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Text File  |  1998-10-11  |  5KB  |  63 lines

  1.                                                                        :::
  2.                                           ::::::::: :::::::::::: :::.::::.
  3.                                  ...:::  :::: ....._:::: ::: :::  :::::::
  4. .------------------------------- :::::  ::::::::'`:::::. :::    .:::: ::: -|
  5. |                                  ::: ::::::::    ::::: :::    ::::..     ..
  6. |         ______                   ::::::: `::::..:::::          ..::: ..::::
  7. |_        \    /_____ _____        `:::::     `:::::'         ,:::::'   :::::
  8. _/-- ╖ --//    _    /_\  _/_____ -- ___ ----------------------::::::::..:::::
  9. |        /_____/_____    )     /____\_ )__      __               ``²:::::::::
  10. |                   /___________     _   /______\/______beam#3 votesheet `:::
  11. |_avebm                        /____ /____\     \/     /                   |
  12. |---------------------------------------  /____\__/____\ ------------------|
  13. |_                                                                        _|
  14. _/                                                                        \_
  15. |  ok, here is the votesheet for beam #3. please fill it out and spread it |
  16. |  to others, so we get the most representative overview over today's      |
  17. |  artscene.                                                               |
  18. |                                                                          |
  19. |  please don't vote for yourself or for your group (you can of course     |
  20. |  vote for other members) and fill out just one sheet. thanks.            |
  21. |                                                                          |
  22. |  send the filled out votesheets back to:  beam.mag@gmx.net               |
  23. |                                                                          ╖
  24. .                                                   (( beam staff -,____   |
  25. |                                                                       '  |
  26. `>-- top 3 ansi artists ----------------------------------------------- ╖ -)
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  28. |            h a n d l e             g r o u p                             |
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  33. +--- top 3 ascii artists ---------------------------------------------- ╖ -:
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  35. |            h a n d l e             g r o u p                             |
  36. |   ╖  1.                                                                  |
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  39. |                                                                         _|
  40. \--- top 3 vga artists ------------------------------------------------ ╖ \-
  41. |                                                                          |
  42. |            h a n d l e             g r o u p                             |
  43. |   ╖  1.                                                                  |
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  45. |   ╖  3.                                                                  |
  46. |                                                                          !
  47. .)-- top 3 artgroups -------------------------------------------------- u -.
  48. |                                                                          |
  49. |            h a n d l e             g r o u p                             |
  50. |   ╖  1.                                                                  |
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  53. |_                                                                        _|
  54. -/-- general comments, suggestions about beam ----------------------------\-
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  56. |   ╖                                                                      |
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  62. |_                                                                         |
  63.   /------------------------------------------------------------------------'