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Portable Network Graphic  |  2000-01-01  |  5KB  |  320x240  |  4-bit (8 colors)
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OCR: [ Alch News I bet Many of you were thinking that Alchnews was coming to an end - what with the delays and such. This is not the case. The Hove(s) went well at the end of 1999 and things are starting to return to normal. More on that in the news section. The scene is still very quiet, with the exception of the ever increasing strength, size and regularity of CRASHED Magazine. I don't think it's ever been at it's finest or Most popular and it is all down to Dave Fountain. Hin, Myself , Claus Jahn and Andy Ryals are the last Magazine producers now. The big issue on the internet at the Moment is a group called the ISDA who are working with old software houses to close down retro sites. Further details are in this issue. The Ed.