (except pre-HP Laserjet IIlasers). Context-sensitive help, mousesupport and more. Shareware registration$28.00
CASW210A.ZIP 434,604 10-01-94 CassetteMaster For Windows 2.10 <ASP>Helping you Master your Cassette Library.Itdoes what other catalogers only dream of! Max flex- ibility (user defined fields, picklists & more!) UNLIMITED Tunes, andindividual artists for each. Outputs toprinter/screen/ file. Labels, 3X5 & Rolodexcards, J Card inserts. Can Pick Cassette onany field or combination, even Tune! FromUnicorn Software Ltd.
CHALL11.ZIP 218,767 10-04-94 PERSONAL CHALLENGE 1.1 Rosemary West <ASP>Lets you play educational trivia games totest your knowledge as you compete againstyourself or other players in fivecategories. Your choice of Beginner,Intermediate or Expert level determines thespeed at which you must play and the pointsyou can earn. Each player earns an HonoraryDegree and a chance for fame on the HighScorers list. Replaces IQ CHALLENGE.
CIPHER22.ZIP 103,554 09-01-94 Cipher v2.2: Cryptoquotes word puzzle gameRuns in hi-res EGA/VGA graphics or in textmodes. Many features: hints, saved games,high scores hall of fame, etc. Enter yourown puzzles, either straight text or onesalready encrypted. Game is written by NelsAnderson. (ASP)
CIPHWN11.ZIP 112,080 09-01-94 Cipher for Windows v1.1: Word puzzle game. A true Microsoft Windows crypto-quotes typeword game with all Windows features includ-ing complete help. Many hint options, savedgames, high score hall of fame, etc. Workswith Cipher (MS-DOS version) puzzles. Gamewritten by Nels Anderson. (ASP)
CLR10.ZIP 17,011 10-08-94 CONTENT LABEL RATING 1.0 <ASP> A system forlabeling software and packaging to indicatecontents such as violence or sexual materialwhich may be of concern to parents or otherconsumers. CLR provides authors andpublishers with a simple, inexpensive methodof labeling or rating their products forsale in retail stores or other environmentswhere such labeling may be needed orrequired.
CMANAGER.ZIP 318,422 09-26-94 CONTACT MANAGER V2.2 <ASP> ContactManagement program- Keeps track of personal& or Co. addresses & Phone #. Prints pinfeed mail labels & Rolodex cards. Very EASYto use. Pulldown menus Online Help. Requires Hard drive & 640k, Recommend Mouse@ VGA. Business CPI COMPUTER SERVICES
CREAT34.ZIP 446,017 10-04-94 CREATIVITY PACKAGE v3.4. Rosemary West<ASP> and Thomas A. Easton. A 3-part setto stimulate your creativity. Includeson-disk book about creativity enhancement, acomputer-aided brainstorming program, and acomputer-assisted poetry writing program.
CROSSP6B.ZIP 235,974 11-25-94 CROSSWORD POWER Version 6.02 (ASP) Createcrossword puzzles from your words and clues. Words are manually or automatically placedin the puzzle grid. Auto-search can examineover 200 different word arrangements to findthe best puzzle. Foreign languagecharacters supported. Puzzles can also besaved as WordPerfect DOS 5.1/6.0 and Windowsversion 6.0a macros. Requires 512K
CTSSPU20.ZIP 149,848 10-24-94 CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v2.0: Fix commproblems. Detect multiple com ports at oneaddress, IRQ used, ports that can't generateIRQs, and other conflicts. Detects failedUARTs. NEW "Modem-finder" & BIOS options. Reports port settings, writes to log file. Change any port setting. Version 2 allowsoperation under Windows and OS/2! DOS 2+,any display.<ASP>
CTSSPU21.ZIP 151,960 11-30-94 CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v2.1: Fix commproblems. Detect multiple com ports at oneaddress, IRQ used, ports that can't generateIRQs, and other conflicts. Detects failedUARTs. NEW "Modem-finder" & BIOS options. Reports port settings, writes to log file. Change any port setting. Version 2 allowsoperation under Windows and OS/2! DOS 2+,any display.<ASP>
CV302.ZIP 330,096 09-08-94 Convert It! SE 3.0b <ASP> Ultimate unit ofmeasure conversion utility for MS Windows. 15 catagories of conversions with a customyou set up. You can edit the conversionfactors, add, change or delete units. Turnoff the conversions you don't need. Catagories include Temperature, Mass,Volume, Time, Area, Angle and more. Customize it for the way YOU work. In useby many Fortune 500, FedGov. andindividuals.
DC200.ZIP 295,610 10-24-94 DC Circuits Training System v2.00 <ASP>(ESC) 13 exercises to help you learn orteach electricity or electronics. Featuresrandom problem generation, extensivegraphics, context sensitive help, andinstant scoring. Supports mouse, EGA andVGA graphics. Suitable for use in highschool, college, and trade school. By C. E. Ormon. $29.00 single copy, sitelicenses available at reduced prices.
DIFFV121.ZIP 44,219 10-15-94 DIFF v1.21 <ASP> - File/Dir/ZIP DifferencesSide by side display of two text files,directories or ZIP archives. Useful forprogrammers to see the differences betweentwo source text files or two sets of files,where one or both sets can reside in a ZIParchive. Various formating options. Windows version (WDiff) also available. Shareware (US$ 15.- MC/Visa/AmEx/JCB)C.Sitte Softwaretechnik, CIS 73030,1070
DOLLA22.ZIP 401,438 12-30-94 RACHEL'S FASHION DOLLS, VER. 2.2 <ASP> Avirtual paper doll dressup/coloring prog.- Achildren's paper doll dressup/coloringprogram. Will appeal to a wide age group,easy enough for preschoolers withoutassistance. Images can be colored in 48hues, saved, printed, clothing changed, anddolls have Sound Blaster voice. VGA-512k-mouse. Games - Other THERONWIERENGA
DOSUTL22.ZIP 66,791 10-30-94 6th Sense DOS 6 Utilities v2.2 <ASP> -"Front-ends" for DOS 6 FORMAT and DIRcommands. Menu-driven, adv. features. Supports environment variables, undocumentedfeatures, more. Supports all features ofthese two commands with simple to use menucommands. Can help you make these switchselections permanent through use ofenvironment variables and batch files.
