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File List  |  1996-08-12  |  32KB  |  443 lines

  1. ANS2BAS.ZIP     52518  04-01-96  ANS2BAS v1.0 Shareware $10 A utility which
  2.                                | converts an ordinary ANSI file into a BASIC
  3.                                | program.  The code ANS2BAS generates does
  4.                                | not need ANSI.SYS to run.  Now you can make
  5.                                | nice screens with your favorite ANSI editor
  6.                                | and then hard code them into your BASIC
  7.                                | program.  By Eldon Martin.
  8. APPLE_2.ZIP    218785  02-26-96  An Apple ][+ Emulator that will run Any
  9.                                | apple basic programs, or machine language
  10.                                | programs.
  11. ASM110BG.ZIP    28578  02-25-96  (v1.10) Magic Assembler Simple 8086
  12.                                | assembler, which can produce as well as COM
  13.                                | files as boot sector programs, and print the
  14.                                | sources including correct addresses.
  15. ASM9602.ZIP     48828  02-20-96  FAQ on assembler
  16. ASMEDIT7.ZIP   491129  03-03-96  ASM Edit v1.7 Editor with syntax-coloring
  17.                                | for assembler files, used with external
  18.                                | Assembler, Linker and Debugger programs. 
  19.                                | Help system with mnemonics up to 80686, FPU
  20.                                | instructions, VGA programming, interrupt
  21.                                | list, DOS tables and formats, etc.
  22. BASICDOS.ZIP   130945  02-26-96  NitrousBasic for DOS.  A Basic
  23.                                | interpreter/compiler that builds native
  24.                                | 32-bit DOS .EXEs.  OS/2 and Windows NT
  25.                                | versions and source code also available. 
  26.                                | Author: Adrian J.  Michaud
  27. BASICMSD.ZIP   274962  02-26-96  Nitrous/Basic 1.0 for DOS.  A BASIC
  28.                                | Interpreter/Compiler that builds native DOS
  29.                                | EXEs.  OS/2 and Windows NT versions as well
  30.                                | as complete source code available. 
  31.                                | Shareware by Adrian Michaud
  32. BASICOMP.ZIP   275273  03-01-96  This archive includes all the files to
  33.                                | compile your .BAS files created in QBasic. 
  34.                                | it also includes my very own COMPILE.EXE to
  35.                                | help you with your compiling.  Yes, source
  36.                                | code is provided for COMPILE.EXE.  Archive
  37.                                | Includes: BRUN45.EXE, etc.
  38. BASICWNT.ZIP    87388  02-26-96  NitrousBasic for Windows NT.  A Basic
  39.                                | Interpreter/Compiler that builds native
  40.                                | 32-bit Windows NT .EXEs.  OS/2 and DOS
  41.                                | versions also available.  Complete Source
  42.                                | code available.  Lots of sample basic
  43.                                | programs included.  A great tool for
  44.                                | multi-platform tools/utilities.
  45. BITBLT.ZIP       5262  04-15-96  An example made in Visual Basic on how to
  46.                                | use the BitBlt API to transfer pictures.
  47. BR10TOUR.ZIP  1285844  03-08-96  BitRip 1.0 Tour.  A comprehensive slideshow
  48.                                | of the BitRip 1.0 software package.  BitRip
  49.                                | is the software you need to convert graphics
  50.                                | created in your favorite drawing program to
  51.                                | RIPscrip.  With BitRip, designing impressive
  52.                                | graphical menus and screens for your BBS is
  53.                                | easy!
  54. CMOD312.ZIP    111697  04-17-96  CapaMod 3.12 _THE_ MOD, S3M and XM player
  55.                                | for Gravis UltraSound.  Includes CapaPlay II
  56.                                | library for Assembler, C, Pascal and Basic.
