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OCR: What's Where: Page 2 of 2 CONTENTS > >>> Index Microbes - Arcade Game Review, SUBSCRIPTIONS - How to subscribe to NEXT ISSUE - Promises for the next Amy PD Review, issue of Amy PD Review. ^^ The Talisman - Adventure game Odyssey - Demo review. review. Piece Of Mind Demo review. RemapInfo - Utility review, ^^ USING MAG - How to use the magazine. REVIEWS - What's worth getting, WHAT'S PD - Shareware, freeware and SHAREWARE - Shareware address file. public domain software explained. Sounds Of Gnome - Music review. MA Window Tiler - Utility review. Space Film - Slideshow review. World Data Bank II - Map maker review. Space Wars - Video review. SUBMISSIONS - How to get your ^^ World War II Hyperbook - Educational software review, software reviewed. Contents 1