DRAWSOME.ZIP 58,391 09-14-94 DRAWSOME - CHILDS DRAWING PROGRAM V4.1 <ASP>Childrens drawing program w/ extra features-Draws lines with a hand as hand is movedwith arrow-keys or mouse. Draws flowers andgeometric shapes with f-keys andnumber-keys. Colors of lines, flowers,shapes selectable. Rqs. CGA/EGA/VGA, Mouseoptional, $8ASP. Graphics ASSISTWARE
DSKMFW.ZIP 361,004 09-01-94 DiskMan for Windows v3.0 <ASP> provides themost user friendly method to catalog floppydisks, hard drives, bernoullis, etc.. DiskMan produces professional quality disklabels including optional graphics and alsoproduces an array of library reports. Version 3.0 now enables the user to fullycustomize the disk label and supports anylabel configuration. "I have not found acommercial program that comes close."
EB4.ZIP 903,135 10-15-94 EASY BASE V4.0 <ASP> - Rapid ApplicationDeveloper (RAD) for data management. - EasyBase is the first true RAD system to beavailable on shareware. Createsophisticated menu driven apps in recordtime. Applications created in Easy Base canbe sold as stand alone programs with theEasy Base Runtime Module (not Included). Database Applications Reg. $40 EASY SOFTWARE
EDITEU15.ZIP 164,648 11-01-94 Editeur V1.5 text editor for Windows 3.1<ASP> - All users. A powerful, simple, andfast text editor. Handles Windows, Dos, andUnix files. Multitexts, no size limit. Fonts choice. Tool and status bars. Unlimited undo /redo functions, multitextssearches and replacements. Macros,sortings, Shareware. $ 24. Access to thefuture versions included.
ENTER_E.ZIP 351,575 10-05-94 ENTER-EASE 1.1 <ASP> FILE MANAGER UTILIZINGNUMERIC KEYPAD- FILE MANAGER, DESCRIBER,MONITOR, GRAPHER, AND VIEWER; DOS SHELL;FINANCIAL TOOL Enter-Ease utilizes thekeypad so commands can be initiated quickerthan with the function keys or mouse. MAKESDOS BETTER THAN WINDOWS! Utilities -Disk/File KAYL SOFTWARE
EZ555.ZIP 124,523 10-09-94 EZ555 v95 <ASP> (ESC) An easy to use designprogram for the popular 555 timer. Educators and engineers can use EZ555 toquickly explore many designs in a shorttime. EZ555 instantly displays oscillatorcircuit parameters in both graphical andnumeric form. Uses a simple graphicalinterface. $19.00 for single users and$79.00 for site licenses. Registered usersreceive a bonus program.
EZBIZ.ZIP 806,595 09-09-94 EZ BUSINESS V500 <ASP> EZ to use system fornon accountants.- POS, AR, AP, Inventory,plus Income, Expenses, and Wage tracking. Plain paper Estimates, Invoices, Pack Slips,Bills and Reports. See files: MONEY.TXT &WHATS.NEW. Manual plus 3 bonus items andthree Mo limited support with $19.00 Reg. Business EZ BUSINESS
EZPA21.ZIP 88,921 10-21-94 EZ PATCH <ASP> Software updating utility. Create patch files for freely distributingupgrades to your customers. Post your patchfiles on-line and your customers will enjoyaccess to upgrades at their conveniencewhile you enjoy reduced time spent mailingout upgrades. Since users must still havetheir original software before upgrading,your patch files can only be used byexisting customers.
EZTIME95.ZIP 125,781 11-16-94 EZ555 v95 <ASP> (ESC) An easy to use designprogram for the popular 555 timer. Educators and engineers can use EZ555 toquickly explore many designs in a shorttime. EZ555 instantly displays oscillatorcircuit parameters in both graphical andnumeric form. Uses a simple graphicalinterface. $19.00 for single users and$79.00 for site licenses. Registered usersreceive a bonus program.
FAXHVN10.ZIP 301,124 10-24-94 One-Step FAXHAVEN v1.0 <ASP> Many, manyvalue-adding features for your FAX modem. Includes HQ-FAX ver. 2.0 PLUS! thestandard receive functions, (view, print,convert 2 grafx, delete). DOS-based,Funxn-key driven. RequiresBITFAX/QuickLink/Frecom/COmplete PC. Convert program competes w. HIJAAK @ 1/3the price.
FMANJR12.ZIP 52,883 12-08-94 FILE MANAGER JR. 1.2 <ASP> File manager forWord for Windows 6.0.- A time-saving utilitythat lets you perform more than a dozenfile-management operations without switchingto the Windows File Manager. You can move,copy, rename, delete and undelete files inany number of Word subdirectories andsub-subdirectories. Windows - UtilitiesCHARLES R. MAHER
FMSU314.ZIP 189,354 12-06-94 File Manager StepUp <ASP> v.3.14 - add-onfor Win3.1 & WfWG3.11 - featured in WindowsUser Mag., FM StepUp makes working with FileManager easier: provides history lists & 3Deffects for dialog boxes, customizableExecute Menu and Quick Menu a'la Windows 95,useful utilities; means to easily view, editor print arbitrary files, and _much_ more. Try it! Shareware, $29.95 + s&h.
FORT44.ZIP 286,926 10-02-94 FORTUNE TELLER v4.4. Rosemary West <ASP> Apotpourri of divination and fortune tellingtechniques: Three separate playing-cardmethods, dice, numerology, runes, and"Instant Oracle". A history and explanationof each method is provided. Fun at parties.
GB305.ZIP 808,561 10-09-94 GradeBook For Windows v3.05 <ASP>. AdvancedWindows based electronic gradebook for theprofessional educator with extensive on-linehelp. User categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt orweighted scores, discard worst scores, extracredit, statistics & charts, progressreports, attendance, imp/exp clipboard &font support, interim weights, teachernotes, reqd final scores, much more.
GDESK215.ZIP 698,911 10-09-94 THE GORIN DESKTOP V2.15 <ASP> The ULTIMATEDesktop for DOS, even on XT's! Powerful GUIfor VGA. Uk Author. Runs any app from it'sstylish GUI Comes with a wide range oficons/wallpaper & editing facilities. UsesWindows-style dialogue boxes. Many featuresincluding Address Book, File Mngr/Viewer &MOD Music! Utilities - Disk/File NEIL GORIN
GEO46C.ZIP 220,696 09-23-94 GEOMANCY v4.6c. Rosemary West <ASP> This isan ancient system of divination, sometimesassociated with black magic. Originallybased on stones tossed in a circle, modernGeomancy uses your selection of dot patternsto create an Astro-Geomantic chart andanswer your questions. Readings can beprinted or saved. Provides explanation ofGeomantic figures and chart. "The readingsthemselves are well done like goodastrology." -- Mike Gunderloy, FactsheetFive. $0 Registration.