  57. CPPNL001.ZIP     4345  02-14-96  C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 001, 10/95 by
  58.                                | Glen McClusky.  Contains the following: =
  59.                                | Introduction = Using C++ as a Better C Part
  60.                                | 1 - function prototypes = Introduction to
  61.                                | Namespaces Part 1 - introductory comments =
  62.                                | Performance - handling a common strcmp() case
  63. CPPNL002.ZIP     6505  02-14-96  C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 002, 11/95 by
  64.                                | Glen McClusky.  Contains the following: =
  65.                                | Using C++ as a Better C Part 2 - references
  66.                                | = Introduction to Namespaces Part 2 - using
  67.                                | namespace = Writing Robust C++ Code Part 1 -
  68.                                | assert() and subscript checking =
  69.                                | Performance - handling lots of small strings
  70.                                | via a C++ class
  71. CPPNL003.ZIP     4630  02-14-96  C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 003, 12/95 by
  72.                                | Glen McClusky.  Contains the following: =
  73.                                | World Wide Web Site = Introduction to
  74.                                | Namespaces Part 3 - unnamed namespaces =
  75.                                | Standard Template Library = Using C++ as a
  76.                                | Better C Part 3 - new/delete = Performance -
  77.                                | hidden constructor/destructor costs
  78. CPPNL004.ZIP     5761  02-14-96  C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 004, 01/96 by
  79.                                | Glen McClusky.  Contains the following: =
  80.                                | Introduction to C++ Namespaces Part 4 -
  81.                                | using declarations = Clarification of
  82.                                | New/Delete Example in Newsletter #003 =
  83.                                | Using C++ as a Better C Part 4 - Declaration
  84.                                | Statements = C++ and Java = Writing Robust
  85.                                | C++ Code Part 2 - Constructors and Integrity
  86.                                | Checking = Performance - Declaration
  87.                                | Statements
  88. CPPNL005.ZIP     5504  02-14-96  C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 005, 01/96 by
  89.                                | Glen McClusky.  Contains the following: =
  90.                                | Web Glossary = New Fundamental Type in C++ -
  91.                                | bool = Using C++ as a Better C Part 5 -
  92.                                | Function = Overloading = Book Review - The
  93.                                | Mythical Man Month = Example C++ Class -
  94.                                | Mean and Standard Deviation
  95. CPPNL006.ZIP     5124  02-14-96  C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 006, 02/96 by
  96.                                | Glen McClusky.  Contains the following: =
  97.                                | Introduction to Stream I/O Part 1 -
  98.                                | Overloading = Writing Robust C++ Code Part 3
  99.                                | - Stream I/O = Using C++ as a Better C Part
  100.                                | 6 - Operator Overloading = Stream I/O
  101.                                | Performance = Further Comment on New bool
  102.                                | Fundamental Type
  103. CPPNL007.ZIP     6216  03-05-96  C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 007, 03/96 by
  104.                                | Glen McClusky.  Contains the following: =
  105.                                | Introduction to Stream I/O Part 2 -
  106.                                | Formatting and Manipulators = Using C++ as a
  107.                                | Better C Part 7 - Inline Functions =
  108.                                | Programming Quiz = Performance - Stream I/O
  109.                                | Output
  110. CPPNL008.ZIP     6736  03-25-96  C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 008, 3/96 by
  111.                                | Glen McClusky.  Contains the following:
  112.                                | Virtual Functions in C++, Introduction to
  113.                                | Stream I/O Part 3 - Copying Files, Using C++
  114.                                | as a Better C Part 8 - Type Names, Answer to
