04NAV96.ZIP 372,776 04-01-96 Norton AntiVirus April 96 definitions updatefor owners of NAV
123ENG.ZIP 3,235 04-24-96 You could be an engineer if A humourous textoutlining some of engineers odder habits. If you or someone you love is an engineer,you'll love this!
AV241C.ZIP 186,144 04-22-96 IBM AntiVirus updated virus definition forv2.3 and v2.4.x Apr 1996.
AVP0512.ZIP 513,429 05-18-96 AVP Lite 2.2 Shareware version. The mostpowerful shareware scanner in the world! Detects thousands of viruses & trojans. Register and get additional features andutilities. Released 5/12/96. Protectyourself today with AVP!
AVP9604.ZIP 473,599 04-12-96 AVP / AVPLITE / AVPN cumulative update April1996, ~7200 viruses and trojans Protectyourself today! - with AVP
AVPWW104.ZIP 11,233 03-13-96 AVPWW 1.04 FREEWARE Antivirus for Word. Detects / Disinfects known MACRO virusesfrom Microsoft Word documents. Protectyourself today with AntiViral Toolkit Pro!
AVS265.ZIP 363,360 04-17-96 AVScan 2.65 Anti-Virus Scanner from Germany. Good detection. Slightly slower but morethorough in detection that some of the BESTrated virus scanners. Highly Recommended!
BKILLER.ZIP 115,491 03-09-96 Bug Killer is A Gui Interface to MCAFEE'sOS/2 Anti-Virus Program.
BSH10MAN.ZIP 274,400 03-27-96 McAfee BootShield v1.01 Doc in PDF format
BSH_101E.ZIP 531,574 04-03-96 McAfee BootShield v1.01 - EvaluationProactive protection from boot areainfecting viruses. Compatible with DOS &Windows 3.1. See file 100WORDS.TXT!
DAT_9607.ZIP 317,325 07-11-96 Latest data files for Viruscan (9607)Uploaded by: Curtis Brewington
DSAV757.ZIP 1035,419 02-20-96 FindVirus evaluation v7.57 - S&S SoftwareInternational - March 1996. Dr. Solomon'sAnti-Virus Toolkit is the world's top-ratedantivirus software. We are providingFindVirus, the DOS scanner/repairer portionof DSAV to the online community forevaluate. This version can scan recursivelyinside ZIP, ARJ, LZH, ARC, ICE, PKLITE,LZEXE, DIET, CRYPTCOM, MS EXPAND compressedfile formats without writing to disk! Thisversion may be evaluated until May 1996
ENFRC10.ZIP 336,301 03-28-96 Windows Enforcer 1.0 protects systems thatare accessible to many people and require aconsistent configuration and a consistent,limited selection of services.
FP_222.ZIP 650,226 03-07-96 F-PROT version 2.22 - March 1996 The F-PROTanti-virus package contains a virus scannercombined with a disinfection program, aswell as a resident monitoring program forintercepting known viruses. This program isfree of charge for private users, but othersare required to register or obtain the'Professional' version - see thedocumentation for details
FWIN308E.ZIP 75,351 04-07-96 F/WIN 3.08E Heuristic Windows virus scanner,detects and cleans known and unknown macroviruses and detects NE-EXE and PE-EXEviruses (Windows 3.x and 95 viruses). Detects at least: Concept, Nuclear, Colors,Imposter, Xenixos, Hot, FormatC, DMV, Boza,Winsurfer, Ph33r, Winlame, WinTiny,Cyberriot and Tentacle
KLVIR103.ZIP 182,801 02-22-96 KL-VIRUS Version 1.02 OS/2 PM based utilityfor virus scanning. Designed for McAfee'sOS2SCAN product. Can send results in amessage via cc:MAIL to numerous users, oruse it standalone! Can schedule you scans! Register on Compuserve via GO SWREG. KeithLuken email on CIS: 75627,563 or Internet:75627.563@compuserve.com
MPI10A.ZIP 18,571 04-14-96 MPI.EXE is another freeware offline mailreader to pgp interface, similar to ez-pgp. It provides a menu interface for selectedpgp commands, and allows keys to be selectedfrom a list of the keys available on yourkey rings. Note: this version is identicalto mpi10.zip except it includes my publickey.
MVTOOL40.ZIP 57,298 05-10-96 Microsoft Word Macro Virus Protection Tool,updated 5/10/96. Free from Microsoft.
NTS_110E.ZIP 531,946 03-19-96 VirusScan for Windows NT DOS box by McAfee,Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for knownand new viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+. Version 110 (9603) 03-19-96
OSCI22CE.ZIP 729,802 03-22-96 OS/2 virus scan from McAfee.
OSC_22FE.ZIP 493,117 05-23-96 VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scansand cleans PC's/LAN's for known and newviruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above. Version 2.2.12 (9605) 05-23-96
PCSEC12.ZIP 210,024 03-08-96 (V1.1) PC Security for Windows Informationis power! Protect your data. Stealth FileEncryption, File Lock, Window Lock, SystemLock, Keyboard Monitor, File Shredder,Program Manager Control, Intruder DetectionAlarm, Drag and Drop support and much more. Powerfull yet easy to use. SilvioKuczynski, silviok@tropsoft.com
PGPMGR1.ZIP 202,340 04-14-96 PGP Manager 1.6b for Windows 95/NT Encryptmessages, files Full support for PGPfunctions Read encrypted messages directlyfrom your mailbox. shareware. RequiresPGP.EXE v2.6 and up.