GFILE22A.ZIP 758,626 11-12-94 GFILE PROGRAM/FILE MANAGER v2.2A <ASP>Supports up to 12 independent file/programgroup panels optionally configured asseparate windows. User-defined button barsand tree copy/move/delete. 4DOS/NDOSdescriptions and support for File Managerextensions. Popup menus, 3D windows,multiple program launching options,extensive drag and drop, context sensitivehelp, and DOS command line are majorfeatures. No-nag shareware. Windows 3.1
GLOSRY64.ZIP 337,207 10-01-94 PC-GLOSSARY, VERSION 6.4 <ASP> Definitionsof computer terms & acronyms A referenceprogram to keep abreast of the ever-changingterminology in the world of microcomputers. Hundreds of terms and acronyms defined withmany useful reference tables. Each entry iscross-referenced to other entries, with anintuitive interface. Special multi-userversion for networks. Education - ComputersDISSTON RIDGE, INC.
GRADEP4J.ZIP 264,680 11-27-94 GRADE BOOK POWER Version 4.10 ASP Use eithertwo-9 week or 3-6 week terms per semester. Create over 30 different reports. Individual progress reports include assign-ment date, title, points possible, pointsearned, letter grade, category averages,grading trend, comments, absences, tardies,and missing assignments, parent signature,grade override, weighting, semester exam,extra credit, & full year grades. Req. 512K
GSH30B.ZIP 304,221 09-10-94 GRADESHEET 3.0B <ASP> Powerful & easygradebook program.- Powerful gradebookprogram with an easy interface. Mix letter& number scores, multiple averaging methods,graphical distributions, statistics, pop-upnote taker attaches notes to students, niceprintouts. Handles hundreds of scores andstudents. Education - Teachers STEWARTJOHNSON
HAW13C.ZIP 108,715 09-25-94 HARD AT WORK v1.3c. Rosemary West <ASP>Ties up your computer with one of 7 routines- any of which looks much too important tobe interrupted. If someone does try tointerrupt the action by pressing ESC or<CTRL><C>, a "DANGER!" message pops up, anda tone alerts you.
HCAT11.ZIP 452,642 11-24-94 HYPERCAT V1.1 <ASP> Hypertextcatalog/authoring application. Super-easy,hypertext catalog and authoring system. Scrollbar menus that display hyper- text,run external programs, display graphics ormore menus. Mouse support, bookmark, orderform, colors, sound, data compression,topical/string search, history, CD-ROMsupport, EMS support, international date andcurrency, context sensitive help, tutorialand more. Mouse recommended.
HNGWN175.ZIP 171,381 11-08-94 HangWin -- The traditional hangman word gamein a Windows 3.1 package. For fun, you canassign sounds to game events. Choosebetween Luckless Larry or Hapless Harriet. Puzzle dictionaries can be user supplied. Also includes an easy to use installationprogram. Includes two dictionaries:PLACES.DIC contains both real and imaginaryplaces and AANMOVIES.DIC is a short list ofAcademy Award nominated movies.
HOMI64.ZIP 521,933 10-05-94 JRE HOME INVENTORY v6.4 <ASP> - JRE HomeInventory will keep track of all yourhousehold items for insurance purposes. Categorize items by house, room, insurancepolicy and type, and personal category. Eleven different types of reports with manyoptions for tailoring. True print preview,ability to change printer and screen fonts. Requires VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.1.
HORSE11.ZIP 343,549 11-04-94 A Day at the Races v1.10 <ASP>. Test yourbetting skills and luck on an excitinganimated horse racing game for up to fourplayers. Choose one of eight horses to win,place or show, based on posted odds whichinfluence the horses' performances. Createyour own voice overlays and hear yourselfintroduce the races. Also included are afull on-line help, and the option to togglevoices on and off.
HPGN12.ZIP 193,940 09-06-94 HelpGen Windows Help File Generator, Version1.20. <ASP> Create attractive Windows helpfiles without using an expensive wordprocessor. HelpGen uses an easy-to-learnmacro language to take the pain out ofcreating the help file. Full RTF languagesupport through macro language and/or RTFcommands. Complete manual, examples,program included. Requires ASCII texteditor and help compiler. Shareware - $30registration.
HQFAX.ZIP 255,806 10-15-94 Many many value-adding features for your FAXmodem. Produce & send FAX-ready files in 1step. Produce PCX,DCX,TIFF formats. Thumb-tack graphics & use pre- printed forms. EPSON-LQ print driver required, nothingmore. DOS-based, works w. Windows. One-Step High Quality FAX v1.20 <ASP>
INFOPLS.ZIP 505,679 10-10-94 INFORMATION PLEASE v3.00 <ASP> A Free Formtextbase (database) for anyone who wants tostore textual information, such as productdescriptions, catalogs, memos, descriptions,etc., then retreive, view or print by akeyword search. You can also link a graphicto each text record. Includes sampledatabases of Sonnets, PC-DOS hints and more. Shareware from TexaSoft $49 reg.
JQ15.ZIP 314,443 09-21-94 JOKES & QUOTES 1.5 Network or stand alonedaily quote/message system. Nearly 4000jokes, quotes, facts, axioms, & moreselected from 25 on-screen categories. Sendmessages to all/selected users. Mousesupport, print quotes, screen saver, contextsensitive help & more!
JTSC1.ZIP 643,652 09-30-94 J.T.S. COSTINGS V1 <ASP> Seat Costings forAir Tour Operators - Calculates seat pricesfor Tour Operators who purchase blocks ofseats on weekly holiday flights at a fixedprice. Allows changes to Load Factor, Tax,Overheads and agents commission. Saveshours of work on costings. KeyWordsCOSTINGS TOUR OPERATORS AIR TRAVEL EASYSOFTWARE Reg. $49
JTSTS1.ZIP 716,208 09-25-94 J.T.S TIME SHEETS V1 <ASP> Client Billing byTime on Client Account - Creates client billbased on the time spent by employees on theclients account. Allows for separate hourlycharge rates for each employee. Additionally maintains up to date Work InHand figure for accounting purposes. Keywords - TIME CLIENT ACCOUNTS BILLING JTSEASY SOFTWARE Reg. $49.00
LALOG212.ZIP 427,222 10-12-94 Local Access Logon for Windows v2.12 <ASP>Flexible and yet easy security for Windows.
