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Assembly Source File
173 lines
include pmc.inc
; Mode X (320x240, 256 colors) display memory to display memory masked copy
; routine. Works on all VGAs. Uses approach of reading 4 pixels at a time from
; source into latches, then writing latches to destination, using Map Mask
; register to perform masking. Copies up to but not including column at
; SourceEndX and row at SourceEndY. No clipping is performed. Results are not
; guaranteed if source and destination overlap. C near-callable as:
; void CopyScreenToScreenMaskedX(int SourceStartX,
; int SourceStartY, int SourceEndX, int SourceEndY,
; int DestStartX, int DestStartY, MaskedImage * Source,
; unsigned int DestPageBase, int DestBitmapWidth);
SC_INDEX equ 03c4h ;Sequence Controller Index register port
MAP_MASK equ 02h ;index in SC of Map Mask register
GC_INDEX equ 03ceh ;Graphics Controller Index register port
BIT_MASK equ 08h ;index in GC of Bit Mask register
parms struc
dd 2 dup (?) ;pushed BP and return address
SourceStartX dd ? ;X coordinate of upper left corner of source
SourceStartY dd ? ;Y coordinate of upper left corner of source
SourceEndX dd ? ;X coordinate of lower right corner of source
; (the column at SourceEndX is not copied)
SourceEndY dd ? ;Y coordinate of lower right corner of source
; (the row at SourceEndY is not copied)
DestStartX dd ? ;X coordinate of upper left corner of dest
DestStartY dd ? ;Y coordinate of upper left corner of dest
Source dd ? ;pointer to MaskedImage struct for source
; which source resides
DestPageBase dd ? ;base offset in display memory of page in
; which dest resides
DestBitmapWidth dd ? ;# of pixels across dest bitmap (must be multiple of 4)
parms ends
SourceNextScanOffset equ -4 ;local storage for distance from end of
; one source scan line to start of next
DestNextScanOffset equ -8 ;local storage for distance from end of
; one dest scan line to start of next
RectAddrWidth equ -12 ;local storage for address width of rectangle
RectHeight equ -16 ;local storage for height of rectangle
SourceBitmapWidth equ -20 ;local storage for width of source bitmap
; (in addresses)
MaskedImage struc
Alignments dd 4 dup(?) ;pointers to AlignedMaskedImages for the
; 4 possible destination image alignments
MaskedImage ends
AlignedMaskedImage struc
ImageWidth dd ? ;image width in addresses (also mask width in bytes)
ImagePtr dd ? ;offset of image bitmap in display memory
MaskPtr dd ? ;pointer to mask bitmap in DS
AlignedMaskedImage ends
extrn SCREEN_SEG:dword
public _CopyScreenToScreenMaskedX
_CopyScreenToScreenMaskedX proc near
push ebp ;preserve caller's stack frame
mov ebp,esp ;point to local stack frame
sub esp,STACK_FRAME_SIZE ;allocate space for local vars
push esi ;preserve caller's register variables
push edi
push ebx
mov dx,GC_INDEX ;set the bit mask to select all bits
mov ax,00000h+BIT_MASK ; from the latches and none from
out dx,ax ; the CPU, so that we can write the
; latch contents directly to memory
mov eax, [ebp+DestBitmapWidth]
shr eax,2 ;convert to width in addresses
mul [ebp+DestStartY] ;top dest rect scan line
mov edi, [ebp+DestStartX]
mov esi,edi
shr edi,2 ;X/4 = offset of first dest rect pixel in scan line
add edi,eax ;offset of first dest rect pixel in page
add edi,[ebp+DestPageBase] ;offset of first dest rect pixel
; in display memory. now look up the image that's
; aligned to match left-edge alignment of destination
and esi,3 ;DestStartX modulo 4
mov ecx,esi ;set aside alignment for later
shl esi,2 ;prepare for dword look-up
mov ebx,[ebp+Source] ;point to source MaskedImage structure
mov ebx,[ebx+Alignments+esi] ;point to AlignedMaskedImage
; struc for current left edge alignment
mov eax,[ebx+ImageWidth] ;image width in addresses
mov [ebp+SourceBitmapWidth],eax ;remember image width in
; addresses
mul [ebp+SourceStartY] ;top source rect scan line
mov esi,[ebp+SourceStartX]
shr esi,2 ;X/4 = address of first source rect pixel in scan line
add esi,eax ;offset of first source rect pixel in image
mov eax,esi
add esi,[ebx+MaskPtr] ;point to mask offset of first mask pixel in DS
mov ebx,[ebx+ImagePtr] ;offset of first source rect pixel
add ebx,eax ; in display memory
mov eax,[ebp+SourceStartX] ;calculate # of addresses across
add eax,ecx ; rect, shifting if necessary to
add ecx,[ebp+SourceEndX] ; account for alignment
cmp ecx,eax
jle CopyDone ;skip if 0 or negative width
add ecx,3
and eax,not 011b
sub ecx,eax
shr ecx,2 ;# of addresses across rectangle to copy
mov eax,[ebp+SourceEndY]
sub eax,[ebp+SourceStartY] ;EAX = height of rectangle
jle CopyDone ;skip if 0 or negative height
mov [ebp+RectHeight],eax
mov eax,[ebp+DestBitmapWidth]
shr eax,2 ;convert to width in addresses
sub eax,ecx ;distance from end of one dest scan line to start of next
mov [ebp+DestNextScanOffset],eax
mov eax,[ebp+SourceBitmapWidth] ;width in addresses
sub eax,ecx ;distance from end of source scan line to start of next
mov [ebp+SourceNextScanOffset],eax
mov [ebp+RectAddrWidth],ecx ;remember width in addresses
mov dx,SC_INDEX
mov al,MAP_MASK
out dx,al ;point SC Index register to Map Mask
inc dx ;point to SC Data register
mov ecx, [SCREEN_SEG]
add edi, ecx ;edi & ebx point to video memory
add ebx, ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+RectAddrWidth] ;width across
lodsb ;get the mask for this four-pixel set
; and advance the mask pointer
out dx,al ;set the mask
mov al,[ebx] ;load the latches with 4-pixel set from source
mov [edi],al ;copy the four-pixel set to the dest
inc ebx ;advance the source pointer
inc edi ;advance the destination pointer
dec ecx ;count off four-pixel sets
jnz CopyScanLineLoop
mov eax,[ebp+SourceNextScanOffset]
add esi,eax ;point to the start of
add ebx,eax ; the next source, mask,
add edi,[ebp+DestNextScanOffset] ; and dest lines
dec dword ptr [ebp+RectHeight] ;count down scan lines
jnz CopyRowsLoop
mov dx,GC_INDEX+1 ;restore the bit mask to its default,
mov al,0ffh ; which selects all bits from the CPU
out dx,al ; and none from the latches (the GC
; Index still points to Bit Mask)
pop ebx
pop edi ;restore caller's register variables
pop esi
mov esp,ebp ;discard storage for local variables
pop ebp ;restore caller's stack frame
_CopyScreenToScreenMaskedX endp