  115.                                | Programming Quiz
  116. CPPNL009.ZIP     6609  04-17-96  Newsletter/Tutorial by Glen McCluskey. 
  117.                                | Issue 009, 4/96.  Contains the following:
  118.                                | Introduction to Templates Part 1 - Function
  119.                                | Templates, New C++ Feature - Member
  120.                                | Templates, Introduction to Stream I/O Part 4
  121.                                | Tie(), Using C++ as a Better C Part 9 Extern
  122.                                | "C" Correction
  123. CPPNL010.ZIP     7380  05-07-96  CPP Newsletter by Glen McCluskey, Issue #010
  124.                                | May, 1996, Contents: Introduction to
  125.                                | Templates Part 2 - Class Templates
  126.                                | Introduction to Stream I/O Part 5 -
  127.                                | Streambuf Using C++ as a Better C Part 10 -
  128.                                | General Initializers Performance - Per-class
  129.                                | New/Delete
  130. CPPSTUF.ZIP   2291785  03-21-96  Lots of libraries and includes for C++
  131.                                | Helpful resource if you deleted your files
  132. CRSSMK1S.ZIP    67689  02-19-96  Crosswords U-Create: Create, solve, and
  133.                                | print crosswords.
  134. CTLTK16.ZIP     49510  04-20-96  Control Toolkit v1.00: 16-bit add-in for
  135.                                | Visual Basic that assists in managing
  136.                                | controls in forms by providing a toolbar
  137. CUJ0596.ZIP     50262  03-12-96  C/C Users Journal, May 1996.
  138. DBET103E.ZIP    98009  02-16-96  Delphi database extension tools (components).
  139. DBFILL_B.ZIP    77216  03-24-96  DB-FILL creates randomly generated data for
  140.                                | data base system developers for load testing
  141. DDJ0696.ZIP    259689  04-08-96  Dr.  Dobbs Journal, June 1996.
  142. DISPCOM.ZIP     83956  03-04-96  C++ sample code for client/server apps
  143. DN0223.ZIP     176648  02-23-96  Delphi Newsletter 2/23/96
  144. DOCAID12.ZIP   224943  03-04-96  DOCAID v1.02 Documentation Aid for C in DOS. 
  145.                                | Analyses and aids documentation and
  146.                                | understanding of C progs.  Develops function
  147.                                | descriptions, hierarchy and cross-ref from
  148.                                | the C code itself.  Creates documentation
  149.                                | from program comments.  Supports K&R and
  150.                                | ANSI C.  Valuable aid for understanding
  151.                                | legacy software.Hypertext view of analysis
  152.                                | and into selected functions.MASYCOM
  153.                                | ConsultingInc.  US$29.  Phone orders &
  154.                                | credit cards.
  155. EI70.ZIP       260703  02-27-96  EASY INSTALL VERSION 7.0 Self Installing
  156.                                | Distribution Disk Maker.  Makes compressed
  157.                                | self installing disks for progam distribut
  158.                                | ion.  No script language to learn Just tell
  159.                                | it your program name and directory.  Packs
  160.                                | sub directories, displays readme file and
  161.                                | optionally starts program after install. 
  162.                                | Keywords: INSTALL SETUP COMPRESS
  163.                                | Registration 25
  164. EZDSL200.ZIP    80836  03-13-96  Easy" Data Structures Library of Linked
  165.                                | Lists, Queues, Etc.  Written For Borland's
  166.                                | Delphi Language.
  167. FCHEK270.ZIP   407195  03-23-96  Ftnchek (Short For Fortran Checker) V2.70 is
  168.                                | Designed to Detect Certain Errors in A
  169.                                | Fortran Program That A Compiler Usually Does
  170.                                | Not.
  171. FILE2INC.ZIP    12089  06-13-96  FILE2INC -- Convert any ordinary binary file
  172.                                | into an array recognizable by Pascal.  -Fire
  173.                                | Frog, May 1996-
  175.                                | *130* of the most helpful Assembly Language
  176.                                | Procedures, with FULL SOURCE CODE.  Almost
  177.                                | 7500 lines of code, fully commented, with
  178.                                | complete documentation.  FREELIB is public
  179.                                | domain, free for non-commercial use.
  180. GAMELIB.ZIP     85631  04-24-96  Graphics and keyboard functions for easy
  181.                                | creation of arcade games in Dos, VGA 256
  182.                                | colours using C.  Covers Pcx images, more.