LBBW30.ZIP 738,947 12-02-94 Little Black Book v3.0 for Windows 3.1 <ASP>Superb address/phone book. Reqs VBRUN300.DLL
LLIST24.ZIP 196,587 11-10-94 LITTLE LISTS 2.4 Rosemary West <ASP> Simpledatabase program. Create, view, print,import, export DBF or comma-delimited files. Add and Subtract math fields. Print labelsor columnar reports. Reg. $15.00
LOTTO.ZIP 145,910 10-10-94 LottoMATIC is the best lottery tracking andgaming software in the business. Store upto 30,000 plays generate statistical reportslet LottoMATIC pick your numbers or pickyour own. High-roller options, reports,extremely easy to use, many functions,online help, supports virtually alllotteries, much, much more!
LPLNZ260.ZIP 256,516 10-01-94 LessonPlanZ 2.60 <ASP> Lesson planning madeeasy. Includes areas for methodoloy, goals,objectives, evaluation methods, andsupplies. Each section can befrom 1 to 5000lines using a full featured text editor. Has supplemetal entries for lesson number,title, subject, dates covered, teacher'sname and school. From Unicorn SoftwareLimited
LPRSP250.ZIP 391,588 09-06-94 LINGUAPRO/SPANISH v2.50 <ASP> - Large-scaleprogram for serious students. Rqrs PC, DOS,Hard Disk & 640K mem. EGA/VGA recommended. 19,000 word graded vocabulary with sophisti-cated Flashcarding. Has Latin-American andCastilian dialect conversational courses. Aunique Verb Conjugator SYNTHESIZES millionsof COMPLETE sentences to drill verbs in alltenses/persons. Features for Advanced users.
MAND50.ZIP 349,949 10-01-94 MANDELBROT/JULIA SET GENERATOR, VER 5.0<ASP> Fractal (Mandelbrot/Julia) SetGenerator- A Fractal generator that is easyto use and allows the image to be colored inmany ways using color masks. Images can beprinted on B/W or color printers and 16 or256 color PCX images can be made. Gooddocs, sample images. Uses VGA-512K-MSmouse. Graphics THERON WIERENGA
MBINGO11.ZIP 357,526 11-04-94 Math Bingo v1.10 <ASP>. Your child willeasily learn math facts while having funplaying bingo in an easy-to-use programwhich teaches math in a non-drill way. Itis geared to kids; they learn withoutrealizing that they are learning. Createvoice overlays, and hear yourself or yourchild as the patient instructor. For one ortwo players. Full on- line help, and optionto turn voices on and off.
MERLN105.ZIP 179,961 09-18-94 MERLIN'S MATH V1.05 <ASP> Episodes 1 & 2 ofthe Merlin's Math series- teachesmultiplication of multiple digit numbers, upto 5 by 5 digits, and long division. Stating as an apprentice magician, thestudent gains in power by solving mathproblems of increasing difficulty. Requires286 or higher, mouse, and VGA. Education -Mathematics AWARENESS PRODUCTIONS
MGK110B.ZIP 183,545 09-20-94 MEGIK v1.1 <ASP> - Multi-Platform GUIToolkit Create GUI apps in C for DOS,Windows, OS/2. With same source code appsrun portably on all platforms (1.1 has DOSonly, Windows and OS/2 in preparation). Supports windows,menus, dialogs, controls,events, graphics, bitmaps, icons and more. Easier and faster to program than nativeGUI. Example code. Over 300 pages ofcomprehensive on-disk documentation. Noruntime fees. Shareware.
MOMATH2.ZIP 85,123 11-11-94 MONEY MATH for Windows 3.1, v1.2 <ASP>Financial analysis tools for Annuities, BankDiscount, Bonds, CD's, Compound Interest,Discounted Cash Flow, Loan Amortization, andSimple Interest. Uses 10 dialog boxes for37 different types of financialcalculations. Has extensive Windows Helpwith 12 detailed examples
MPLUS13.ZIP 293,971 11-16-94 MPLUS 1.3 Mailing List System <ASP> <ESC>Simple yet full-featured mailing system hasuser-configurable features, supportsinternational mailing needs, duplicatechecking, phone dialing, record tagging,import and export, form letters, and more! Perfect for home or business. Author:Rosemary West. See VENDINFO.DIZ for moreinformation.
MUSIC102.ZIP 116,728 11-11-94 MERLIN'S MUSIC V1.02 <ASP> Fun activitiesteach basic musical notation- Childen usemouse to enter notes on musical staff andcan hear their compositions played on the PCspeaker. Children can save theirmasterpieces to work on later. Program alsoplays excerpts of folk tunes, hymns, nurseryrhyme music and national anthems. Requires'286, VGA, mouse. AWARENESS PRODUCTION
MWPR.ZIP 113,049 09-22-94 MWPR - Medlin Windows Payroll Writing <ASP>From MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE. Completeeasy to use payroll writing program. Built-in State & Federal tables. Up to 4user set deductions allow for tips, 401k,medical deductions, disability insurance,local taxes, etc. Up to 3 other incomefields. Print reports for any period. Registered users receive W-2 printingprogram. $38
MYL22.ZIP 1422,694 09-30-94 MY LIFE v2.2 <ASP> - My Life is a personaldiary, scrapbook, and word processor. Thescrapbook can be used to store and playmovies and sounds. Pictures can be storedand viewed, too. Multiple My Life databasescan be created, one for each member of thefamily. Each database can be passwordprotected. A full-functioning wordprocessor is included for writing letters. Requires VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.1.
NMFW12BE.ZIP 406,054 09-21-94 New Menus 4 Windows v1.2b <ASP> WIN 4 /OpenLook / Motif like WIN 3.1-Shell and-Enhancement. Every time you push the rightmousebutton (or a Hotkey) a Popup-Menuappears for quick access to your applica-tions, documents, directories(!), tasks,Program-Manager groups, Windows API (orDLL-functions) and keyboard macros. Allmenuitems are shown with icons available inseveral graph. styles and can be grouped insubmenus - as many and deep as you like,independent of resource needs. Every Menucan be stuck with a needle onto the desktop-even normal application menus! With veryflexible config and many special features. Allows multi-user
NUMB52.ZIP 255,128 10-02-94 BY THE NUMBERS v5.2. Rosemary West <ASP>Uses the philosophy of Numerology to analyzeyour name and birthdate for a completepersonality profile and forecast for thecoming year. Professional-looking reportscan be edited for truly personalizedinterpretations. This has been RKW's mostpopular program for four years!
