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OCR: Andy Woods' "Point Of View": Page 1 of 13 KK Parent > > >> Writing Your Own Shareware Software Shareware computing's software is one of off for some over-priced software they Imagine if you could go to your local great achievements, May never use. While the programmer gets an easy way to distribute high street electrical store and walk home with a Walkman, If after using software with none of the risks of advertising and investment. the Walkman for a month, you liked it, you would go back to the shop and pay Now them for it. On the other hand if you if you are a programmer out there and are thinking about muddying your were not happy with it you could just own feet in the torrid world of throw it away or give it to a friend. shareware then read this. I The only difference between this written this short article from my own have Walkman and one which you pay for in experiences in shareware. If you are a advance is that there is no stupid box or free headphones. shareware author then this may help you as well, or if you disagree with The above may sound silly, but it what I say then write in and tell me! describes roughly how shareware works. The Walkman is probably about the same Is There Money In Shareware? price as many top shareware packages. Programming anything is a lot of work Shareware İs attractive to the (if done properly). So if you were consumer because it means they can thinking of making a fortune from protect themselves from being ripped shareware then think again. However if Contents Index