  183. HEXIT098.ZIP    52129  03-24-96  HexIt v0.98 (C) 1996 by Mikael Klasson aka
  184.                                | Omega of Moment 22 Hex-editor featuring: A
  185.                                | nice setup-mode!  Comparing two files, both
  186.                                | for differences and similarities!  Viewing
  187.                                | the files as text!  (works really fine now!)
  188.                                | English and Swedish docs Extensive
  189.                                | online-help!  Advanced search- and
  190.                                | replace-facilities!  Jumping to a fileoffset
  191.                                | Clipboard with cut, copy and paste! 
  192.                                | Editing, incl inserting and deleting bytes! 
  193.                                | SplitScreen Filesizes up to your total
  194.                                | amount of free hi mem!  Up to 50 files in
  195.                                | memory!  Works well under MS-DOS, OS/2 and
  196.                                | Windows.  LOTS of bugfixes!  :) Coming soon:
  197.                                | A real texteditor, not only the text-viewer
  198.                                | Disassembling perhaps?
  199. HYMAKE31.ZIP   206013  03-04-96  HYMAKE v3.1 Automated MAKE utility for DOS. 
  200.                                | Describe your targets (.EXE and .LIB) with
  201.                                | simple 1 to 4 line HYMAKE definitions. 
  202.                                | HYMAKE automatically determines, from the C
  203.                                | source code, which modules need to be
  204.                                | remade.  Auto-setup for Turbo,
  205.                                | Borland,Microsoft.  User may adjust for
  206.                                | others.Also shows dependencies in
  207.                                | Hypertext.Fast,reliable and memory-
  208.                                | efficient.MASYCOM Consulting Inc. 
  209.                                | US$24.Phone orders, credit cards.
  210. II201.ZIP      318204  05-01-96  INSTALLIT!  is a DOS application installer,
  211.                                | extremely easy to use, no script language,
  212.                                | many features, occupies only 27K on disk. 
  213.                                | Built-in decompression, and other utilities
  214.                                | included.  Registration key gives you access
  215.                                | to free updates as they are released.  $25US
  216.                                | ] COFFEE MUG SOFTWARE ]
  217. KBSTF10.ZIP     34840  04-03-96  Keyboard utilities with C/ASM sources by
  218.                                | Luigi Mancinelli.
  219. KINSTW27.ZIP   120559  06-05-96  K-INSTALL for Windows v2.7 by ARK ANGLES - A
  220.                                | powerful, versatile and robust installation
  221.                                | program for both DOS and Windows software. 
  222.                                | Handles multi disk and partial installs,
  223.                                | archive unpacking, replace or append to
  224.                                | files, autoexec.bat, config.sys, INI file
  225.                                | and Program Manager updating, comprehensive
  226.                                | un- install, and lots more!  Highly
  227.                                | customisable, with attractive screens. 
  228.                                | Professional edition also available.
  229. LIBKB090.ZIP   252721  03-23-96  Libkb - a free, advanced and portable
  230.                                | low-level keyboard library for MSDOS and
  231.                                | Linux.  Allows access to ALL keys and combos
  232.                                | Ideal for games programming.
  233. LOADNAME.ZIP     3790  03-27-96  SUB LoadNames.  (27 Mar 1996, $0, Joe
  234.                                | Negron).  Demonstrates the use of native
  235.                                | QuickBASIC and DOS interrupt calls to load
  236.                                | filenames into an array.  Public Domain.
  237. M4KIT11.ZIP    497005  04-22-96  METAKIT v1.1 C++ classes for persistent
  238.                                | structured data.  Features: on-demand
  239.                                | loading, commit/rollback, serialized I/O,
  240.                                | simple API in a few C++ classes.  With
  241.                                | hypertext intro & Winhelp API reference
  242.                                | guide.  No royalties.  Src examples:
  243.                                | disk/ftp cats, Winsock cli/srv. 
  244.                                | Win32/Win16/Dos DLLs/LIBs included for MFC. 
  245.                                | New in 1.1: CatFish, sort/search, faster.