NW.ZIP 271,160 09-18-94 NOTEWORTHY V1.85A <ASP> Music PublishingSystem- DOS-based music processor withstrong WYSIWYG facility. 12 staves perpage, bound as required. Symbols, lines,curves, text (4 fonts) transposition,justification, compression. VGA/EGA/Hercules. Epson, Proprinter,Laserjet, Canon, Postscript. HobbiesBRAEBURN SOFTWARE
ODAY430.ZIP 371,746 10-01-94 OMNIDay 4.30 <ASP> Computer diary programwith many features and toggles. Has over10000 encryption options & keys. Can handleup to 10 users at once and has a fullfeatured text editor. Internally calls upSpell checkers. Can use other TSR SpellChecking. All world date formats handled. From Unicorn Software Limited
ODAYW250.ZIP 404,735 10-01-94 OMNIDay for Windows 2.50 <ASP> Computerdiary program with many features andtoggles. Has over 10000 encryption options& keys. Can handle up to 10 users at onceand has a full featured text editor. Internally calls up Spell checkers. Can useother TSR Spell Checking. All world dateformats handled. From Unicorn SoftwareLimited
OPNHM220.ZIP 153,968 11-10-94 OpenHome <ASP> is an open home announcementgenerator designed for Mortgage Bankers andRealtors. It provides a one-sheetinfomation packet for prospective homebuyers, listing important information in anattractive way. The user provides keyinformation about the property for sale andOpenHome produces a simple table showing theperspective buyer the financial requirementsfor purchasing the property in astraightfoward fashion.
ORGDS203.ZIP 334,345 10-09-94 GORIN'S ORGANISER FOR DOS V2.03A <ASP> TheULTIMATE GUI Personal Organiser for DOSUnique GUI and Icon based personalinformation manager for DOS. Modern, yetfast GUI environment (VGA+). IncludesDiary, Notepad, Calculator, To Do, Planner,Recurring events, Address Book and more. Mouse Rec. UK Author. Business NEIL GORIN
ORGWN220.ZIP 420,600 09-10-94 GORIN'S ORGANISER FOR WINDOWS V2.20 <ASP>Wow! A genuine graphical GUI PIM! Icons! A unique icon based Personal Organiser forWindows. Includes Diary, Planner, Notebook,Address Book, To Do, Phone Logging and more. Needs Windows 3.1 or better, and VGA orbetter. Can use Soundcard. Amazingly easyto use. Try it! Windows - Business NEILGORIN
PBVL110.ZIP 156,482 11-10-94 PB/VISION(tm) LITE v1.10 for PowerBASIC 3.0. Create graphical and text 3D windows withworking control icons. w/Library, docs. ASP
PCCAI.ZIP 913,142 09-01-94 PC-CAI 2.11 <ASP> Award-winning ComputerAssisted Instructional tool. Write computerdriven tutorials on any subject using color,graphics including PCX special effects,animation, questions and answers, menuingand branching. Color Graphics monitorrecommended. Shareware from TexaSoft.
PDM110.ZIP 1015,478 09-17-94 TC's PERSONAL DATA MANAGER v1.1 <ASP> -Requires Windows 3.1, recommend modem. PIM;Calendar, Phone/Address Book, Phone Dialer,Call Timer, To Do List, Almanac, Note Editor& context sensitive help. Monthly calendardisplays events you choose, Dialer can dialphone numbers from the Phone Book using yourmodem. Registration $10.00 + $5.00 S&H. SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE
PHOTOP.ZIP 820,045 10-02-94 PhotoPat v1.5 A unique image to patternconverter allowing you to transform bitmapsinto photorealistic color-by-# patternsusing a user defineable color palette! Pattern can be fully modified. Poster sizeoutput support. Patterns output as bitmapsand vectors (HPGL/DXF). Has basic imageprocessing functions. ASP/Shareware
PKTR40.ZIP 347,414 10-01-94 PACK TRACKER - a menu driven program whichstores info on Pack Scouts and Scouters andproduces a roster of Cub Scouts, Scouterrosters, three different types of labels, 2different ASCII files, an individual record,an attendance summary, a list of awardsearned, an Advancement Report, demographicreports, Pack Activity Reports, and a PackReligious Affiliations Report. Requires320K RAM and a hard disk.
PMHCS30A.ZIP 1284,055 11-02-94 PMHCS Money Personal Finance Manager. Keeptrack of all home/club accounts with thissimple to use Windows based program. Allowsmultiple accounts with facilities toautomate regular payments and receipts. Transfers between accounts with just oneentry.
POSTIT20.ZIP 60,860 11-15-94 Postit Popup Notepad v1.03 <ASP> Windows 3.1popup note pad. This program is thecomputer version of sticky notes posted inand around your computer. Post notes andcopy them to other applications with WindowsCut, Copy, and Paste commands. The programhas a 10 page notepad with each page able tohold up to 300 characters in 8 lines. Turnthe pages with page curls on the screen. File maintenance automatic.
PS3D11.ZIP 239,605 09-28-94 PHOTO SHOW 3D v1.12 <ASP> - 3D Screen SaverWindows screen saver that maps a GIF or 256color PCX image to the surface of a 3Dobject and tumbles it across the screen. Great for company logos and family photos. This version includes password protectionand a minor bug fix. Requires a 386+ and256 color video mode. Registration includesa free photo scan.
QUALIFYR.ZIP 434,963 10-18-94 QUALIFYR VER 1.O QualifyR is the onlymortgage computation program that followsthe Fannie Mae guidelines and structuresoutput to the RESPA Good Faith Estimateformat used by all lenders. Exclusive:computes and itemizes Closing Costs &Minimum Monthly Income Required.
REP110.ZIP 394,691 12-07-94 Replicator v1.10 <ASP> - The DiskReplicator! Replicator is a disk imageutility designed to create images ofdiskettes and catalog them in a database. Use optional compression routines to reducethe image size. Store up to 10 lines ofdescriptive text for each disk image in thedatabase. Database entries can be modifiedat any time. Easy push button interface
RHYME.ZIP 282,594 10-02-94 RELOR RHYMING DICTIONARY 1.0 <ASP> Type in aword & rhyme words are displayed.- This is arhyming dictionary program. Type in a wordand it displays the words that rhyme. It isusefull for song writers, poets,copywriters, or anyone who uses rhyme words. Requires DOS 3.3 or higher. A mouse isoptional. Writing applications DOYLE BARE
RSA.ZIP 81,587 10-01-94 RSA.EXE VERSION 2.00 <ASP> RSA CipherUtility- A full implementation of the RSApublic-key cipher permitting easy codecreation; optimimum key selection;originator authentication; person-to-personencryption and public broadcasting. Requires DOS Version 2.00 or higher. Utilities - Other TRIDENT SOFTWARE
SABDU280.ZIP 310,011 10-01-94 * SAB*Diskette*Utility*Version*2.80*(ASP) ** THE*MS*Windows*Diskette*Utility *Format/copy/compare/save floppy disketteimages in foreground or background. Read adiskette once and make multiple copies. Save images to hard drive. Convert disketteimage formats while preserving boot andreserve sectors. Create distribution setswith group restores. Browse diskettes andsaved diskette images. Shareware from SAB.
