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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-01-01  |  9KB  |  640x400  |  4-bit (7 colors)
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OCR: .... ......... Article Title: Programmer's Notes Author: Terminal Entry 0% 100% . :: Programmer's Notes :: . The source code to this magazine was coded entirely in Turbo Pascal 6.0 (yes, 6.0, I'm not an idiot, and I don't need the "idiot-proof colors" of Turbo Pascal 7.0 : ) ) and it consists of a few days of work. The article viewer uses a linked list file loader that can handle articles as big as your memory will let it, and not be limited to the 64k barrier that would be imposed on an array. None of the articles came close to 64k in this issue, but it's planning for the future. The ansi viewer uses converted pictures in a binary format, to allow scrolling in the picture. The VGA viewer is .. well .. a VGA viewer I guess : ). As much as I would have liked to include it, there is no MOD file support in this issue. The only way I could have done it would have been to use something like Goldplay by the Codeblasters, which is an excellent re-player, Press ESC to Exit - Up and Down Arrow Keys to Scroll