  246. MALLOC15.ZIP    31193  04-18-96  12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
  247.                                | 5 (version 1.5) malloc15 - Memory leak
  248.                                | checker Drop in replacement for the
  249.                                | malloc\free found in MSVC 1.5 (aka 8.00c),
  250.                                | it checks for rouge pointers, buffer
  251.                                | overflows and memory leaks.  It is a drop in
  252.                                | replacement, not a wrapper.  Versions also
  253.                                | exist for SCO Unix and HP-UX, SunOS and AIX. 
  254.                                | Shareware - njh@smsltd.demon.co.uk.
  255. MONY_120.ZIP    43247  03-21-96  Mony MDA Monchrome display device driver for
  256.                                | application programmers AND device driver
  257.                                | programmers.
  258. MULTIKIT.ZIP   347089  03-01-96  Pascal 7.0 multimedia programming kit
  259. NXDV99_3.ZIP    39515  06-29-96  Nexus Third Party Development Kit Revision
  260.                                | 0.99.03 - Pre-release version of the Nexus
  261.                                | Development Kit.  This includes information
  262.                                | regarding file formats and other
  263.                                | information.  Turbo Pascal structures
  264.                                | included.
  265. N_B_V200.ZIP   586738  03-11-96  Nutz 'n Boltz v2.0 for PowerBASIC.  REQUIRES
  266.                                | 386 or higher and PB v3.2+ This collection
  267.                                | of libraries covers string handling, text
  268.                                | mode, SCREEN 12, and much, much more.  There
  269.                                | is pop-up help and demo code for all
  270.                                | routines and many, many text files with
  271.                                | tips, tricks & expanded discussion on the
  272.                                | routines.  DASoft - Vertical Software
  273.                                | Solutions
  274. PATPNT09.ZIP    22643  02-21-96  Pat Paint v 0.9: Editor for creating screens
  275.                                | for Borland, Turbo, & Microsoft C.  Make
  276.                                | detailed screens for your C/C++ program
  277.                                | without using millions of print's, goto's
  278.                                | and color changes in your code.  Great for
  279.                                | title screens
  280. PBS_V15.ZIP    197090  05-18-96  PBstring v1.50 2- String remover - DGROUP
  281.                                | saver extrodinaire!  FASTER, SAFER, and MORE
  282.                                | COMPLETE than any other string remover. 
  283.                                | Handles C's escape codes and replacement
  284.                                | parameters properly.  You gotta see this to
  285.                                | believe it.  Comes with SETUP.EXE, a string
  286.                                | replacement, and configuration editing
  287.                                | programs.
  289.                                | BASIC / WINDOWS.  (PCLVBW10.ZIP) February
  290.                                | 1996, Version 1.0, <ASP>.  Async comm
  291.                                | library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200
  292.                                | baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb
  293.                                | multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt
  294.                                | driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART
  295.                                | address using IRQ2 thru IRQ15.  Requires
  296.                                | Microsoft Visual BASIC / Win.  By
  297.                                | MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.  $75.
  298. PGTRAY10.ZIP   140801  03-14-96  Trial version of the TPGTrayIcon95
  299.                                | component.  It allows you to design and test
  300.                                | applications before actually purchasing the
  301.                                | component.  You must purchase the registered
  302.                                | version if you wish to distribute your
  303.                                | applications.
  304. PJP32.ZIP      197890  07-18-96  Visual basic source code printer.
  305. PRTREP41.ZIP  1041715  03-22-96  Printit!  4.1 Report And File Print
  306.                                | Components For Delphi.
  307. PTOOL121.ZIP   187061  04-26-96  Panther Tools v1.2 by Waheed Al-Sayer. 
  308.                                | Panther tools are a set of components and
  309.                                | experts for Borland Delphi.  They ease the
  310.                                | development of applications without typing
  311.                                | any code.  First released, Feb.  1996.  This
  312.                                | is the second release Apr.  1996.