SCAN.ZIP 213,440 09-09-94 SCAN V501 <ASP> Text File Viewer (Plus)-View, Print, Copy, Edit, or Delete text typefiles. Menu driven. On screen prompts. Quick & EZ to learn & fun to use. No mouseneeded. Clean up cluttered directories withSCAN. Saves time. 2 free items with $5.00Reg. Try it, you'll like it. Utilities -Disk/File JOHN W. VEIT
SCRLZ210.ZIP 267,517 10-01-94 ScrollZ 2.10 <ASP> A great way to track allof your printed matter; be it Magazines,Comics, Books, Graphic Novels, Newspapers,ANYTHING! Input screens designed withspecific needs in mind. Even a NoteZsection for recording your own comments! Prints listings,catalogs,3X5 or Rolodexcards,custom lists, & even stats on yourcollection!
SDZW200A.ZIP 541,356 10-04-94 SoundZ For Windows 2.00 <ASP> The ULTIMATEaudio librarian handles tapes, CDs,45s,LPs,78s, reels AND MORE! UNLIMITEDtunes per side, standard header info PLUS atext file for each title of up to 5000lines. Even handles scanned cover art. Prints lists, catalogs, inserts, labels andmore! Finds! on ALL fields or combination. Handles Laser or DM printer. From UnicornSoftware Limited 1/2
SDZW200B.ZIP 488,959 09-19-94 SoundZ For Windows 2.00 <ASP> The ULTIMATEaudio librarian handles tapes, CDs,45s,LPs,78s, reels AND MORE! UNLIMITEDtunes per side, standard header info PLUS atext file for each title of up to 5000lines. Even handles scanned cover art. Prints lists, catalogs, inserts, labels andmore! Finds! on ALL fields or combination. Handles Laser or DM printer. From UnicornSoftware Limited 2/2
SEAS19.ZIP 106,114 09-10-94 SEASCAPE 1.9 - Realistic Fish <ASP> Seascapeis a Windows 3.1 screen saver which displaysrelatively realistic fish and tiny animalson which they feed; it works with thebuilt-in Windows screen saver utility. Seascape is shareware produced by a memberof the Association of SharewareProfessionals. Instructions are inSEA_READ.ME; full documentation is inSEAS_DOC.TXT.
SERVICE.ZIP 325,765 10-07-94 SERVICE CALL MANAGER V1.01 <ASP> Completemanagement of Field service org.- CompleteField Service Call management system. Trackcall incidents and parts used on eachincident. Print dispatch slips. Managercan get call status quickley, which helpswith customer conflicts. Can be used,formany different type of organizations. Business CPI COMPUTER SERVICES
SF70.ZIP 73,016 09-06-94 SF v7.0 <ASP> - an enhanced DOS file finduility. Find files by wildcards,attributes,sizes,date/date ranges. Search multiple andnetwork drives. SF scans the drive/dir speconly once, allowing multiple finds. SFpermits located filenames to be substitutedinto a user supplied DOS command string. Great for locating and deleting or copyingfiles across many drives. <ASP> Shareware$US 9.50. Australian.
SIMDOC30.ZIP 197,940 10-18-94 Simply Docs 3.0<ASP> Convert ASCII textfiles into EXE/TSR format. Turn README intoRUNME! Use it for program manuals,electronic books, catalogs, newsletters,etc. New in version 3 is language support,LZW compression, pop-up indexes, files over70 megs, passwords + more Features easy touse viewer, search functions colordocuments, auto scrolling, swap to EMS/Disk, flexible printing on any printer,43/50 line mode,bookmarks, hypertext jumpsand much much more Sysop offer inside. Oct/94 REP
SIMHLP20.ZIP 318,123 10-01-94 Simply Help v2.0 <ASP> - Create text basedhypertext documents & help systems as standalone EXE or TSR files. Includes completeintegrated development environment (IDE) forhypertext. Modify any aspect of yourdocument and instantly "run" it to see theresults. Easy to use with pull down menus,dialog boxes, mouse support, internaleditor, on-line help and much more Sharewareby Robert E. Pitcher
SMRTEN21.ZIP 96,956 10-02-94 Smart10 - X10 CP290 Home Automationscheduler system. Provides sophisticatedscheduling. Extra features provided includeSunrise, Sunset as times, Date ranges forwhich event will be active, arbitraryconditions including Light and Dark tomodify the schedule. Smart10 supportssending immediate commands includingcanceling sheduled events.
SOSPER10.ZIP 870,076 11-01-94 S.O.S. Personal Edition v1.01 <ASP> -Customizable graphic screen saver forWindows. Displays four user-definablebitmaps (.BMPs) slide-show fashion. Expandable and upgradeable - containsinformation on incorporating other formatssuch as .GIF, .PCX, .TIF, .JPG, etc. ASP-authored shareware from Tay-JeeSoftware, $14.95.
SOUNDZ4.ZIP 448,076 10-01-94 SoundZ 4.00 <ASP> The ULTIMATE audiolibrarian handles tapes, CDs, 45s,LPs,78s,reels AND MORE! UNLIMITED tunes per side,standard header info PLUS a text file foreach title of up to 5000 lines. Printslists, catalogs, inserts, labels and more! Finds! on ALL fields or combination. Handles Laser or DM printer. From UnicornSoftware Limited
SPACE159.ZIP 761,769 10-13-94 Space Hound 1.59 Win Disk Utility <ASP> Findduplicate files, "sniff out" wasted spaceand forgotton files. Includes printabledirectory tree which reports storage usagewithin nested directories. Version infodisplay, file compare, file extensiondisplay, file and directory deletion,deletion tracking statistics, miscellaneousreports and more. Works great on networksalso.