PGPMNU31.ZIP 57,100 05-05-96 PGPMENU 3.1 - FREE, DOS - works in Windowsfor all versions of PGP. A cursor-keyoperated DOS menu makes operating PGP easy. Call your text editor from the menu. Customdesign your own color configurations. Includes explanation of the mathematics ofpublic key encryption and the RSA algorithm. Updated 5/5/96.
PWRPGP95.ZIP 241,572 04-24-96 *PowerPGP 1.33.95* Windows95 PGP Shell forthe DOS PGP program designed to make itpossible to encrypt & decrypt Email with anyWindows based E-mail program. IncludingPower Access for PowerBBS Requires the DOSBased FREEWARE program PGP to be installedprior to PowerPGP
REDHAND.ZIP 875,367 05-12-96 Redhand V1.0 There are any number ofsecurity programs available, ranging fromfull blown multi-user access & bootlockingprograms, to simple password protectedScreen Savers. RedHand is different in thatit places no restrictions whatsoever on whatthe user does, but it will tell you exactlywhat someone did on your computer while youwere away, exactly when they did it, and howlong it took, and they won't even know theywere being watched! Win3.1
S95E4013.ZIP 721,926 04-01-96 Windows 95 virus checker from the uk!
SCNI250E.ZIP 691,824 06-14-96 VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans andcleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 2.50 (9606)06-11-96 Self-Installing Version
SENTRY47.ZIP 111,103 04-19-96 (V4.7) Sentry - Security for DOS/Windows/95. Sentry is an extremely flexible program thatallows you to secure your system, individualfiles, Windows, Win 95 or any combination. It supports up to 100 users with normal and"SuperUser" access. Detailed log files helpkeep track of activity. Expiry dates and amini message system help with user admin. http://dragon.acadiau.ca/~910318b/Sentry.html Mike Bobbitt [Mike.Bobbitt@AcadiaU.Ca]
SURVGUID.ZIP 882,306 02-10-96 The PC Owner's Survival Guide 3/96 Support,maintenance, ergonomics, disaster preventionfor Windows and DOS, Computer Virus Myths,the Virus Awareness Kit, Back it up!, "Rightcomputing" for the 1990s and beyond, morethan you ever wanted to know about floppydisks and formatting, a data compressionprimer and a wide range of tips, tricks andhelpful advice you don't get from yourcomputer's manual. A free resource fromFirst Train for the Internet,http://www.firstrain.com
TBAV702.ZIP 360,442 07-07-96 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most completeanti-virus system available. Included areTbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk,TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil.
TBAVW702.ZIP 787,073 07-07-96 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus for Windows. Acomprehensive Anti-Virus program for usewith MS-Windows 3.1 and better. RequiresTBAV for Dos (TBAVxxx.ZIP)
TBAVX702.ZIP 91,205 06-21-96 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus v7.02 processoroptimized versions of the resident TBAVfaster & smaller than the generic versions
TBW95702.ZIP 704,075 07-07-96 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus for Windows 95 v7.02Anti-Virus Program for Windows 95
TERPGP40.ZIP 71,448 04-07-96 TerPGP 4.0 - PGP Interface for TerMail!
UP960706.ZIP 543,398 07-06-96 AntiViral Toolkit Pro 07/06/96 VirusDetection and Disinfection database update. Cummulative update for AVP. Protectyourself today with AVP!
VDS31A.ZIP 315,888 05-01-96 VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.1a Anup-to-date anti-virus package for IBM PCswith Novell Netware(tm) LAN support. Now itis Windows 95 aware! It features a fastscanner, a robust integrity checker,real-time decoy launcher, and a genericvirus remover. Its user interface is one ofthe most functional in the market. This isthe shareware release of the military-grade"Pro" version.
VS95I2AE.ZIP 1139,302 04-01-96 McAfee VShield for Windows95 Version 2.02-=- No more DOS TSR's. On Access scanningof floppy diskettes, UNC aware, Long fileand directory name support, Netware and MSNetwork aware, Log file support withrealtime logging.
VSH_22FE.ZIP 446,883 05-23-96 VShield by McAfee, Inc. Memory-resident(TSR) virus protection and prevention. Auto-loads above 1Mb. Req: DOS 3+, 67Kb. Version 2.2.12 (9605) 05-23-96
VSNT2DOC.ZIP 240,423 03-15-96 McAfee's VirusScanNT documentation Tolicense this or other McAfee programs pleasecontact NH&A at 212-304-9660 or E-Mail:sales@nha.com. Also check out the WWW site:http://www.nha.com for all your anti-virus,security and network management solutions
VSUMX603.ZIP 988,983 03-31-96 VSUM v9603 - Patricia Hoffman's hypertextvirus information database for April 96. Asource for data on viruses, what they do,how they work and how to remove them. Classic!
WNTI25E.ZIP 1441,254 03-15-96 Virusscan For WinNT, With Gui From MCAFEE. Self Installing. Version 2.5 Mar 15 1996.
WSC_22FE.ZIP 625,655 05-23-96 VirusScan for Windows McAfee, Inc. Scansand cleans PC's/LAN's for known and newviruses. Requires Windows 3.1+. Version2.2.12 (9605) 05-23-96
WSHELL25.ZIP 278,633 05-06-96 WinShell 2.5 is a freeware Windows front endfor zip, unzip, uuencode, uudecode, and PGP. Zipping and unzipping is built in. Highlyconfigurable. VBRUN300.DLL required. 1995- 1996, EmGee Software
WWAMK13.ZIP 21,039 04-11-96 WWAMK v. 1.3 freeware anti-virus for WordDetects and disinfects known and unknownMacro-viruses