  313. PTOOLS12.ZIP   187218  04-21-96  Panther Tools v1.2 by Waheed Al-Sayer. 
  314.                                | Panther tools are a set of components and
  315.                                | experts for Borland Delphi.  They ease the
  316.                                | development of applications without typing
  317.                                | any code.  Second release Apr.  1996.
  318. QB_TB.ZIP       28983  04-09-96  QB-TB converts QBASIC code into TURBO BASIC
  319.                                | Code
  320. QF35S.ZIP      101447  02-21-96  QuietFlight v3.5 Shareware Demo: Programming
  321.                                | and xBase Tools add-on for TSE Pro 2.5! 
  322.                                | Features: Where Am I?, Window Coordinates,
  323.                                | Screen Counter, Revert file to original,
  324.                                | Save all modified files, View DBF
  325.                                | structures, Re-flow source code, Insert
  326.                                | Color Codes from Table, update coordinates
  327.                                | in source code, and *much* more!
  328. RADPAS13.ZIP    12080  02-25-96  RADPas v1.3 allows you to incorporate
  329.                                | Reality ADlib Tracker v1.x music into Turbo
  330.                                | Pascal 7 programs with extreme ease.  Full
  331.                                | source code.
  332. RAVEN157.ZIP   662796  03-21-96  Raven 1.56 Text Management Systems allows
  333.                                | you to organize and manage multiple text
  334.                                | files which you re-use frequently.  Perfect
  335.                                | as a source code librarian for programmers,
  336.                                | as a FAQ tool for email and forum support,
  337.                                | and a document preparation utility for
  338.                                | business writing, legal documents, etc.
  339. SIBC13.ZIP      97625  04-24-96  SYSTEM INFO LIBRARY for Borland C++: 90
  340.                                | routines for returning various system
  341.                                | related information including PENTIUM
  342.                                | detection, CPU speed, DblSpace and Stacker
  343.                                | information, UART detection, '386 Memory
  344.                                | Manager Detection, Network information and
  345.                                | more.
  346. SIQB13.ZIP      83800  04-24-96  SYSTEM INFO LIBRARY for QuickBASIC: 89
  347.                                | routines for returning various system
  348.                                | related information including PENTIUM
  349.                                | detection, CPU speed, DblSpace and Stacker
  350.                                | information, UART detection, '386 Memory
  351.                                | Manager Detection, Network information and
  352.                                | more.  Shareware ($39) by Paul Lapsansky
  353. SM099C.ZIP     272930  05-19-96  Source Mapper v0.99c OS/2 and DOS utility to
  354.                                | make a useful (human readable) map of your
  355.                                | C-style source codes.  You can generate a
  356.                                | map of a single sourcefile, or you can have
  357.                                | SM generate a map of a huge project that
  358.                                | consists of many source files.  The produced
  359.                                | map is espesially useful when you need to
  360.                                | document the source(s) of your project. 
  361.                                | I've also found it helpful when digging into
  362.                                | sources written by others.
  363. SOFTL300.ZIP    35116  04-24-96  Softool powerful TSR tool that offers
  364.                                | programmers and others: an ASCII table, a
  365.                                | memory viewer with disassembler, a 32-bit
  366.                                | calculator, a register viewer, a MCB viewer,
  367.                                | an interrupt viewer, a register viewer, a
  368.                                | scan code viewer
  369. SQCPS22.ZIP     90487  04-26-96  SQCPS Copy Protection System SQCPS protects
  370.                                | your programs against illegal copying. 
  371.                                | SQCPS is based on diskettes, which are
  372.                                | especially marked and cannot be duplicated. 
  373.                                | SQCPS diskettes can store up to 4000 bytes
  374.                                | of licensing information, which can be
  375.                                | accessed from various programming languages
  376.                                | (C, COBOL, VISUAL BASIC, CLIPPER, etc)
  377. STR1005B.ZIP    11974  03-23-96  Renegade Pascal Structs for the soon to be
  378.                                | released bug fix 10-31 Version.  Straight
  379.                                | from Cott Lang's board.