SURVEY2J.ZIP 147,654 11-25-94 SURVEY POWER Version 2.10 ASP Create,analyze, & print out demographic &correlation results to your surveys. Accepts single choice, multiple choice, rankorder, text entry, and cumulative typequestions. Up to 9 choices per question. Output to printer, ASCII, and Lotus 1-2-3files. Requires 512K $39.95 + $2.00 shipping
SYSMON30.ZIP 54,846 11-14-94 System Monitor 3.0 <ASAD><ASP> - RosenthalEngineering. Detect and report problemsearly each time the computer is used, SystemMonitor re-evaluates the system by testingand extensively monitoring a number ofperformance and security indicators. Resolves hardware/software DOS and MSWindows conflicts. Provides additionalvirus defense. Many computer consultantsinclude an optional message to advertisetheir support services.
TAROT31.ZIP 203,082 10-04-94 PERSONAL TAROT v3.1. Rosemary West <ASP>Tarot cards have been used around the worldthroughout history. Now you can enjoyprofes- sional-quality Tarot card readingson your PC! Personal Tarot automatesshuffling and dealing, builds a ten-cardlayout, and dis- plays card descriptions andmeanings (no pictures). You choose amongdifferent methods of shuffling and cardlayout. You can edit the cardinterpretations to conform with yourfavorite Tarot deck, and add your own com-ments. Readings can be saved and edited fortruly personalized reports.
TBAG16.ZIP 53,507 09-10-94 Travel Mate 1.6 <ASP> Free Windows TravelInformation Kit. Includes the most needed800 numbers for travelers. Hotels,Airlines, and Auto rentals. LARGEeasy-to-read colorful text. EZ WindowsInstall. Run or click on Install. Freeware. by Jim Tolliver
TCMD10.ZIP 476,603 12-20-94 Take Command 1.0 <ASP> - JP Software's newcommand processor for MS Windows 3.1+,Windows for Workgroups, and WIN-OS/2. Command enhancements, over 50 new commands,4DOS compatible, dozens of new Windows-related features. Shareware, $49 fullregistration. 12-20-94 release B.
TSD20.ZIP 287,016 09-20-94 The Student's directory lets you maintain adatabase of student information <ASP> Alsoteachers and other school personnel
UNST23.ZIP 193,290 10-10-94 UNIVERSAL INSTALL v2.3 <ASP> Create custominstallation programs with no programmingfeaturing: greater then 50% filecompression, modifications to ANY file,view/print text files, create a batch fileto run your software, and it LOOKS LIKE YOUWANT IT TO LOOK. Universal Install providesall the tools necessary to develop aprofessional installation in minutes.
UNSTAL03.ZIP 55,085 11-17-94 Rosenthal UnInstall v3 <ASP> - Safely removeunwanted Windows & DOS programs. Files,directories and system changes may be keptor automatically removed with system cleanedup and restored. An absolute must-havenecessity for trying out new shareware, CD-ROMs & demos. "Highest awards! Excellent!"
UPD8R_40.ZIP 266,973 09-19-94 WinUpD8R v4.0 <ASP> - Major new release!! If you use "floppy net" to move files backand forth between computers, you NEED thisprogram!! WinUpD8R can automatically keepyour files up-to-date on multiple machineswhile providing (at least) triple-redundantbackup of your data in the process. Nocables or modem transfers necessary. Windows 3.1 required. Shareware.
VBRIG10A.ZIP 208,200 11-01-94 VB/RIG, STANDARD EDITION v1.0a <ASP> Aspecialized code-generator that protectsyour application from fatal runtime errors. "Rigging" a VB project automatically createsa global error-handling subsystem, andprovides an optional facility for loggingerrors that occur "in-the-field". Yourapplication instantly becomes bullet-proof.
VIDM820.ZIP 256,942 10-01-94 VideoMaster 8.20 <ASP> Video cataloging &labeling system that has the MOSTflexibility for users. Standard entries, 3user defined/ named fields, plus a Synopsisof up to 5000 lines. 5 label styles/sizes. Prints catalogs lists, custom lists, (orwrite to file/ screen) PLUS rolodex and 3X5cards. Can Find! & print anyfield/combination.
VOCABP2E.ZIP 145,589 11-22-94 VOCABULARY POWER Version 2.15 (ASP)Automatically create matching and multiplechoice quizzes, word searches, cryptolists,vocabulary bingo cards, flash cards, andword juggles from your words and clues. Supports foreign language characters. Wordlist files are 100% compatible withCROSSWORD POWER from WISCO ComputingRequires 512K and DOS 2.1 or greater.
WA010.ZIP 40,025 09-13-94 WINDOW ANALYSER V1.0 <ASP> - A tool forWindows programmers. Give at any time infoon class, styles, properties, placement inthe window chain, content of the extramemory, ecc.. of any window or sub-windowappearing on the screen.. Windowprogramming Utilitie
WAURA31.ZIP 159,583 10-08-94 RICHARD WEBSTER'S AURA READING v3.1. Richard Webster's Aura Reading 3.1 <ASP> byRosemary West - Based on the work andresearch of internationally-known psychicentertainer Richard Webster, "Aura Reading"helps you learn what to look for whenattempting to see the human aura. It's agreat way to meet people and make newfriends! $0 Registration
WB_50Q_A.ZIP 918,473 10-30-94 WinBatch - 5.0Q (ASP) Windows System UtilityLanguage. Structures, floating point, filemanipulation, OLE2.0 Automation, DDE andover 350 functions allow you to program thistradional, procedural basic-like language. A must for the power user. Includes dialogeditor and handy utilities. Only $69.95+s&h
WB_50Q_B.ZIP 428,655 10-30-94 WIL DLL EXTENDER LIBRARY - WINBATCH 5.X TheWIL Extender DLL Library. The latestversion of extenders to add network andother support to WIL for WinBatch 5.0x.
WCHG37.ZIP 335,215 10-05-94 WIN CHANGE v3.7 <ASP> - Win Change providesthe ability to globally find and change textin GRP, INI, PIF and other file types. Multiple find and change criteria can bespecified, works across multiple drives,including network drives, and provides theability to "back out" changes. RequiresVBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.1.
WEDA.ZIP 196,452 09-16-94 WEDDING ARRANGER VERSION 3.0 <ASP>WEDDING,SHOWER,REHEARSAL LIST/DATA ANALYSIS-Wedding, shower, rehearsal data is analyzedfor invitation, place card, food selection,etiquette, table assignment, no responsebudget, etc. problems. Listings for theabove three events include address lists,card/meal/invitation totals, etc. HomeENTERPRISE SOFTWARE COMPANY
WFIND.ZIP 98,195 09-24-94 FILE FINDER VERSION 3.0 FOR WINDOWS <ASP>Powerful file search program for Windows-File finder for Windows is a file searchprogram for Windows 3.1. It can search alldrives, including networked drives, and mostpopular archive types. Search types includeDOS standard, sub- string, regularexpression, date, time, and size. Windows -Utilities DON BRANSON
WGUID16.ZIP 167,580 11-17-94 Wynter Stone's Quick Guide to MysticalExperiences 1.6: <ASP> If you wonder what"New Age" really stands for, this couldhelp. An on-disk mini-encyclopedia ofsubjects related to mystical experiences ofvarious kinds. DOS and Windows versionsincluded. Freeware.
WGWIN15.ZIP 32,941 09-10-94 Wynter Stone's Guide For Windows 1.5 <ASP>An on-disk mini-encyclopedia of subjectsrelated to mystical experiences of variouskinds, presented as a Windows Help file. Requires Windows 3.1. From Rosemary West. $0 Registration.
WINFIN37.ZIP 406,147 09-23-94 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FOR WINDOWS 3.70 <ASP>Analyze large variety of financial problems-Collection of tools for analyzing a widevariety of financal problems. Mortgage &Rule-78 with amortization. Bonds, T-Bills,CD's, B A's, IRR, NPV, MIRR, Auto Lease,Retirement Planning, Black-Sholes Options,Portfolio Hedge, Annuity, Cpd Int & Others. Finances GJETAAS, INC
WINLITE1.ZIP 243,754 11-14-94 Rosenthal WinLite v1 <ASAD><ASP> - CompressWindows programs to shrink themdramatically. Programs are functionally thesame as original, only smaller. Forexample, the 180k "Solitaire" game bundledwith MS-Windows 3.1 shrinks down to 77k or43%. Smaller, more efficient programs savedisk space, LAN overhead, disk cachingresources and greatly discourage reverseengineering.
WMC62.ZIP 443,302 10-05-94 WIN MULTIPLE CONFIGURATIONS v6.2 <ASP> - WMCallows up to one-hundred different Windowsconfigurations to be saved and restored. Create and save desktops for your children,husband, wife, co-workers, or any specialpurposes you wish. Includes ability to copyProgram Manager groups betweenconfigurations. Requires VBRUN300.DLL andWindows 3.1.
WORK42.ZIP 229,680 10-02-94 WORKBASE v4.2. Rosemary West <ASP> Xbasedevelopers: WORKBASE provides an interactiveenvironment for over 200 commands andfunctions, including some that may be new toyou. Create a DBF; append, edit and browserecords; restore from and save to MEM files;display memory; display structure, modifystructure; and many other commands necessaryfor development, troubleshooting andsupport. If your applications use dBASE-compatible DBF files, you'll love this handyutility. Unlike other "dot prompt"programs, this one works!
WRCR22.ZIP 1238,724 09-30-94 WRITER'S CRAMP v2.2 <ASP> - Writer's Crampis an inexpensive and simple word processorwith many of the same features found inmajor word processors. Letters are storedin a database, multiple databases can becreated, one for each member of the family. Each letter database can be passwordprotected. Requires VBRUN300.DLL andWindows 3.1.
WW3.ZIP 287,253 09-30-94 Wordware v3.0: The hottest collection ofover 55 macros and templates. Everythingfrom copying a file, to managing yourprojects to managing your business contacts. A full- fledged PIM and a full-function CDPlayer are included. Has a MultimediaPlayer which will play all multimedia files,a quick command line, WindowsExit/Restart/Reboot Computer, Lock, CloseAll and Exit, Print Summary Info WinFaxMacros AND SO MUCH MORE! Hot! WORD 6
XREF32.ZIP 110,623 09-01-94 XREF v3.2 <ASP> - (formally C xref)Cross-references any number of C modules andoutputs: 1) A list of their global variablesand constants. 2) A summary listing of thefunctions. 3) A verbose list of thefunctions. 4) A tree of the function'scalls and callers. Registered version nowhas DOS mem. extender. From DA Software. Shareware.
YLWST309.ZIP 72,406 11-15-94 YELLOW STICKY v3.09 <ASP> - A "To Do"manager for Windows 3.1. This is not a dayplanner, or scheduler but provides the userwith an easy method for displaying tasksthat need to be done and taking them fromthe list when they have been accomplished. A replacement for "Postit Notes" that areall over your desk. Features a current &previous month calendars. Uses Windows 3.1.
ZIPER175.ZIP 532,585 11-18-94 ZIPPER PAYROLL ver 1.75 <ASP> - Payroll forsmall business or CPA's. Optional Quickenexport. Includes federal & state taxtables. Easy error correction. Printchecks, export to Quicken, or write them byhand. Prints W-2 & quarterly reports. Optional password with tattletale feature. Registration $67.00, includes 1 yr techsupport, 2nd year tax tables, & printedUser's Manual. Requires 640K, hard disk, &printer.
ZIPW210.ZIP 264,056 09-19-94 ZIPPER W-2, V 1.0 <ASP> - Enter & printW-2's & W-3 forms. Simplifies end of yearpayroll processing for businesses andaccountants. Unlimited companies &employees. Prints W-2's & W-3 on preprintedforms. Optional password security. Registration $29.00, incl 1 yr tech support,printed manual, & free forms. Req. 640K,hard disk, & dot matrix printer. SOFTCRAFT. 206-728-8427
ZPLR400.ZIP 370,327 10-01-94 Zpeller 4.00 <ASP> Spelling & VocabularyTeacher. Handles up to 19 students, studententers correct spelling & defintions for upto 32000 words. Performs 7 different typesof tests, and tracks wrong answer forimmediate retest. Also has test battery forproblem words that are constantly missed. From Unicorn Software Limited
ZPRO217.ZIP 429,393 11-24-94 ZIP'R Pro For DOS v2.17 <ASP> - HD Tripler! ZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed formwhen they are not begin used. Automaticallycompress, decompress, and launch programs asneeded. Uses ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-incompression. Easy to use interface! Version 2.17 fixes a "file access denied"problem with the built-in compressionroutines
ZPROW208.ZIP 430,822 11-24-94 ZIP'R Pro For Windows v2.08 <ASP> ZIP'R Prostores programs in compressed form when theyare not begin used. Automatically compress,decompress, and launch programs as needed. Uses ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-incompression. Easy to use interface! Version 2.08 fixes a "file access denied"problem with the built-in compressionroutines