  380. STUPGAM1.ZIP   348056  02-22-96  *>*>*STUPID GAMES IN BASIC VOL.  1 GORILLA,
  381.                                | NIBBLES, JUMANJI, COLLECT, POKER SQUARES,
  382.                                | TREE MASSACRE, BEAT THE DEVIL SOLITAIRE.  7
  383.                                | stupid games in QuickBasic, good intro.  to
  384.                                | the language and game programming for
  385.                                | beginners.  Source (.BAS) files, and
  386.                                | compiled (.EXE) files included.
  387. SWAG9602.ZIP   979038  02-29-96  NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 02/29/96.  From
  388.                                | Sourceware Archival Group.  Updated version
  389.                                | of READER.EXE v3.12 and DOC files.  Will
  390.                                | automatically update .SWG files on your
  391.                                | disk.  SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
  392.                                | collection of source code and program
  393.                                | examples for the PASCAL language.  Contains
  394.                                | 58 catagories covering every aspect of
  395.                                | PASCAL.  One of the MOST complete PASCAL
  396.                                | reference libraries available.  This is ONLY
  397.                                | the update.  Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS
  398.                                | snipets to date.
  399. TPTUTR0F.ZIP   110326  03-03-96  Glenn Grotzinger's Instructional Tutorials
  400.                                | on Turbo Pascal.
  401. TPTUTR0I.ZIP   155358  03-22-96  Glenn Grotzinger's Instructional Tutorials
  402.                                | on Turbo Pascal.
  403. TSFAQP31.ZIP    98598  04-28-96  Prof.  Timo Salmi's answers to Frequently
  404.                                | Asked Questions about common Turbo Pascal
  405.                                | programming.  Does not cover object
  406.                                | oriented, protected mode, Turbo Vision or
  407.                                | Delphi questions.
  408. VBCAL32.ZIP     27633  04-17-96  VBCALENDAR - Modify the code however you
  409.                                | want, don't re-distribute under the same
  410.                                | name {VBCAL32.ZIP}.  You can replace all
  411.                                | references to the year.  It's all very easy
  412.                                | once you look at the code.  Win95
  413. VBCOLOR3.ZIP    22830  04-17-96  Color demo - Feel free to modify the code
  414.                                | however you want, but don't re-distribute
  415.                                | under the same name {VBColor32.ZIP} Win95
  416. VBWIZ40.ZIP    365846  04-29-96  VBWiz 4.0 The project generation system for
  417.                                | Visual Basic 4.0 (32-bit).  Save time and
  418.                                | effort by getting your VB projects off to a
  419.                                | flying start with VBWiz.  VBWiz lets you
  420.                                | build your entire project framework in less
  421.                                | than a minute by following five simple
  422.                                | steps.  VBWiz creates your MDI and SDI
  423.                                | forms, menus, toolbar and buttons and
  424.                                | statusbar along with your customized About
  425.                                | box.  All the code neccessary to run your
  426.                                | app straight away is created in seconds. 
  427.                                | This will save you days if not weeks in
  428.                                | development time.  Requires Visual Basic 4.0
  429.                                | (32-bit).  SWREG# 10529.
  430. VDMV7N1.ZIP   1253654  03-29-96  Visual Developer Magazine v7 #1 sources
  431. WALK32_1.ZIP   274991  03-17-96  Write large WinNT and Win95 programs in ASM. 
  432.                                | tools, and lots of samples.  MASM 6.xx
  433.                                | (ML.required.  Extensive doc included.  This
  434.                                | is PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE.
  435. YG407W95.ZIP    85770  05-08-96  YGrep Search Engine v4.07 This is a powerful
  436.                                | 32-bit library able to search text using
  437.                                | regular expressions as well as approximative
  438.                                | descriptions of the pattern.  Allows search
  439.                                | (grep), replace (substitute).  For Borland,
  440.                                | Visual and others.  Please remove v4.06
  441.                                | which has a bug in approximative search
  442.                                | (with 2 or + errors).